110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property 110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 110 Primity Crescent
Complete Address 110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB
Type Residential
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 2750 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1973
No Of Rooms 7
No Of Baths 3
Pet Rules All kind of legal pets are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, is a residential property located in New Buildings Ward of Derry City and Strabane District, Northern Ireland. The property is a Detached House with 7 rooms and 3 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 14 people. The Size of the property is 2750 square ft It was constructed in 1973, age of the property is 50 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 394,000 - 590,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, is at the height of 34 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 54.95632600, -7.35241400.

Get Directions To 110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. BT47 2RB Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY,
Derry City and Strabane, New Buildings, Northern Ireland
BT47 2RB

Locality Information

The locality type is n/a. According to the 2011 census, 31.24% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode BT47 2RB has a population of 177. The locality has 70 properties. Out of which 70 are residential properties and 0 business properties. There are 2 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 54.95632600
Longitude -7.35241400
Northing 575528
Easting 57500
Altitude 34 Meters
Postcode Area BT
Postcode District BT47
Postcode Sector BT47 2

Administrative Areas

Country Northern Ireland
County N/A
District Derry City and Strabane
Ward New Buildings
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Foyle
Region Northern Ireland

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
St Columba's Primary School BT47 2QS
Newbuildings Primary School BT47 2RL

Work Place

Area Name Derry

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force (pseudo) Northern Ireland
Water Company Northern Ireland Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

394,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £394,000 - £590,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Companies Located Near 110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB



131 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, BT47 2QL



147 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT47 2RB



Unit F5, Newbuildings Industrial Estate, Derry, Derry, United Kingdom BT47 2SX



Ballyorr, New Buildings Industrial Estate, Newbuildings, United Kingdom BT47 2SX



Ballyorr, Newbuildings, Londonderry, United Kingdom BT47 2SX



Newbuildings Industrial Estate, Victoria Road, Londonderry, Co Londonderry, BT47 2SX



Unit F5 Newbuildings Industrial Estate, Newbuildings, Derry, Northern Ireland BT47 2SX



Unit 7 F3 Victoria Road, Newbuildings, Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT47 2SX



3 Edgewater, Victoria Road, Londonderry, BT47 2TE



89c Victoria Road, Newbuildings, Londonderry, United Kingdom BT47 2TH

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 110 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

DUNN, Adele Kathleen Elizabeth

DUNN, Adele Kathleen Elizabeth

28 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londodnerry, BT47 2QL

DUNNE, Adele Kathleen Elizabeth

DUNNE, Adele Kathleen Elizabeth Company Director

28, Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT47 2QL


KIRKWOOD, Mervyn Retired

70, Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT47 2QL

CRAIG, David

CRAIG, David

63, Duncastle Park, New Buildings, Londonderry, Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT47 2QL


CAMPBELL, Lynne Product Solutions Engineer

104 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, N Ireland, BT47 2QL

OLPHERT, Diane Hazel

OLPHERT, Diane Hazel Property Developer

102, Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT47 2QL

GAMBLE, Elizabeth

GAMBLE, Elizabeth Part-Time Bank Official

53 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, BT47 2QL

GRAHAM, Alasdair

GRAHAM, Alasdair British Telecom Technician

152 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, BT47 2QL

MCFEETERS, William Alexander

MCFEETERS, William Alexander Fire Fighter

146 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, BT47 2QL

ALEXANDER, John Raymond

ALEXANDER, John Raymond Retired

136 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Londonderry, Co Londonderry, BT47 2QL

Other Properties in BT47 2RB

96 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

96 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

98 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

98 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

100 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

100 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

102 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

102 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

104 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

104 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

106 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

106 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

108 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

108 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

112 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

112 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

114 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

114 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

116 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

116 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

118 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

118 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

120 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

120 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

122 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

122 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

124 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

124 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

126 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

126 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

128 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

128 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

130 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

130 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

132 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

132 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

134 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

134 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

136 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

136 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

138 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

138 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

140 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

140 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

142 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

142 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

144 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

144 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

146 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

146 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

148 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

148 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

150 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

150 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

152 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

152 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

154 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

154 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

156 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

156 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

158 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

158 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

160 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

160 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

162 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

162 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

164 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

164 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

166 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

166 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

168 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

168 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

170 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

170 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

172 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

172 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

174 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

174 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

176 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

176 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

178 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

178 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

180 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

180 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

182 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

182 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

184 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

184 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

186 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

186 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

188 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

188 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

190 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

190 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

192 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

192 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

194 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

194 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

196 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

196 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

198 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

198 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

200 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

200 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

202 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

202 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

204 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

204 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

206 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

206 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

208 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

208 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

210 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

210 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

212 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

212 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

214 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

214 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

216 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

216 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

218 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

218 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

220 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

220 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

222 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

222 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

224 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

224 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

226 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

226 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

228 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

228 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

230 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

230 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

232 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

232 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold

234 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

234 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, LONDONDERRY, BT47 2RB

Never Sold