291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 291 Thornley Lane South
Complete Address 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP
Type Residential
Property Structure Flat
Growth Rate in Valuation 157.98% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £156848 - £529576
Size 800 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1992
No Of Rooms 2
No Of Baths 1
Pet Rules Not allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, is a residential property located in Reddish North Ward of Stockport District, England. The property is a Flat with 2 rooms and 1 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 4 people. The Size of the property is 800 square ft It was constructed in 1992, age of the property is 31 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 156848 - 529576 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, is at the height of 81 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.44477700, -2.14518700.

Get Directions To 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. SK5 6YP Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire,
Stockport, Reddish North, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Greater Manchester Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 66.41% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode SK5 6YP has a population of 115. The locality has 71 properties. Out of which 68 are residential properties and 3 business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.44477700
Longitude -2.14518700
Northing 394233
Easting 390454
Altitude 81 Meters
Postcode Area SK
Postcode District SK5
Postcode Sector SK5 6

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Greater Manchester
District Stockport
Ward Reddish North
Parish Stockport, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Denton and Reddish
Region North West

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Dane Bank Primary School SK5 6QG
Reddish Hall School SK5 6RN
Vale View Primary School SK5 6TP

Railway Station

Station Reddish North
Distance To Station 0.56 mi

Work Place

Area Name Manchester
Average Income £37400

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Greater Manchester
Water Company United Utilities
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

There has been average growth of 157.98% for all properties in SK5 6YP locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 529576 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 294349 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 209420 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 156848 GBP.

£156848 - £529576 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £156848 - £529576
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £274366

Public Transport Near 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Fairview Road
CHURCH (opp), Windmill Lane, Dane Bank
331.69 metres
Windmill Lane
HOUSE 213 (opp), Thornley Lane South, Dane Bank
371.88 metres
Fairview Road
HOUSE 767 (nr), Windmill Lane, Dane Bank
378.19 metres
Hassop Road
HOUSE 65 (opp), Windmill Lane, North Reddish
393.61 metres
Heswall Road
HOUSE 18 (opp), Windmill Lane, North Reddish
506.74 metres

Bus Stations

Station Location Distance
Stockport Heaton Lane Bus Station
4.03 km
Hyde Bus Station
4.44 km
Ashton-under-Lyne Interchange
5.98 km
Manchester Central Coach Station
Manchester City Centre
7.14 km
Stalybridge Bus Station
7.21 km

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Gorton - Dorney Street
WELLINGTON Street (Dorney Street - Wellington Street), Dornay Street, Gorton
2.52 km
Tiviot Dale
PRINCE'S Street (Prince's Street), Tiviot Dale, Stockport
3.66 km
Longsight - Rainforth Street
DICKENSON Road (Rainforth Street - Dickenson Road), Rainforth Street, Longsight
3.89 km
Stockport - Prince'S Street
BROWN Street (Prince'S Street - Brown Street), Prince's Street, Stockport
3.90 km
Stockport - Chestergate
MERSEY Square (Chestergate - Mersey Square), Chestergate, Stockport
4.06 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Reddish North Rail Station
North Reddish
897.80 metres
Reddish South Rail Station
South Reddish
1.34 km
Brinnington Rail Station
1.56 km
Denton Rail Station
1.62 km
Ryder Brow Rail Station
Ryder Brow
2.27 km


Airport Location Distance
Manchester Airport Terminal 2
Manchester Airport
12.42 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 1
Manchester Airport
12.49 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 3
Manchester Airport
12.52 km
Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport
12.59 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Audenshaw (Manchester Metrolink)
Ryecroft Hall, Droylsden Road, Audenshaw
3.84 km
Droylsden (Manchester Metrolink)
The Droylesden Centre, Ashton Road, Droylsden
3.86 km
Cemetery Road (Manchester Metrolink)
Manchester Road, Droylsden
3.96 km
Edge Lane (Manchester Metrolink)
Manchester Road, Droylsden
4.23 km
Ashton Moss (Manchester Metrolink)
Lord Sheldon Way, Ashton Moss
4.60 km

