340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 340 Ballyoran Park
Complete Address 340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT
Type Residential
Property Structure Flat
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 800 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1968
No Of Rooms 2
No Of Baths 1
Pet Rules Not allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, is a residential property located in Corcrain Ward of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon District, Northern Ireland. The property is a Flat with 2 rooms and 1 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 4 people. The Size of the property is 800 square ft It was constructed in 1968, age of the property is 55 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 340,000 - 556,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, is at the height of 19 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 54.43486700, -6.45089700.

Get Directions To 340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. BT62 1JT Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON,
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Corcrain, Northern Ireland
BT62 1JT

Locality Information

The locality type is n/a. According to the 2011 census, 46.29% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode BT62 1JT has a population of 165. The locality has 62 properties. Out of which 62 are residential properties and 0 business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 54.43486700
Longitude -6.45089700
Northing 513511
Easting 111478
Altitude 19 Meters
Postcode Area BT
Postcode District BT62
Postcode Sector BT62 1

Administrative Areas

Country Northern Ireland
County N/A
District Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon
Ward Corcrain
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Upper Bann
Region Northern Ireland

Schools Nearby

Work Place

Area Name Craigavon

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force (pseudo) Northern Ireland
Water Company Northern Ireland Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

340,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £340,000 - £556,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Companies Located Near 340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT



4 Andre Close, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh, United Kingdom BT62 1AP



Jerome Marley, 3 Alexandra Avenue, Portadown, Armagh, BT62 1DT



20 Selshion Heights, Portadown, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, United Kingdom BT62 1GA



2 Selshion Mews, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT62 1HN

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 340 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

LAMBE, Peter

LAMBE, Peter

4, Andre Close, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh, United Kingdom BT62 1AP

LAMBE, Peter

LAMBE, Peter Photographer

4, Andre Close, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh, United Kingdom BT62 1AP

SMYTH, Brendan Smyth

SMYTH, Brendan Smyth Machine Operative

5 Ballyoran Terrace, Portadown, Craigavon, Co.Armagh, BT62 1DR

MARLEY, Jerome Thomas

MARLEY, Jerome Thomas

3, Alexandra Avenue, Portadown, Armagh, Northern Ireland BT62 1DT


MCCANN, Louis Projects Manager

17 Alexandra Park, Portadown, Co Armagh, BT62 1DU


MULLIGAN, Peter Retired Teacher

80 Charles Street, Portadown, Co Armagh, BT62 1DU

NOLAN, Elizabeth

NOLAN, Elizabeth Secretary

20 Selshion Heights, Portadown, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, United Kingdom BT62 1GA


NOLAN, Paul Director

20 Selshion Heights, Portadown, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, United Kingdom BT62 1GA

VASA, Sandhya

VASA, Sandhya

2, Selshion Mews, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT62 1HN

VASA, Sandhya

VASA, Sandhya Analyst

2, Selshion Mews, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT62 1HN

Other Properties in BT62 1JT

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298 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

299 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

299 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

300 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

300 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

301 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

301 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

302 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

302 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

303 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

303 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

304 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

304 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

305 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

305 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

306 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

306 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

307 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

307 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

308 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

308 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

309 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

309 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

310 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

310 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

311 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

311 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

312 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

312 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

313 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

313 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

314 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

314 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

315 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

315 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

316 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

316 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

317 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

317 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

318 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

318 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

319 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

319 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

320 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

320 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

321 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

321 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

322 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

322 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

323 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

323 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

324 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

324 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

325 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

325 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

326 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

326 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

327 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

327 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

328 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

328 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

329 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

329 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

330 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

330 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

331 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

331 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

332 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

332 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

333 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

333 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

334 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

334 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

335 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

335 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

336 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

336 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

337 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

337 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

338 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

338 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

339 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

339 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

341 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

341 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

342 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

342 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

343 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

343 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

344 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

344 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

345 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

345 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

346 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

346 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

347 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

347 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

348 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

348 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

349 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

349 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

350 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

350 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

351 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

351 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

352 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

352 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

353 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

353 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

354 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

354 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

355 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

355 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

356 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

356 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

357 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

357 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

358 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

358 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold

359 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

359 Ballyoran Park, Portadown, CRAIGAVON, BT62 1JT

Never Sold