130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 130 The Crofts
Complete Address 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ
Type Residential
Property Structure Flat
Growth Rate in Valuation 105.46% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £97528 - £310179
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1994
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Not allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, is a residential property located in Solway Coast Ward of Cumberland District, England. The property is a Flat with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1994, age of the property is 29 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 97528 - 310179 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, is at the height of 9 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 54.86403700, -3.38851400.

Get Directions To 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. CA7 4EZ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON,
Cumberland, Solway Coast, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Silloth Town area. The locality type is rural town and fringe in a sparse setting. According to the 2011 census, 28.83% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode CA7 4EZ has a population of 163. The locality has 68 properties. Out of which 68 are residential properties and 0 business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 54.86403700
Longitude -3.38851400
Northing 553023
Easting 310977
Altitude 9 Meters
Postcode Area CA
Postcode District CA7
Postcode Sector CA7 4

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Cumbria
District Cumberland
Ward Solway Coast
Parish Silloth-on-Solway
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Workington
Region North West

Railway Station

Station Aspatria
Distance To Station 7.60 mi

Work Place

Area Name Carlisle
Average Income £34000

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Cumbria
Water Company United Utilities
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

There has been average growth of 105.46% for all properties in CA7 4EZ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 310179 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 163918 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 123397 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 97528 GBP.

£97528 - £310179 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £97528 - £310179
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £162835

Public Transport Near 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
The Cumberland Inn
no 8 (o/s), Prospect Place, Greenrow
119.00 metres
The Cumberland Inn
The Cumberland Inn (opp), B5300, Greenrow
123.69 metres
The Crofts
entrance (at), B5300, Greenrow
182.99 metres
The Crofts
The Crofts (opp), B5300, Greenrow
187.22 metres
Stanwix Holiday Park Entrance
Near Erina (opp), B5300, Blitterlees
317.72 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Aspatria Rail Station
12.25 km
Wigton Rail Station
14.91 km
Annan Rail Station
15.59 km

Companies Located Near 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ



Fish And Chips, Green Row, Silloth, United Kingdom CA7 4HS



Langley, Greenrow, Silloth, Cumbria, England CA7 4JD



Beech House Blitterlees, Silloth, Wigton, England CA7 4JJ



Beech House Blitterlees, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 4JJ



Beech House, Blitterlees, Silloth, Cumbria, United Kingdom CA7 4JJ

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 130 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ


CARRUTHERS, Jamie Plumber

48 The Crofts, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, United Kingdom CA7 4EZ


KESKIN, Osman Company Director

Fish And Chips, Green Row, Silloth, United Kingdom CA7 4HS

SEARLE, Carolyne Elizabeth

SEARLE, Carolyne Elizabeth Education Officer

15 Greenrow Meadows, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 4HY

WILSON, Deborah

WILSON, Deborah

32, Greenrow Meadows, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, United Kingdom CA7 4HY

WILSON, Debbie

WILSON, Debbie

32, Greenrow Meadows, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 4HY

HOLDER, Henry Glen

HOLDER, Henry Glen Director

32, Greenrow Meadows, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 4HY

WILSON, Liam Michael

WILSON, Liam Michael Works Foreman

32, Greenrow Meadows, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 4HY

BERRY, Jennifer

BERRY, Jennifer Front End Development

Langley, Greenrow, Silloth, Cumbria, England CA7 4JD

NORMAN, Arthur Frederick

NORMAN, Arthur Frederick Company Director

The Beeches, Blitterlees, Silloth, Carlisle, Cumbria, England CA7 4JJ

SCOTT, Frank

SCOTT, Frank Builder

Beech House,, Blitterlees, Silloth, Cumbria, CA7 4JJ

Other Properties in CA7 4EZ

25 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

25 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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27 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

27 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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29 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

29 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

31 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

31 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£92,500

33 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

33 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

35 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

35 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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37 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

37 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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39 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

39 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£97,000

41 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

41 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£36,500

42 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

42 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

43 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

43 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

44 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

44 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

45 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

45 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

46 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

46 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

47 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

47 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£67,500

48 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

48 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

49 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

49 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

50 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

50 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

51 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

51 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

52 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

52 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

53 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

53 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

54 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

54 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

55 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

55 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

56 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

56 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

57 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

57 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

58 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

58 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£125,000

59 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

59 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

60 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

60 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£101,500

61 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

61 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

62 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

62 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£85,000

63 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

63 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

64 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

64 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

65 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

65 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£135,000

66 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

66 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

67 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

67 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£135,000

68 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

68 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£129,500

68a The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

68a The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£20,000

68b The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

68b The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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70 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

70 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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72 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

72 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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74 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

74 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£56,517

76 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

76 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£126,000

78 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

78 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£60,000

80 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

80 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

82 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

82 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£105,000

84 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

84 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

98 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

98 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£67,000

100 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

100 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£38,000

102 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

102 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

104 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

104 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

106 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

106 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

108 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

108 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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110 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

110 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£70,000

112 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

112 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£82,000

114 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

114 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

116 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

116 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

118 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

118 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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120 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

120 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

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122 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

122 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

124 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

124 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

126 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

126 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

128 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

128 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

132 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

132 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

134 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

134 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

136 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

136 The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Last Sold At:£95,000

136a The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

136a The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold

136b The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

136b The Crofts, Silloth, WIGTON, CA7 4EZ

Never Sold