Companies Located Near 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP



3 Louisa Mews, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2EF



4 Louisa Mews, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2EF



2 Fairview Road, Denton, Manchester, United Kingdom M34 2EG



18 Fairview Road, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2EG



6 Fairview Road, Denton, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom M34 2EG



769 Windmill Lane, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2ES



763 Windmill Lane, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2ES

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 291 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

STEADMAN, Sean Joseph

STEADMAN, Sean Joseph Director

3, Louisa Mews, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2EF

STEADMAN, Sean Joseph

STEADMAN, Sean Joseph Company Director

3, Louisa Mews, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2EF

BOAL, Sean Robert

BOAL, Sean Robert Marketing Consultant

4, Louisa Mews, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2EF

BURKE, Christopher John

BURKE, Christopher John Company Director

2 Fairview Road, Denton, Manchester, United Kingdom M34 2EG

QUINN-FERGUSON, Maureen Lisa, Dr

QUINN-FERGUSON, Maureen Lisa, Dr Educational Psychologist

18, Fairview Road, Denton, Manchester, England M34 2EG

TANCRED, Geoffrey Ernest, Mr.

TANCRED, Geoffrey Ernest, Mr.

18 Fairview Road, Altrincham, Manchester, M34 2EG

RAFFERTY, Thomas John

RAFFERTY, Thomas John Director

6 Fairview Road, Denton, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom M34 2EG

DOYLE, Sue Anna

DOYLE, Sue Anna Director

44 Windermere Avenue, Dane Bank Denton, Manchester, M34 2EN


STELFOX, Paul Self Employed

789, Windmill Lane, Denton, Manchester, M34 2ER

HOGG, James

HOGG, James Retired

753 Windmill Lane, Denton, Manchester, Lancashire, M34 2ES

Other Properties in SK5 6YP

249 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

249 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

251 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

251 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£52,000

253 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

253 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£31,600

255 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

255 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£197,000

257 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

257 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£130,000

259 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

259 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£299,950

261 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

261 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

263 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

263 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

265 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

265 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£76,950

267 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

267 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£70,000

269 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

269 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£85,000

271 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

271 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

273 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

273 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£96,000

275 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

275 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£58,000

277 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

277 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

279 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

279 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£85,500

281 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

281 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£115,000

283 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

283 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£100,000

285 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

285 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£266,000

287 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

287 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£190,000

289 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

289 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£59,950

293 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

293 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£215,000

295 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

295 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£100,000

297 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

297 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£115,500

299 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

299 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

301 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

301 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

303 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

303 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£110,000

305 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

305 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

307 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

307 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£208,000

309 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

309 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£260,000

311 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

311 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

313 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

313 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£56,000

315 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

315 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£85,000

317 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

317 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£58,500

319 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

319 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£32,000

321 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

321 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£93,500

323 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

323 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£128,000

325 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

325 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£89,950

327 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

327 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£41,000

416 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

416 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£187,000

418 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

418 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£133,750

420 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

420 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£135,000

422 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

422 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£92,000

424 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

424 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£70,000

426 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

426 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£29,000

428 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

428 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£32,500

430 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

430 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£55,000

432 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

432 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£70,500

434 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

434 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£47,000

436 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

436 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£70,000

438 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

438 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

440 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

440 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£50,000

442 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

442 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£185,000

444 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

444 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

446 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

446 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

448 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

448 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

450 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

450 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£170,000

452 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

452 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

454 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

454 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£133,700

456 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

456 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

458 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

458 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£44,000

460 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

460 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

462 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

462 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

464 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

464 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£95,000

466 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

466 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£58,000

468 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

468 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£51,500

470 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

470 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£77,000

472 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

472 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Last Sold At:£25,000

474 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

474 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold

476 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

476 Thornley Lane South, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK5 6YP

Never Sold