59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 59b Bridge Street
Complete Address 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA
Type Residential
Property Structure Semi-Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 1950 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1998
No Of Rooms 5
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Dogs are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

59b Bridge Street, ELLON, is a residential property located in Ellon and District Ward of Aberdeenshire District, Scotland. The property is a Semi-Detached House with 5 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 10 people. The Size of the property is 1950 square ft It was constructed in 1998, age of the property is 25 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 399,000 - 509,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

59b Bridge Street, ELLON, is at the height of 14 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 57.36453600, -2.07421000.

Get Directions To 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. AB41 9AA Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

59b Bridge Street, ELLON,
Aberdeenshire, Ellon and District, Scotland
AB41 9AA

Locality Information

The locality type is remote small town. According to the 2011 census, 43.03% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode AB41 9AA has a population of 25. The locality has 58 properties. Out of which 10 are residential properties and 48 business properties. There are 2 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 57.36453600
Longitude -2.07421000
Northing 830454
Easting 395635
Altitude 14 Meters
Postcode Area AB
Postcode District AB41
Postcode Sector AB41 9

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District Aberdeenshire
Ward Ellon and District
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Gordon
Region Scotland

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Ellon Primary School AB41 9BB
Meiklemill School AB41 9BQ

Railway Station

Station Dyce
Distance To Station 11.83 mi

Work Place

Area Name Aberdeen

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

399,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £399,000 - £509,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Bridge Street
Bridge Street (at 53), Bridge Street, Ellon
32.65 metres
Market Street
Market Street (opp 28), Market Street, Ellon
99.92 metres
Bridge Street
Bridge Street (E-bound), Station Road, Ellon
100.24 metres
Market Street
Market Street (at 28), Market Street, Ellon
105.55 metres
Bridge Street
Bridge Street (W-bound), Station Road, Ellon
132.64 metres


Airport Location Distance
Aberdeen Airport
Aberdeen Airport
19.80 km

Companies Located Near 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA



3 Fechil Brae, Ellon, Scotland AB41 8NS



8 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB41 9AA



29 Bridge Street, Ellon, Scotland AB41 9AA



11-13 Bridge Street, Ellon, Scotland AB41 9AA



50 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9AA



61 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB41 9AA



35 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9AA



2 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB41 9AA



11 Bridge Street, Ellon, Scotland AB41 9AA



8 Bridge Street, Ellon, Scotland AB41 9AA

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 59b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA



Neil Ross Square, 39 Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9AA

CAMERON, Alan Iain

CAMERON, Alan Iain Retired Educationalist

Ceol Nan Craobh, 5 Fechil Brae, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8NS

ANDERSON, Philip Ian

ANDERSON, Philip Ian Director

8, Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB41 9AA

ANNAND, Amanda Jane

ANNAND, Amanda Jane Clerical Officer

95, Hillhead Drive, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom AB41 9WA

ANNAND, Michael David

ANNAND, Michael David Director

95 Hillhead Drive, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9WA

BUCHANAN, David Glenn

BUCHANAN, David Glenn Company Manager

2, Bredero Drive, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9QF

STEPHEN, Dennis John

STEPHEN, Dennis John

51a Eilean Rise, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9NF

MCLEOD, Ewen Alexander

MCLEOD, Ewen Alexander Surveyor

Torgarth 12 Duncan Place, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9FN

MOIR, Wilma Bettina

MOIR, Wilma Bettina

5 Bredero Drive, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9QF

BAIN, Aileen Margaret

BAIN, Aileen Margaret None

21, Bridge Street, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9AA

Other Properties in AB41 9AA

Aberdeenshire Council, 29 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Aberdeenshire Council, 29 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Aberdeenshire Council, 43-47 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Aberdeenshire Council, 43-47 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Aberdein Considine & Co, 57 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Aberdein Considine & Co, 57 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Ali Baba's, 55 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Ali Baba's, 55 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Angels, 61 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Angels, 61 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Artisan, Unit 2, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Artisan, Unit 2, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Best Wishes, 40 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Best Wishes, 40 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Bruce & Partners, 23 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Bruce & Partners, 23 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Buchan Hotel, Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Buchan Hotel, Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

City Financial, 21 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

City Financial, 21 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Delicious, Unit 1, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Delicious, Unit 1, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Destiny, 27 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Destiny, 27 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Duncan & Todd Opticians, 48 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Duncan & Todd Opticians, 48 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Elegant Blooms, 50 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Elegant Blooms, 50 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Ellon Advertiser, Unit 7, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Ellon Advertiser, Unit 7, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Excel Sports, Unit 1, Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Excel Sports, Unit 1, Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Foo Wah, Unit 3, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Foo Wah, Unit 3, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Forbuoys plc, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Forbuoys plc, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Fresh N'clean, 40 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Fresh N'clean, 40 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Friends, 29a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Friends, 29a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Grampian Technical Services, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Grampian Technical Services, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Jax Food Bar, 6 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Jax Food Bar, 6 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Linen Cupboard, 39 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Linen Cupboard, 39 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Lloyds TSB Scotland plc, 36 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Lloyds TSB Scotland plc, 36 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Micro Movies, Unit 4, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Micro Movies, Unit 4, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Murdoch & Allan, 13 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Murdoch & Allan, 13 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Nickel & Dime, 2 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Nickel & Dime, 2 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Nosheen Tandoori, 10 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Nosheen Tandoori, 10 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Penny Farthing, 42 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Penny Farthing, 42 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Pink Milk, Unit 5, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Pink Milk, Unit 5, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Redz of Ellon Ltd, 35 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Redz of Ellon Ltd, 35 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Royal Bank of Scotland, 15 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Royal Bank of Scotland, 15 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Scotia Homes, 21 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Scotia Homes, 21 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Scotscoup Bookmakers, 4 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Scotscoup Bookmakers, 4 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Scottish Hydro Electric, 41 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Scottish Hydro Electric, 41 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Skin Deep, 43-47 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Skin Deep, 43-47 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Symposium, 25 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Symposium, 25 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

The Bridge Bar, 12 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

The Bridge Bar, 12 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

The Ellon Times & East Gordon Advertiser, 8 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

The Ellon Times & East Gordon Advertiser, 8 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

The Therapy Room, 19 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

The Therapy Room, 19 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Thomson, 31 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Thomson, 31 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Ythan Bakery, 54 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Ythan Bakery, 54 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Ythan Construction, 2a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Ythan Construction, 2a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

Ythan Opticians, Unit 6, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Ythan Opticians, Unit 6, 32 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

17a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

17a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

17b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

17b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

34 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

34 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

34a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

34a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

44 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

44 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

44a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

44a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

46 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

46 Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

46a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

46a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

48a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

48a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

48b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

48b Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

53a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

53a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

55a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

55a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold

59a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

59a Bridge Street, ELLON, AB41 9AA

Never Sold