483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 483 Market Street
Complete Address 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN
Type Residential
Property Structure Terraced
Growth Rate in Valuation 157.75% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £1,726,759.15 (considering average growth)
Last Sale Date 2019-11-01
Last Sale Price £165,000
Lease Type Leasehold
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1954
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Not allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, is a residential property located in Healey and Whitworth Ward of Rossendale District, England. This property is of Terraced type, and the current ownership type is Leasehold. The previous owner last sold this property on 2019-11-01 for £165,000. During the last transfer of ownership, the seller mentioned no new construction. This property has been sold 5 time(s) in the last 25 years.

483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, is at the height of 229 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.65886300, -2.17533800.

Get Directions To 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. OL12 8QN Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire,
Rossendale, Healey and Whitworth, England
OL12 8QN

Locality Information

The property is located in the Greater Manchester Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 31.59% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode OL12 8QN has a population of 90. The locality has 49 properties. Out of which 45 are residential properties and 4 business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.65886300
Longitude -2.17533800
Northing 418056
Easting 388510
Altitude 229 Meters
Postcode Area OL
Postcode District OL12
Postcode Sector OL12 8

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Lancashire
District Rossendale
Ward Healey and Whitworth
Parish Whitworth
Local Authority Lancashire
Constituency Rossendale and Darwen
Region North West

Railway Station

Station Smithy Bridge
Distance To Station 3.09 mi

Work Place

Area Name Manchester
Average Income £37400

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Lancashire
Water Company United Utilities
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Address Property Type Price Date
483 MARKET STREET, ROCHDALE, OL12 8QN Terraced (Leasehold) £18,000





View All Property Sales In The Region

There has been average growth of 157.75% for all properties in OL12 8QN locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 345681 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 197526 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 138829 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 143741 GBP.

£1,726,759.15 is the estimated property value as of today. This is calculated by considering the last sale price and average growth of 157.75% per year in the region. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £1,726,759.15
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £180517

Public Transport Near 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Lloyd Street
Lloyd Street (opp), Market Street, Whitworth
14.56 metres
North Street
North Street (by), Market Street, Whitworth
98.49 metres
Shed Street (adj), Market Street, Whitworth
173.12 metres
Shed Street (by), Market Street, Whitworth
193.94 metres
Hall Street
Hall Street (by), Market Street, Whitworth
293.83 metres

Bus Stations

Station Location Distance
Rochdale Interchange
4.87 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Smithy Bridge Rail Station
Smithy Bridge
4.98 km
Rochdale Rail Station
5.59 km
Littleborough Rail Station
5.62 km
Walsden Rail Station
6.26 km
Castleton (Manchester) Rail Station
7.46 km


Airport Location Distance
Manchester Airport Terminal 2
Manchester Airport
33.18 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 1
Manchester Airport
33.58 km
Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport
33.75 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 3
Manchester Airport
33.78 km
Leeds Bradford International Airport
Leeds Bradford Airport
41.22 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Rochdale Town Centre (Manchester Metrolink)
Rochdale Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale
4.81 km
Rochdale Railway Station (Manchester Metrolink)
GM Fire Service Museum, Maclure Rd, Rochdale
5.50 km
Newbold (Manchester Metrolink)
Off Kingsway, Newbold
5.70 km
Kingsway Business Park (Manchester Metrolink)
Off Leyfield Road, Milnrow
6.32 km
Milnrow (Manchester Metrolink)
Off Station Road, Milnrow
7.02 km

Companies Located Near 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN



18 Coppice Drive, Whitworth, Rochdale, United Kingdom OL12 8QA



501 Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, England OL12 8QN



515 Market Street, Rochdale, United Kingdom OL12 8QN



515 Market Street, Rochdale, United Kingdom OL12 8QN



501 Market Street, Whitworth, England OL12 8QN



501 Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, England OL12 8QN



499 Market Street, Whitworth, United Kingdom OL12 8QN



517 Market Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, United Kingdom OL12 8QN



142 Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, England OL12 8SZ



140 Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 8SZ

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 483 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

LORD, Chris

LORD, Chris Managing Director

18, Coppice Drive, Whitworth, Rochdale, United Kingdom OL12 8QA

PRICE, Anthony William Henry

PRICE, Anthony William Henry Manager

12 Coppice Drive, Whitworth, Rochdale, OL12 8QA

GIRVIN, Damian Matthew

GIRVIN, Damian Matthew Director

Lancashire Law Ltd, 501 Market Street, Rochdale, England OL12 8QN

KIDGER, Mark Alfred

KIDGER, Mark Alfred Company Director

471, Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 8QN


RASHEED, Ahsan Company Director

515, Market Street, Rochdale, United Kingdom OL12 8QN


SPENCER, Howard Accountant

501 Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, England OL12 8QN

WHITEHEAD, Daniel Mark

WHITEHEAD, Daniel Mark Director

501 Market Street, Whitworth, England OL12 8QN


LISIECKI, Dawid Chef

142, Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, England OL12 8SZ



4 Marlborough Close, Whitworth, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 8TD

TODD, Richard

TODD, Richard Retired

36, Eastgate, Whitworth, Rochdale, Lancashire, England OL12 8UB

Other Properties in OL12 8QN

406 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

406 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

408 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

408 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

410 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

410 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£63,000

412 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

412 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£35,500

414 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

414 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

416 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

416 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

418 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

418 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

420 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

420 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£128,000

422 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

422 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£95,000

424 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

424 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

426 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

426 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£39,000

428 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

428 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

436 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

436 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£98,000

438 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

438 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£57,500

440 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

440 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

442 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

442 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£30,000

444 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

444 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£110,000

446 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

446 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£89,500

448 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

448 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£106,950

450 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

450 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£155,000

452 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

452 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

456 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

456 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

458 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

458 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£95,000

460 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

460 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£80,000

462 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

462 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£464,199

The Sportsman, 464 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

The Sportsman, 464 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£110,000

469 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

469 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£105,000

471 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

471 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£65,000

473 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

473 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£135,000

481 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

481 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£100,000

485 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

485 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

487 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

487 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£130,000

489 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

489 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

491 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

491 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£130,000

493 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

493 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

495 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

495 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

497 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

497 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£41,000

499 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

499 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

Turner March Llp, 501 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Turner March Llp, 501 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£110,000

503 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

503 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£143,000

505 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

505 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£132,000

507 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

507 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold

509 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

509 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£76,000

509a Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

509a Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£20,000

511 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

511 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£127,500

513 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

513 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£81,000

515 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

515 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Last Sold At:£155,000

517 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

517 Market Street, Whitworth, ROCHDALE, Lancashire, OL12 8QN

Never Sold