189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 189 Budhill Avenue
Complete Address 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA
Type Residential
Property Structure Semi-Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1974
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Dogs are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, is a residential property located in East Centre Ward of Glasgow City District, Scotland. The property is a Semi-Detached House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1974, age of the property is 49 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 425,000 - 537,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, is at the height of 33 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 55.85423800, -4.16303800.

Get Directions To 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. G32 0PA Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW,
Glasgow City, East Centre, Scotland
G32 0PA

Locality Information

The locality type is large urban area. According to the 2011 census, 27.04% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode G32 0PA has a population of 180. The locality has 89 properties. Out of which 87 are residential properties and 2 business properties. There are 6 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 55.85423800
Longitude -4.16303800
Northing 664454
Easting 264695
Altitude 33 Meters
Postcode Area G
Postcode District G32
Postcode Sector G32 0

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District Glasgow City
Ward East Centre
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Glasgow East
Region Scotland

Railway Station

Station Shettleston
Distance To Station 0.13 mi

Work Place

Area Name Glasgow

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

425,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £425,000 - £537,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Eastbank Church
Old Shettleston Road (at), Annick Street, Shettleston
201.02 metres
Cramond Terrace
Cramond Terrace (after), Budhill Avenue, Greenfield
222.77 metres
Shettleston Railway Station
Annick Street (at), Hallhill Road, Greenfield
234.02 metres
Castlelaw Gardens
Castlelaw Gardens (opp), Hollowglen Road, Greenfield
241.93 metres
Shettleston Railway Station
Sandilands Street (opp), Hallhill Road, Greenfield
242.80 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Glasgow Central Station Bridge Ferry Landing
A77, Glasgow
5.98 km
Broomielaw Quay Ferry Terminal
6.27 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Shettleston Rail Station
203.18 metres
Carntyne Rail Station
975.24 metres
Garrowhill Rail Station
2.11 km
Carmyle Rail Station
2.24 km
Mount Vernon Rail Station
Mount Vernon
2.41 km


Airport Location Distance
Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Airport
17.02 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Buchanan Street SPT Subway Station
Station entrance, Buchanan Street, Glasgow
5.73 km
St Enoch SPT Subway Station
Station building, St Enoch Square, Glasgow
5.78 km
Bridge Street SPT Subway Station
Station building, Bridge Street, Tradeston
6.00 km
Cowcaddens SPT Subway Station
Station building, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow
6.26 km
West Street SPT Subway Station
Station building, West Street, Tradeston
6.46 km

Companies Located Near 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA



133c Budhill Avenue, Glasgow, Scotland G32 0PA



Flat C, 157 Budhill Avenue, Budhill, Glasgow, G32 0PA



133c Budhill Avenue, Glasgow, Scotland G32 0PA



Unit 3, Westerburn Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G32 6AT



45 Westerburn Street, Glasgow, Scotland G32 6AT



Caravan 17, 15 Westerburn Street, Glasgow, Scotland G32 6AT



1 Westerburn Street, Glasgow, G32 6AT



45 Westerburn Street, Glasgow, G32 6AT



55 Camburn Street, Unit 2, Glasgow, United Kingdom G32 6AX



55 Unit 9, Camburn Street, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom G32 6AX

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 189 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA


WATSON, Paul Director

213, Budhill Ave, Glasgow, United Kingdom G32 0PA


DAODUENG, Piyanut Designer

133c, Budhill Avenue, Glasgow, Scotland G32 0PA



Flat C, 157, Budhill Avenue, Budhill, Glasgow, United Kingdom G32 0PA


CLARK, Alan Director

Flat C, 157 Budhill Avenue, Glasgow, United Kingdom G32 0PA


MCCARTHY, Pamela Accounts Executive

197, Budhill Avenue, Glasgow, G32 0PA


THOMSON, Joanna Caterer

45, Westerburn Street, Carntyne, Glasgow, Scotland G32 6AT

GRAHAM, Nadine

GRAHAM, Nadine

Caravan 17, 15 Westerburn Street, Glasgow, Scotland G32 6AT

NEILL, William

NEILL, William Mechanic

Caravan 17, 15 Westerburn Street, Glasgow, Scotland G32 6AT

LOGUE, Ryan John

LOGUE, Ryan John Director

55, Unit 9, Camburn Street, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom G32 6AX


SINCLAIR, Ryan Businessman

55, Camburn Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom G32 6AX

Other Properties in G32 0PA

117j Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117j Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

173 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

173 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

175 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

175 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

177 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

177 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

179 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

179 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

181 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

181 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

183 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

183 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

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185 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

185 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

187 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

187 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

191 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

191 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

193 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

193 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

195 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

195 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

197 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

197 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

199 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

199 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

201 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

201 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

203 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

203 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

205 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

205 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

207 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

207 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

209 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

209 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

211 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

211 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

213 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

213 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

215 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

215 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

217 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

217 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

219 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

219 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

221 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

221 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

223 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

223 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

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225 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

225 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

227 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

227 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

229 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

229 Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

109a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

109a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

101a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

101a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

125a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

125a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

133a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

133a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

141a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

141a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

157a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

157a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

165a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

165a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117a Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

141b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

141b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

165b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

165b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

157b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

157b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

133b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

133b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

101b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

101b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

109b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

109b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

125b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

125b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149b Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

157c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

157c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

165c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

165c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

109c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

109c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

141c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

141c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

133c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

133c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

101c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

101c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

125c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

125c Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

101d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

101d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

125d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

125d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

133d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

133d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

141d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

141d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

157d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

157d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

165d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

165d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

109d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

109d Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

141e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

141e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

109e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

109e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

101e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

101e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

133e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

133e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

125e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

125e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

157e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

157e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

165e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

165e Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

125f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

125f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

109f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

109f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

101f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

101f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

157f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

157f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

165f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

165f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

141f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

141f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

133f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

133f Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117g Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117g Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149g Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149g Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149h Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149h Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

117h Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

117h Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold

149j Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

149j Budhill Avenue, GLASGOW, G32 0PA

Never Sold