275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 275a Wyncliffe Gardens
Complete Address 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE
Type Residential
Property Structure Semi-Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 153.64% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £149838 - £393102
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1962
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Dogs are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, is a residential property located in Pentwyn Ward of Cardiff District, Wales. The property is a Semi-Detached House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1962, age of the property is 61 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 149838 - 393102 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, is at the height of 42 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.52713900, -3.14151300.

Get Directions To 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. CF23 7FE Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF,
Cardiff, Pentwyn, Wales
CF23 7FE

Locality Information

The property is located in the Cardiff Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 30.52% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode CF23 7FE has a population of 187. The locality has 77 properties. Out of which 75 are residential properties and 2 business properties. There are 5 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.52713900
Longitude -3.14151300
Northing 181532
Easting 320907
Altitude 42 Meters
Postcode Area CF
Postcode District CF23
Postcode Sector CF23 7

Administrative Areas

Country Wales
County South Glamorgan
District Cardiff
Ward Pentwyn
Parish Pentwyn
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Cardiff Central
Region Wales

Railway Station

Station Llanishen
Distance To Station 1.78 mi

Work Place

Area Name Cardiff
Average Income £33500

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force South Wales
Water Company Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

There has been average growth of 153.64% for all properties in CF23 7FE locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 393102 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 235408 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 162586 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 149838 GBP.

£149838 - £393102 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £149838 - £393102
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £205084

Public Transport Near 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
St Bernardettes
5 Bryn Heulog (opp), Brynheulog, Pentwyn
167.36 metres
Glyn Eiddw
Pentwyn Drive, Pentwyn
210.44 metres
Glyn Eiddw
Pentwyn Drive, Pentwyn
232.66 metres
Health Centre
Pentwyn Health Centre (o/s), Brynheulog, Pentwyn
304.86 metres
Panasonic Factory (opp), Pentwyn Road, Pentwyn
351.41 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Cardiff Castle Waterbus Stop
Castle Street, Cardiff Castle
5.91 km
Taffs Mead Waterbus Stop
Taffs Mead Embankment, Grangetown
6.47 km
Cardiff - Britannia Quay
Britannia Quay, Cardiff Bay
7.29 km
Mermaid Quay Waterbus Stop
Bute Street, Cardiff Bay
7.33 km
Clarence Embankment Waterbus Stop
Clarence Embankment, Cardiff Bay
7.34 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Llanishen Rail Station
2.88 km
Heath High Level Rail Station
3.02 km
Heath Low Level Rail Station
3.08 km
Lisvane & Thornhill Rail Station
3.62 km
Ty Glas Rail Station
3.87 km


Airport Location Distance
Cardiff International Airport
Cardiff Airport
19.83 km
Bristol International Airport
33.75 km

Companies Located Near 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE



67 Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 6SZ



182 Hollybush Road, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF23 7AF



136 Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AF



116 Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AF



112a Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AF



182 Hollybush Road, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF23 7AF



182 Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF23 7AF



173 The Hawthorns, 173 The Hawthorns, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF23 7AT



218 The Hawthorns, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AT



218 The Hawthorns, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AT

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 275a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE


AVAIENT, Luke Nurse

67, Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 6SZ


HORRIGAN, Kris Noel Accountant

87, Hollybush Road, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF23 6SZ

DAVID, Paul Christopher

DAVID, Paul Christopher Quality & Risk Operations

73, Hollybush Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff, S Glam, United Kingdom CF23 6SZ

STAVERS, Mark Alexander

STAVERS, Mark Alexander

77 Wern Goch East, Cardiff, CF23 7AD

PURSEY, Paul Anthony

PURSEY, Paul Anthony

146 Hollybush Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF23 7AF

WAINWRIGHT, Christopher

WAINWRIGHT, Christopher

182, Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF23 7AF

WAINWRIGHT, David Samuel

WAINWRIGHT, David Samuel Businessman

182, Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom CF23 7AF

ELLAWAY, Anthony Hugh

ELLAWAY, Anthony Hugh Head Coach

136, Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AF


SHOUSEN, Yang Social Worker

116, Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AF

RICHARDS, Liam James Alberto

RICHARDS, Liam James Alberto Self Employed

112a, Hollybush Road, Cardiff, Wales CF23 7AF

Other Properties in CF23 7FE

246 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

246 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£198,000

247 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

247 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£200,000

248 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

248 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£285,000

249 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

249 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£245,000

250 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

250 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£170,000

251 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

251 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£179,995

252 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

252 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

253a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

253a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

253b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

253b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

254a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

254a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

254b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

254b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

255a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

255a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

255b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

255b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

256a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

256a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

256b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

256b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

257a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

257a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

257b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

257b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

258a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

258a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

258b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

258b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

259a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

259a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

259b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

259b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

260a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

260a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

260b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

260b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

261a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

261a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

261b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

261b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

262a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

262a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

262b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

262b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

263a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

263a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

263b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

263b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

264a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

264a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

264b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

264b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

265a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

265a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

265b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

265b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

266a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

266a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

266b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

266b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

267a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

267a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

267b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

267b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

268a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

268a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

268b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

268b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

269a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

269a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

269b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

269b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

270a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

270a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

270b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

270b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

271a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

271a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

271b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

271b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

272a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

272a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

272b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

272b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

273a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

273a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

273b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

273b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

274a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

274a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

274b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

274b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

275b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

275b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

276a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

276a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

276b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

276b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

277a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

277a Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

277b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

277b Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

278 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

278 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

279 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

279 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

280 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

280 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

281 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

281 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

282 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

282 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

283 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

283 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

284 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

284 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

285 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

285 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

286 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

286 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

287 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

287 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

288 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

288 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

289 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

289 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

290 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

290 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

291 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

291 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

299 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

299 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£428,000

300 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

300 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

301 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

301 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Last Sold At:£360,000

302 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

302 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

303 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

303 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold

304 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

304 Wyncliffe Gardens, CARDIFF, CF23 7FE

Never Sold