180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 180 Dadswood
Complete Address 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ
Type Residential
Property Structure Flat
Growth Rate in Valuation 192.74% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £216283 - £662928
Size 1150 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1968
No Of Rooms 3
No Of Baths 1
Pet Rules Not allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

180 Dadswood, HARLOW, is a residential property located in Toddbrook Ward of Harlow District, England. The property is a Flat with 3 rooms and 1 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 6 people. The Size of the property is 1150 square ft It was constructed in 1968, age of the property is 55 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 216283 - 662928 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

180 Dadswood, HARLOW, is at the height of 70 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.76679700, 0.09213700.

Get Directions To 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. CM20 1JQ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

180 Dadswood, HARLOW,
Harlow, Toddbrook, England
CM20 1JQ

Locality Information

The property is located in the Greater London Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 19.36% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode CM20 1JQ has a population of 123. The locality has 62 properties. Out of which 61 are residential properties and 1 business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.76679700
Longitude 0.09213700
Northing 209639
Easting 544465
Altitude 70 Meters
Postcode Area CM
Postcode District CM20
Postcode Sector CM20 1

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Essex
District Harlow
Ward Toddbrook
Parish Harlow, unparished area
Local Authority Essex
Constituency Harlow
Region East of England

Police Stations

Railway Station

Station Harlow Town
Distance To Station 0.99 mi

Work Place

Area Name Cambridge
Average Income £38500

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Essex
Water Company Affinity Water
Sewage Company Thames Water

Property Sales Data For 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

There has been average growth of 192.74% for all properties in CM20 1JQ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 662928 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 430958 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 338199 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 216283 GBP.

£216283 - £662928 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £216283 - £662928
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £391021

Public Transport Near 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Playhouse Square
Haydens Rd, Harlow Town Centre
80.78 metres
Haydens Road
Haydens Rd, Harlow Town Centre
247.87 metres
Third Avenue
Third Ave, Harlow
378.06 metres
Hare Street Springs
Harberts Rd, Harlow
407.31 metres
Hare Street Springs
Harberts Rd, Harlow
448.84 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Harlow Town Rail Station
1.60 km
Harlow Mill Rail Station
Harlow Mill
3.82 km
Roydon Rail Station
3.98 km
Rye House Rail Station
Rye Park
5.98 km
St Margarets (Herts) Rail Station
St Margarets
6.69 km


Airport Location Distance
London Stansted Airport
Stansted Airport
18.01 km
London City Airport
29.45 km
London Luton Airport
Luton Airport
34.70 km

Companies Located Near 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ



227 Westfield, Harlow, England CM18 6AP



232 Westfield, Harlow, Essex, CM18 6AP



259 Westfield, Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom CM18 6AR



299 Westfield, Harlow, England CM18 6AS



3 Stony Wood, Harlow, England CM18 6AU



11 Stony Wood, Harlow, Essex, CM18 6AU



7 Willowfield, Harlow, England CM18 6RR



38 Willowfield, Harlow, England CM18 6RR



25 Willowfield, Harlow, England CM18 6RR



179 Willowfield, Harlow, England CM18 6RY

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 180 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

COMPLIN, William George

COMPLIN, William George Businessman

239 Westfield, Harlow, Essex, CM18 6AP

GARCIA SOTO, Jesus Angel

GARCIA SOTO, Jesus Angel Company Director

227, Westfield, Harlow, England CM18 6AP

RANDALL, Jody Alexander

RANDALL, Jody Alexander Senior Training Consultant

232 Westfield, Harlow, Essex, CM18 6AP

RANDALL, Sarah Elizabeth

RANDALL, Sarah Elizabeth

232, Westfield, Harlow, Essex, England CM18 6AP

BROWN, Keith Oheneampong

BROWN, Keith Oheneampong Warehouse

259, Westfield, Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom CM18 6AR


BROWNE, Kyian Civil Servant

299, Westfield, Harlow, England CM18 6AS


COOMBE, Chay Company Director

3, Stony Wood, Harlow, England CM18 6AU

PEARCEY, Janice Lesley

PEARCEY, Janice Lesley

11, Stony Wood, Harlow, Essex, England CM18 6AU

PEARCEY, Andrew James

PEARCEY, Andrew James Heating Engineer

11, Stony Wood, Harlow, Essex, England CM18 6AU

PEARCEY, Mark Andrew

PEARCEY, Mark Andrew Builder

11, Stony Wood, Harlow, Essex, England CM18 6AU

Other Properties in CM20 1JQ

136 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

136 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

137 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

137 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

138 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

138 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

139 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

139 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

140 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

140 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

141 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

141 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

142 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

142 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

143 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

143 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

144 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

144 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

145 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

145 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

146 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

146 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

147 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

147 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

148 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

148 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

149 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

149 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

150 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

150 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

151 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

151 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

152 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

152 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

153 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

153 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

154 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

154 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

155 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

155 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

156 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

156 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

157 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

157 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

158 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

158 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

159 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

159 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

160 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

160 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

161 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

161 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

162 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

162 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

163 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

163 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

164 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

164 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

165 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

165 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

166 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

166 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

167 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

167 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

168 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

168 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

169 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

169 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

170 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

170 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

171 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

171 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

172 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

172 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

173 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

173 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

174 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

174 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

175 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

175 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

176 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

176 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

177 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

177 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

178 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

178 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

179 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

179 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

181 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

181 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

182 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

182 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

183 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

183 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

184 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

184 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

185 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

185 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

186 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

186 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

187 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

187 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

188 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

188 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

189 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

189 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

190 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

190 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

191 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

191 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

192 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

192 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

193 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

193 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

194 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

194 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

195 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

195 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

196 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

196 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold

197 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

197 Dadswood, HARLOW, CM20 1JQ

Never Sold