166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 166 Phoenix Way
Complete Address 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX
Type Residential
Property Structure Semi Detached
Growth Rate in Valuation 215.46% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £11,139,071.29 (considering average growth)
Last Sale Date 2007-08-30
Last Sale Price £279,995
Lease Type Freehold
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1961
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Only cats are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, is a residential property located in Portishead East Ward of North Somerset District, England. This property is of Semi Detached type, and the current ownership type is Freehold. The previous owner last sold this property on 2007-08-30 for £279,995. During the last transfer of ownership, the seller mentioned no new construction. This property has been sold 1 time(s) in the last 25 years.

166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, is at the height of 7 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.48829000, -2.75378100.

Get Directions To 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. BS20 7JX Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL,
North Somerset, Portishead East, England
BS20 7JX

Locality Information

The property is located in the Portishead Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 56.61% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode BS20 7JX has a population of 9. The locality has 100 properties. Out of which 2 are residential properties and 98 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.48829000
Longitude -2.75378100
Northing 176863
Easting 347760
Altitude 7 Meters
Postcode Area BS
Postcode District BS20
Postcode Sector BS20 7

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Somerset
District North Somerset
Ward Portishead East
Parish Portishead
Local Authority N/A
Constituency North Somerset
Region South West

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Trinity Anglican-Methodist Primary School BS20 7JF

Railway Station

Station Avonmouth
Distance To Station 2.48 mi

Work Place

Area Name Bristol
Average Income £45800

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Avon and Somerset
Water Company Bristol Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Address Property Type Price Date
166 PHOENIX WAY, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX Semi Detached (Freehold) £279,995

View All Property Sales In The Region

There has been average growth of 215.46% for all properties in BS20 7JX locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 539716 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 368144 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 339578 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 235289 GBP.

£11,139,071.29 is the estimated property value as of today. This is calculated by considering the last sale price and average growth of 215.46% per year in the region. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £11,139,071.29
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £343228

Public Transport Near 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Village Square
Phoenix Way, Portishead Harbour
71.85 metres
Village Square
Phoenix Way, Portishead Harbour
72.80 metres
Redpoll Drive
Phoenix Way, Portishead Harbour
281.51 metres
Redpoll Drive
Phoenix Way, Portishead Harbour
288.52 metres
Newfoundland Way
Portishead Harbour
289.69 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Portishead Pier
Lockside, Portishead Harbour
733.09 metres
Bristol Docks Ferry Landing
Off Victoria Road, Avonmouth
3.88 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Avonmouth Rail Station
4.00 km
St Andrews Road Rail Station
4.83 km
Shirehampton Rail Station
5.19 km
Sea Mills Rail Station
Sea Mills
7.27 km
Nailsea & Backwell Rail Station
7.66 km


Airport Location Distance
Bristol International Airport
11.69 km

Companies Located Near 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX



28 Pennant Place, Portishead, Somerset, BS20 7AA



7 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AA



15 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AA



26 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AA



25 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AA



32 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AA



William Neales 3 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, United Kingdom BS20 7AA



16 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AA



28 Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AA



44 Eastcliff Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AB

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 166 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

DYRAGA, Mikolaj Franciszek

DYRAGA, Mikolaj Franciszek Director

145 Eastcliff, Port Marine, Portishead, Avon, England BS20 7AG

MARSHALL, Paul Bernard

MARSHALL, Paul Bernard

61 Lockside, Port Mame Portishead, Bristol, BS20 7AH

HALLAM, Lee Daniel

HALLAM, Lee Daniel

21, Lockside, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AE

HALLAM, Lee Daniel

HALLAM, Lee Daniel Financial Services

21, Lockside, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7AE


GERAGHTY, Karen Accounts Manager

16, Pennant Place, Portishead, Bristol, North Somerset, England BS20 7AA

REED, Alan Richard

REED, Alan Richard Director

116 Phoenix Way, Portishead, Bristol, England BS20 7JX

PITT, Jean Mary

PITT, Jean Mary Retired Head Teacher

23, The Mirage Harbour Road, Portishead, North Somerset, BS20 7AJ

BOYD, Neil Stephen

BOYD, Neil Stephen Change Consultant

38, Phoenix Way, Portishead, Bristol, North Somerset, United Kingdom BS20 7JX

COLLEY, Percy Forbes

COLLEY, Percy Forbes

65, Lockside Port Marine, Portishead, Bristol, North Somerset, United Kingdom BS20 7AF

PILLAY, Dharani

PILLAY, Dharani

28, Pennant Place, Portishead, Somerset, United Kingdom BS20 7AA

Other Properties in BS20 7JX

30 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

30 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£233,000

32 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

32 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

34 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

34 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£460,000

36 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

36 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£265,000

38 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

38 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£300,000

40 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

40 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

42 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

42 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£475,000

44 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

44 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£295,000

46 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

46 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£290,000

48 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

48 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£250,000

50 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

50 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£230,000

52 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

52 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£250,000

54 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

54 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£225,000

56 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

56 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£422,000

58 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

58 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£210,000

60 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

60 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£282,500

62 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

62 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£249,995

64 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

64 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£293,000

66 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

66 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£279,950

68 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

68 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£383,000

70 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

70 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£249,995

72 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

72 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£280,000

74 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

74 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£250,000

76 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

76 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£423,000

78 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

78 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£172,000

80 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

80 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£165,000

82 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

82 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£232,000

84 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

84 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£250,000

86 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

86 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£310,000

100 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

100 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£313,260

102 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

102 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£315,000

104 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

104 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£255,000

106 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

106 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£214,000

108 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

108 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£282,000

110 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

110 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£375,000

112 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

112 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£385,000

114 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

114 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£240,000

116 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

116 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£339,950

118 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

118 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£290,000

120 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

120 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£435,000

120a Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

120a Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£389,995

122 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

122 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£315,000

124 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

124 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£575,000

126 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

126 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£365,000

128 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

128 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£225,000

130 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

130 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£196,500

132 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

132 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£480,000

134 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

134 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£379,995

136 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

136 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£525,000

138 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

138 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£435,000

140 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

140 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£215,000

142 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

142 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£375,000

144 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

144 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£360,000

146 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

146 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£242,545

148 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

148 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£289,995

150 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

150 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£440,000

152 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

152 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

154 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

154 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

156 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

156 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£236,000

158 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

158 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£245,000

160 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

160 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£332,500

162 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

162 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

164 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

164 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£310,000

168 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

168 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£220,000

170 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

170 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£264,995

172 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

172 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£249,995

174 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

174 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£249,995

176 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

176 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£426,000

178 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

178 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£327,500

180 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

180 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£235,000

182 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

182 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£404,950

184 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

184 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Last Sold At:£242,000

186 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

186 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

188 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

188 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

190 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

190 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

192 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

192 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

194 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

194 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

196 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

196 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

198 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

198 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

200 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

200 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

202 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

202 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

204 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

204 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

206 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

206 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

208 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

208 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

210 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

210 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

212 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

212 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

214 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

214 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

216 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

216 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

218 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

218 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

220 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

220 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

222 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

222 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

224 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

224 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

226 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

226 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

228 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

228 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

230 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

230 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

232 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

232 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

234 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

234 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

236 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

236 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold

238 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

238 Phoenix Way, Portishead, BRISTOL, BS20 7JX

Never Sold