159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 159 North Court
Complete Address 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 4300 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1994

Detail Information Of The Property 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, is a business property located in Tillydrone/Seaton/Old Aberdeen Ward of Aberdeen City District, Scotland. The Size of the property is 4300 square ft. It was constructed in 1994, age of the property is 29 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 423,000 - 695,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, is at the height of 24 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 57.17676600, -2.10516400.

Get Directions To 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. AB24 1WP Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN,
Aberdeen City, Tillydrone/Seaton/Old Aberdeen, Scotland
AB24 1WP

Locality Information

The locality type is large urban area. According to the 2011 census, 88.75% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode AB24 1WP has a population of N/A. The locality has 37 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 57.17676600
Longitude -2.10516400
Northing 809553
Easting 393741
Altitude 24 Meters
Postcode Area AB
Postcode District AB24
Postcode Sector AB24 1

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District Aberdeen City
Ward Tillydrone/Seaton/Old Aberdeen
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Aberdeen North
Region Scotland

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Scotstown School AB22 8HH
Pupil Support Service AB22 8JS
Seaton School AB24 1XE

Railway Station

Station Aberdeen
Distance To Station 2.30 mi

Work Place

Area Name Aberdeen

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

423,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £423,000 - £695,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Kinord Circle
Kincord Circle (opp), Balgownie Road, Bridge of Don
218.12 metres
Hillhead Student Village
Hillhead Student Village (at), Unclassified Road, Old Aberdeen
219.97 metres
Kinord Circle
Kincord Circle (at), Balgownie Road, Bridge of Don
247.04 metres
Balgownie Road
Balgownie Road (opp), Balgownie Road, Bridge of Don
372.84 metres
Balgownie Drive
Balgownie Drive (at), Balgownie Road, Bridge of Don
403.56 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Aberdeen Ferry Terminal
Off Market Street, Aberdeen
3.65 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Aberdeen Rail Station
3.70 km
Dyce Rail Station
6.17 km
Portlethen Rail Station
12.91 km


Airport Location Distance
Aberdeen Airport
Aberdeen Airport
6.48 km

Companies Located Near 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP



654 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 1SL



680 680 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 1SL



680 King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL



680 King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL



680 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 1SL



660 King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL



159 North Court University Of Aberdeen Don Street, Old Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1WP



5a Alexander Terrace, 35 Thistle Court, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB24 2QT



120 Formartine Road, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 2RA



12d Alexander Terrace, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 2RF

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 159 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP


JATELOVA, Zuzana Community Development Worker

680, 680 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 1SL

MAIN, Margaret Jessie Campbell

MAIN, Margaret Jessie Campbell Retired

680, 680 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 1SL


MCCALLUM, Forbes Retired

680, 680 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 1SL

PAYNE, Ruth, Dr

PAYNE, Ruth, Dr Retired

680, 680 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 1SL

MACARTHUR, Mandy Elizabeth

MACARTHUR, Mandy Elizabeth

680, King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL

BALLANCE, Marcie Marion

BALLANCE, Marcie Marion Director Of Asset Management

680, King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL

MACARTHUR, Mandy Elizabeth

MACARTHUR, Mandy Elizabeth Chartered Accountant

680, King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL

GAULD, Helen Coutts

GAULD, Helen Coutts

680, King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL

MACFARLAN, Lynne Margaret

MACFARLAN, Lynne Margaret

680, King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL

MACARTHUR, Mandy Elizabeth

MACARTHUR, Mandy Elizabeth

680, King Street, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB24 1SL

Other Properties in AB24 1WP

133 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

133 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

134 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

134 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

135 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

135 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

136 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

136 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

137 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

137 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

138 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

138 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

139 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

139 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

140 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

140 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

141 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

141 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

142 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

142 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

143 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

143 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

144 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

144 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

145 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

145 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

146 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

146 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

147 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

147 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

148 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

148 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

149 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

149 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

150 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

150 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

151 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

151 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

152 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

152 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

153 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

153 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

154 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

154 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

155 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

155 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

156 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

156 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

157 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

157 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

158 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

158 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

160 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

160 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

161 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

161 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

162 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

162 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

163 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

163 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

164 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

164 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

165 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

165 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

166 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

166 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

167 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

167 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

168 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

168 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold

169 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

169 North Court, University of Aberdeen, Don Street, Old Aberdeen, ABERDEEN, AB24 1WP

Never Sold