50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 50b Fore Bondgate
Complete Address 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 96.83% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £93202 - £291325
Size 4850 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1975

Detail Information Of The Property 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, is a business property located in Bishop Auckland Town Ward of County Durham District, England. The Size of the property is 4850 square ft. It was constructed in 1975, age of the property is 48 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 93202 - 291325 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, is at the height of 100 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 54.66519300, -1.67797700.

Get Directions To 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. DL14 7PE Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham,
County Durham, Bishop Auckland Town, England
DL14 7PE

Locality Information

The property is located in the Bishop Auckland Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 20.20% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode DL14 7PE has a population of 16. The locality has 44 properties. Out of which 13 are residential properties and 31 business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 54.66519300
Longitude -1.67797700
Northing 530060
Easting 420869
Altitude 100 Meters
Postcode Area DL
Postcode District DL14
Postcode Sector DL14 7

Administrative Areas

Country England
County County Durham
District County Durham
Ward Bishop Auckland Town
Parish Bishop Auckland
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Bishop Auckland
Region North East

Schools Nearby

Railway Station

Station Bishop Auckland
Distance To Station 0.55 mi

Work Place

Area Name Durham and Bishop Auckland
Average Income £33300

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Durham
Water Company Northumbrian Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

There has been average growth of 96.83% for all properties in DL14 7PE locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 291325 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 152558 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 104542 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 93202 GBP.

£93202 - £291325 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £93202 - £291325
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £146028

Public Transport Near 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
North Bondgate
Outside 27 North Bondgate (SW-bound), North Bondgate, Bishop Auckland
94.87 metres
Victoria Street
19m N of junc Victoria Ave (S-bound), Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland
278.04 metres
Market Place
opposite N edge of Library (E-bound), North Bondgate, Bishop Auckland
281.95 metres
Market Place
opposite S edge of St Annes Church (W-bound), Market Place, Bishop Auckland
301.81 metres
Newton Cap Bridge
30m N junc with Bridge Rd (S-bound), Newton Cap Bank, Bishop Auckland
332.42 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Bishop Auckland Rail Station
Bishop Auckland
890.25 metres
Bishop Auckland West Station
Bishop Auckland
934.61 metres
Shildon Rail Station
5.10 km
Newton Aycliffe Rail Station
Newton Aycliffe
8.08 km
Heighington Rail Station
Aycliffe Industrial Estate
9.81 km


Airport Location Distance
Durham Tees Valley Airport
Teesside Airport
23.34 km

Companies Located Near 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE



205 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 7EL



197 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



209 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



209 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



209 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



209 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



Rear 221 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, Co Durham, DL14 7EL



209 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



179 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 7EL



7 South Church Road, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, England DL14 7LB

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 50b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

MILLS, Stephen

MILLS, Stephen Director

203, Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL

YANG, Rong

YANG, Rong Director

197, Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL

CLARKE, Clare Francis Desavigny, Mrs.

CLARKE, Clare Francis Desavigny, Mrs. Director

203 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, United Kingdom DL14 7EL

WOOLLEY, Shana Louise

WOOLLEY, Shana Louise Director

203 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL

COOK, James

COOK, James Director

209, Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL

DENT, Johnathon

DENT, Johnathon Director

221, Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



209, Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL



209, Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, England DL14 7EL

ALLISON, Michael Nixon

ALLISON, Michael Nixon Company Director

7, South Church Road, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, England DL14 7LB

BRAITHWAITE, Shaun Christopher

BRAITHWAITE, Shaun Christopher Quarry Manager

7, South Church Road, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, England DL14 7LB

Other Properties in DL14 7PE

Richardsons Dance Studio, 27-28 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Richardsons Dance Studio, 27-28 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

29 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

29 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

29a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

29a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£51,000

D Tech Computers, 30-31 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

D Tech Computers, 30-31 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

The Hairdressers, 32 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

The Hairdressers, 32 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

33 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

33 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Bondgate Electrical Distribution Ltd, 34-35 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bondgate Electrical Distribution Ltd, 34-35 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

New Direction, 36 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

New Direction, 36 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£34,000

36a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

36a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

36b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

36b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Bar None, 37-38 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bar None, 37-38 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

The Bay Horse, 39-40 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

The Bay Horse, 39-40 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£52,500

41-42 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

41-42 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£60,000

43 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

43 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Howes Fish Saloon, 44 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Howes Fish Saloon, 44 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Storm Menswear, 44 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Storm Menswear, 44 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£45,000

Bondgate Newsagents, 45 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bondgate Newsagents, 45 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

45a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

45a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

1st Aid Training 4 U, 46 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

1st Aid Training 4 U, 46 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

B C Gregg, 47 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

B C Gregg, 47 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Flower World, 49 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Flower World, 49 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

49a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

49a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Bondgate Books, 50 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bondgate Books, 50 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£80,000

50a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

50a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£45,000

51 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

51 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Bead Ladies, 52 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bead Ladies, 52 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Action for Debt, 53 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Action for Debt, 53 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

53a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

53a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

53b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

53b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£26,000

55 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

55 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

55a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

55a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

55b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

55b Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Bondgate Gallery, 57 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bondgate Gallery, 57 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Tonys Prize Bingo, 59 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Tonys Prize Bingo, 59 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Muriels Wedding, 61 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Muriels Wedding, 61 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£52,500

Nip & Tuck, 62 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Nip & Tuck, 62 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

62a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

62a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£27,000

Fat Panda, 63 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Fat Panda, 63 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

63a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

63a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Speedy Pepper, 64 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Speedy Pepper, 64 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£165,000

Bar Mondo, 65-66 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Bar Mondo, 65-66 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold

Mojo Pizzaria, 67 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Mojo Pizzaria, 67 Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Last Sold At:£115,000

67a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

67a Fore Bondgate, BISHOP AUCKLAND, County Durham, DL14 7PE

Never Sold