18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 18 Rope Walk
Complete Address 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW
Type Residential
Property Structure Terraced House
Growth Rate in Valuation 216.84% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £207022 - £451362
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1951
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Only cats are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, is a residential property located in St Agnes Ward of Cornwall District, England. The property is a Terraced House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1951, age of the property is 72 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 207022 - 451362 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, is at the height of 111 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 50.28389600, -5.20946000.

Get Directions To 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. TR4 8DW Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall,
Cornwall, St Agnes, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Mount Hawke Town area. The locality type is rural town and fringe. According to the 2011 census, 58.61% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode TR4 8DW has a population of 125. The locality has 51 properties. Out of which 51 are residential properties and 0 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 50.28389600
Longitude -5.20946000
Northing 47588
Easting 171456
Altitude 111 Meters
Postcode Area TR
Postcode District TR4
Postcode Sector TR4 8

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Cornwall
District Cornwall
Ward St Agnes
Parish St. Agnes
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Camborne and Redruth
Region South West

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Mount Hawke Academy TR4 8BA

Railway Station

Station Redruth
Distance To Station 3.57 mi

Work Place

Area Name Redruth and Truro
Average Income £40000

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Devon & Cornwall
Water Company South West Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

There has been average growth of 216.84% for all properties in TR4 8DW locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 451362 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 305210 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 255838 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 207022 GBP.

£207022 - £451362 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £207022 - £451362
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £309268

Public Transport Near 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Fore Street, Mount Hawke
144.97 metres
Fore Street, Mount Hawke
152.74 metres
Old School
Mount Hawke
228.63 metres
Old School
Mount Hawke
231.19 metres
Henley Drive
Short Cross Road, Mount Hawke
376.70 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Redruth Rail Station
5.76 km
Perranwell Rail Station
Perranwell Station
10.22 km
Camborne Rail Station
10.30 km
Truro Rail Station
10.55 km
Penryn Rail Station
14.40 km


Airport Location Distance
Newquay St Mawgan Airport
St Mawgan
23.27 km
Land's End St Just Airport
38.48 km

Companies Located Near 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW



White Rose Lodge Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, England TR4 8DW



9 Rope Walk, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 18 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

BROWN, Jacqueline

BROWN, Jacqueline Housewife

Coosewartha Farm, Scorrier, Redruth, Cornwall, TR16 5DX

GREENHILL, Wendy Elizabeth

GREENHILL, Wendy Elizabeth Theatre Director Voice Coach

The Vicarage, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 8DE

KEW, Andrew John

KEW, Andrew John Recruitment Consultant

Willow House, Mount Hawke, Truro, England TR4 8DF

GOVAN, Daryl Paul

GOVAN, Daryl Paul Director

White Rose Lodge, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom TR4 8DW

GOVAN, Carolyn

GOVAN, Carolyn Director

White Rose Lodge Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, England TR4 8DW

GIRVAN, Craig Robert

GIRVAN, Craig Robert None

9, Rope Walk, Truro, Cornwall, England TR4 8DW

GIRVAN, Helen Clare

GIRVAN, Helen Clare Director

9, Rope Walk, Truro, Cornwall, England TR4 8DW


PHEASANT, Anita Retired

4 Church Road, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 8ED

RICE, Sally Louise

RICE, Sally Louise

Kirkside, Church Road, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, England TR4 8ED

OAKES, Steven Keith

OAKES, Steven Keith Draftsman

Kirkside, Church Road, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall, England TR4 8ED

Other Properties in TR4 8DW

Post Office, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Post Office, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£130,000

1 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

1 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

2 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

2 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£233,000

3 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

3 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

4 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

4 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£117,000

5 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

5 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£219,000

6 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

6 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

11 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

11 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

12 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

12 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

13 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

13 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

14 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

14 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

15 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

15 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

16 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

16 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

17 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

17 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

19 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

19 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£136,000

20 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

20 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

21 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

21 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

22 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

22 Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£83,000

Beacon View, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Beacon View, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£500,000

Beggars Roost, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Beggars Roost, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Bosgwynne, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Bosgwynne, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£240,000

Boskessenians, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Boskessenians, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£365,000

Braze Brea View, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Braze Brea View, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£60,000

Broadway, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Broadway, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Chippings, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Chippings, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£152,500

Chy Vedra, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Chy Vedra, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£263,000

Greystones, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Greystones, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Hardwaye, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Hardwaye, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£190,000

Ilfra House, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Ilfra House, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£375,000

Kingani, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Kingani, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£375,000

Kinver, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Kinver, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£257,000

Lamorna, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Lamorna, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£77,000

Little Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Little Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£195,000

Lyonesse, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Lyonesse, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£370,000

Marrick, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Marrick, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

New York Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

New York Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£74,000

Ocho Rios, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Ocho Rios, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£245,000

Old Oak Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Old Oak Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Penlaurel, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Penlaurel, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£666,100

Ropers Walk Farm, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Ropers Walk Farm, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Slipknot Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Slipknot Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£232,500

Sprys Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Sprys Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Sunnyside Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Sunnyside Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£250,000

Sunvale, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Sunvale, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£150,000

1 The Square, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

1 The Square, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Tremegryn, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Tremegryn, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Whatknot Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Whatknot Cottage, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£114,000

Woodstock, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Woodstock, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold

Ynys Vargh, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Ynys Vargh, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Last Sold At:£250,000

Zelamar, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Zelamar, Rope Walk, Mount Hawke, TRURO, Cornwall, TR4 8DW

Never Sold