197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 197 Capella House
Complete Address 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE
Type Residential
Property Structure Semi-Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 153.64% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £149838 - £393102
Size 1950 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1962
No Of Rooms 5
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Dogs are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, is a residential property located in Butetown Ward of Cardiff District, Wales. The property is a Semi-Detached House with 5 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 10 people. The Size of the property is 1950 square ft It was constructed in 1962, age of the property is 61 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 149838 - 393102 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, is at the height of 10 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.46515400, -3.15850200.

Get Directions To 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. CF10 4RE Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF,
Cardiff, Butetown, Wales
CF10 4RE

Locality Information

The property is located in the Cardiff Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 88.67% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode CF10 4RE has a population of 109. The locality has 75 properties. Out of which 71 are residential properties and 4 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.46515400
Longitude -3.15850200
Northing 174657
Easting 319619
Altitude 10 Meters
Postcode Area CF
Postcode District CF10
Postcode Sector CF10 4

Administrative Areas

Country Wales
County South Glamorgan
District Cardiff
Ward Butetown
Parish Butetown
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Cardiff South and Penarth
Region Wales

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Mount Stuart Primary School CF10 5BS

Railway Station

Station Cardiff Bay
Distance To Station 0.37 mi

Work Place

Area Name Cardiff
Average Income £54500

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force South Wales
Water Company Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

There has been average growth of 153.64% for all properties in CF10 4RE locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 393102 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 235408 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 162586 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 149838 GBP.

£149838 - £393102 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £149838 - £393102
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £205084

Public Transport Near 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Scott Harbour
Arup Building (o/s Co-op), Pierhead Street, Cardiff Bay
116.04 metres
Britannia Quay
Alexander House (adj Alexander House), Piehead Street, Cardiff Bay
162.03 metres
East Bute Street
Bute Place, Cardiff Bay
223.18 metres
East Bute Street
Bute Place, Cardiff Bay
239.01 metres
Harbour Drive
Britannia Quay, Cardiff Bay
299.88 metres

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Taxi Shelter
Churchill Way, Cardiff
2.15 km

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Cardiff - Britannia Quay
Britannia Quay, Cardiff Bay
308.23 metres
Mermaid Quay Waterbus Stop
Bute Street, Cardiff Bay
541.24 metres
Sovereign Quay Waterbus Stop
Havannah Street, Cardiff Bay
721.47 metres
Clarence Embankment Waterbus Stop
Clarence Embankment, Cardiff Bay
1.05 km
Barrage North Waterbus Stop
Barrage North, Cardiff Bay
1.18 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Cardiff Bay Rail Station
Cardiff Bay
590.00 metres
Cardiff Central Rail Station
1.88 km
Cardiff Queen Street Rail Station
2.04 km
Grangetown (Cardiff) Rail Station
2.19 km
Cathays Rail Station
2.99 km


Airport Location Distance
Cardiff International Airport
Cardiff Airport
14.58 km
Bristol International Airport
32.32 km

Companies Located Near 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE



215 Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, Wales CF10 4RE



215 Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, Wales CF10 4RE



185 Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, Wales CF10 4RE



219 Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF10 4RE



237 Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, CF10 4RE



2 Windsor Terrace, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5BE



Unit 14 Royal Stuart Workshops, Adelaide Place, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5BR



St. Stephens Church Hall, Adelaide Place, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5BR



Unit 4 Royal Stuart Workshops, Adelaide Place, Cardiff, CF10 5BR



13 Douglas Buildings, Royal Stuart Lane, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5EL

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 197 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

SIDDIQUI, Muhammad Waqar Ahmed

SIDDIQUI, Muhammad Waqar Ahmed Company Director

215 Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, Wales CF10 4RE


HUTCHINSON, Keo Shakeel Director

1, Plas Iona, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5HW


ALIBRAHIM, Safia Teacher

71, Hodges Square, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5JW

MARCOS, Hector

MARCOS, Hector Optometrist

207, Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, Wales CF10 4RE

RICHARDS, Matthew James

RICHARDS, Matthew James Solicitor

234, Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF10 4RE

CAKIN, Dursun Can

CAKIN, Dursun Can Company Director

Unit 1,2,3 Hoskin Industrial Estate, Dumballs Road, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 5FG

TASCI, Erkan

TASCI, Erkan Director

Unit 1,2,3 Hoskin Industrial Estate, Dumballs Road, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 5FG


CAMPBELL, Betty Ret Headteacher

34 Loudoun Square, Butetown, Cardiff, CF10 5JD

HERON, Kerrell Dossantos

HERON, Kerrell Dossantos Creative Director

Unit 14 Royal Stuart Workshops, Adelaide Place, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5BR

ASPROU, Kyriacos George

ASPROU, Kyriacos George Marketing Manager

236 Capella House, Falcon Drive, Cardiff Bay, CF10 4RE

Other Properties in CF10 4RE

164 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

164 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

165 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

165 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

166 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

166 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

167 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

167 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

168 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

168 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

169 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

169 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

170 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

170 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

171 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

171 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

172 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

172 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

173 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

173 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£130,000

174 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

174 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£124,000

175 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

175 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£128,000

176 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

176 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

177 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

177 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

178 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

178 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

179 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

179 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

180 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

180 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

181 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

181 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

182 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

182 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

183 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

183 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

184 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

184 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£115,000

185 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

185 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£125,000

186 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

186 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

187 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

187 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

188 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

188 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£131,000

189 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

189 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

190 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

190 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

191 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

191 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

192 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

192 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

193 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

193 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

194 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

194 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

195 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

195 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

196 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

196 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

198 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

198 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£80,000

199 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

199 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

200 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

200 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

201 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

201 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

202 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

202 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

203 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

203 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£96,500

204 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

204 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

205 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

205 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

206 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

206 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£132,000

207 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

207 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

208 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

208 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

209 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

209 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

210 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

210 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

211 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

211 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£120,000

212 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

212 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

213 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

213 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£142,000

214 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

214 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

215 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

215 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

216 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

216 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

217 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

217 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

218 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

218 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

219 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

219 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

220 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

220 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£122,000

221 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

221 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

222 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

222 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£91,000

223 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

223 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

224 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

224 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

225 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

225 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£97,000

226 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

226 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

227 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

227 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

228 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

228 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

229 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

229 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£114,000

230 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

230 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£154,000

231 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

231 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

232 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

232 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£100,000

233 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

233 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£140,000

234 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

234 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

235 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

235 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£265,000

236 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

236 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold

237 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

237 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Last Sold At:£280,000

238 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

238 Capella House, Falcon Drive, CARDIFF, CF10 4RE

Never Sold