3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 3 Wyedene
Complete Address 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 162.87% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £132166 - £393652
Size 7050 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1989

Detail Information Of The Property 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, is a business property located in St Arvans Ward of Monmouthshire District, Wales. The Size of the property is 7050 square ft. It was constructed in 1989, age of the property is 34 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 132166 - 393652 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, is at the height of 22 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.69929800, -2.68292800.

Get Directions To 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. NP16 6SE Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent,
Monmouthshire, St Arvans, Wales
NP16 6SE

Locality Information

The locality type is rural village. According to the 2011 census, 5.39% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode NP16 6SE has a population of N/A. The locality has 41 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.69929800
Longitude -2.68292800
Northing 200282
Easting 352899
Altitude 22 Meters
Postcode Area NP
Postcode District NP16
Postcode Sector NP16 6

Administrative Areas

Country Wales
County Gwent
District Monmouthshire
Ward St Arvans
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Monmouth
Region Wales

Railway Station

Station Chepstow
Distance To Station 4.11 mi

Work Place

Area Name Newport
Average Income £57600

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Gwent
Water Company Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

There has been average growth of 162.87% for all properties in NP16 6SE locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 393652 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 218764 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 156852 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 132166 GBP.

£132166 - £393652 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £132166 - £393652
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £210111

Public Transport Near 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Royal George Hotel
Royal George Hotel PH (o/s), A466, Tintern
132.59 metres
Royal George Hotel
Royal George Hotel PH (opp), A466, Tintern
146.48 metres
Wye Lodge
Tintern Parva Post Office (nr), Main Road, Tintern Parva
242.84 metres
Tintern Parva Post Office (at ), Main Road, Tintern Parva
339.01 metres
Cherry Tree Inn
Cherry Tree Inn PH (nr), Main Road, Chapel Hill
360.41 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Chepstow Rail Station
6.62 km
Lydney Rail Station
10.64 km
Caldicot Rail Station
13.82 km
Severn Tunnel Junction Rail Station
14.34 km


Airport Location Distance
Bristol International Airport
34.82 km

Companies Located Near 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE



1 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 6SE



1 Ashweir Court Abbey Mill, Tintern, Chepstow, South Wales, Wales NP16 6SE



5 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill Tintern, Chepstow, Gwent, NP16 6SE



3 Ashweir Court, Tintern, Monmouthshire, Wales NP16 6SE



3 Ashweir Court, Tintern, Monmouthshire, United Kingdom NP16 6SE



Wye Valley Centre, Tintern, Monmouthshire, NP16 6SE

21 AT 12 LTD

21 AT 12 LTD

Abbey Lodge Abbey Lodge, Tintern, Chepstow, Wales NP16 6SF



The Orchard Chapel Lane, Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 6SF



Wild Hare Hotel, Tintern, Chepstow, United Kingdom NP16 6SF



Wild Hare Hotel, Tintern, Chepstow, United Kingdom NP16 6SF

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 3 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

HOWE, Peter Mark

HOWE, Peter Mark It Consultant

1 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 6SE

HOWE, Anne

HOWE, Anne

1 Ashweir Close, Tintern, Chepstow, Wales NP16 6SE

WHIDDETT, Stephen Ernest

WHIDDETT, Stephen Ernest Business Psychologist

4, Ash Weir Court, Abbey Mill, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 6SE

SLAUGHTER, Lucy Cheryl

SLAUGHTER, Lucy Cheryl

(Saunders) Tanglewood, Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales NP16 6SE

HILTON, Kim Douglas

HILTON, Kim Douglas None

(Saunders) Tanglewood, Tintern, Chepstow, Wales NP16 6SE

CUNNINGHAM, Benjamin John

CUNNINGHAM, Benjamin John Company Director

5, Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill Tintern, Chepstow, Gwent, NP16 6SE


CUNNINGHAM, Carys Director

5 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill Tintern, Chepstow, Gwent, Wales NP16 6SE

CUNNINGHAM, Angus Robert

CUNNINGHAM, Angus Robert Director

5, Ashweir Court Abbey Mill, Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, United Kingdom NP16 6SE

LLOYD, Anne Marie

LLOYD, Anne Marie Director

5, Ashweir Court Abbey Mill, Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, United Kingdom NP16 6SE

RASTALL, Mark Christopher

RASTALL, Mark Christopher Restaurant Owner

The Abbey Mill, Tintern, Chepstow, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Other Properties in NP16 6SE

Abbey House Studio & Gallery, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Abbey House Studio & Gallery, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Rose & Crown, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Rose & Crown, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Stella Books, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Stella Books, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

The Italian Gardens, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

The Italian Gardens, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Tintern Abbey Information Centre, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Tintern Abbey Information Centre, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 1, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 1, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 2, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 2, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 3, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 3, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 4, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 4, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 5, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 5, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 6, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 6, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 7, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 7, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Flat 8, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Flat 8, Abbey House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Crafts at Tintern, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Crafts at Tintern, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

1 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

1 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

2 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

2 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

3 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

3 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

4 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

4 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

5 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

5 Ashweir Court, Abbey Mill, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Bellevue House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Bellevue House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

1 Clear View, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

1 Clear View, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

2 Clear View, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

2 Clear View, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£90,000

Melrose House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Melrose House, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£145,000

Old Forge Cottage, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Old Forge Cottage, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£100,000

Wye Dean Practice, Old Police Station, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Wye Dean Practice, Old Police Station, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Rivermead, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Rivermead, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Shalom, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Shalom, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

(Saunders), Tanglewood, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

(Saunders), Tanglewood, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Tintern Stores, The Old Bakehouse, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Tintern Stores, The Old Bakehouse, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Gwent Police, Tintern Police Station, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Gwent Police, Tintern Police Station, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£315,000

Wesley Cottage, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Wesley Cottage, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Wye Cottage, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Wye Cottage, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

2 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

2 Wyedene, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£250,000

Wye Lodge, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Wye Lodge, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Apartment 1, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Apartment 1, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£127,000

Apartment 2, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Apartment 2, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£200,000

Apartment 3, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Apartment 3, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold

Apartment 4, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Apartment 4, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Last Sold At:£107,000

Apartment 5, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Apartment 5, Wye View Guys Cliffe, Tintern, CHEPSTOW, Gwent, NP16 6SE

Never Sold