Crickhowell C.P. is located in Crickhowell, Powys , , NP8 1DH. School was established in date .
Crickhowell C.P. is a Primary school. Head Teacher of this school is . This school is a Nursery, Infants & Juniors and is identified by establishment number #None.
School Name | Crickhowell C.P. |
School Number | None |
Phase Of Education | Primary |
School Type | Nursery, Infants & Juniors |
Status Of Establishment | |
Establishment Date |
Complete Address | Crickhowell C.P. School, Crickhowell, Powys, , NP8 1DH |
Locality | Powys |
Street | Crickhowell |
Town | |
County | |
Country | Wales |
Postcode | NP8 1DH |
Admissions Policy | |
Highest Age | None |
Lowest Age | None |
Sixth Form Policy | |
Specific Gender | |
Religious Character | --- |
Religious Ethos |
Headteacher | |
Local Authority | Powys |
Telephone | 01873 810300 |
Website / Email_Address | |
Mailing Address | Crickhowell C.P. School, Crickhowell, Powys, , NP8 1DH |