713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 713 Watson Court
Complete Address 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 227.34% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £292592 - £1059686
Size 3200 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1982

Detail Information Of The Property 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, is a business property located in Vicarage Ward of Watford District, England. The Size of the property is 3200 square ft. It was constructed in 1982, age of the property is 41 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 292592 - 1059686 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, is at the height of 66 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.64930500, -0.40071900.

Get Directions To 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. WD18 0GL Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD,
Watford, Vicarage, England
WD18 0GL

Locality Information

The property is located in the Greater London Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 65.80% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode WD18 0GL has a population of N/A. The locality has 81 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 8 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.64930500
Longitude -0.40071900
Northing 195712
Easting 510744
Altitude 66 Meters
Postcode Area WD
Postcode District WD18
Postcode Sector WD18 0

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Hertfordshire
District Watford
Ward Vicarage
Parish Watford, unparished area
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Constituency Watford
Region East of England

Railway Station

Station Watford High Street
Distance To Station 0.45 mi

Work Place

Area Name Luton
Average Income £50500

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Hertfordshire
Water Company Affinity Water
Sewage Company Thames Water

Property Sales Data For 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

There has been average growth of 227.34% for all properties in WD18 0GL locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 1059686 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 604900 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 452406 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 292592 GBP.

£292592 - £1059686 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £292592 - £1059686
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £514359

Public Transport Near 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
General Hospital
Unknown (o/s), Vicarage Road, Watford
229.51 metres
General Hospital
Unknown (opp), Vicarage Road, Watford
231.17 metres
The Hornets
Unknown (nr), Vicarage Road, Watford
242.83 metres
Watford Hospital Car Park
Unknown (opp), Thomas Sawyer Way, Watford
325.40 metres
Wiggenhall Road
Unknown (nr), Vicarage Road, Watford
436.11 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Watford High Street Rail Station
726.10 metres
Bushey Rail Station
1.14 km
Bushey Rail Station
1.18 km
Watford Junction Rail Station
1.61 km
Watford Junction Rail Station
1.66 km


Airport Location Distance
London Heathrow Airport
Heathrow Airport
19.78 km
London Heathrow Airport Terminal 1
Heathrow Airport
19.98 km
London Heathrow Airport Terminal 2
Heathrow Airport
20.31 km
London Heathrow Airport Terminal 3
Heathrow Airport
20.44 km
London Heathrow Airport Terminal 5
Heathrow Airport
20.73 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Watford Underground Station
TBA, Watford
1.47 km
Croxley Underground Station
TBA, Croxley Green
2.85 km
Moor Park Underground Station
TBA, Moor Park
3.08 km
Northwood Underground Station
TBA, Northwood
4.55 km
Rickmansworth Underground Station
TBA, Rickmansworth
5.15 km

Companies Located Near 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL



Wells Court, 5 Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, England WD17 2AA



59 Sedgwick Place, Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, England WD17 2AA



Wells Court, 28 Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, England WD17 2AA



1 Wells Court, Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, United Kingdom WD17 2AA



Wells Court, 5 Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, England WD17 2AA



Well Court, 5 Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, England WD17 2AA



53 Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, England WD17 2AA



50 Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, England WD17 2AA



46, Wells Court, Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom WD17 2AA



12 Wells Court, Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, WD17 2AA

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 713 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

PARMAR, Ashok Jadavji

PARMAR, Ashok Jadavji Director

124, Pumphouse Crescent, Watford, Hertfordshire, England WD17 2AJ

FATIEIEV, Stanislav

FATIEIEV, Stanislav Manager

Flat 32 Sligo House, Wellstones, Watford, England WD17 2AX

GILL, Daniel Shamshad

GILL, Daniel Shamshad Nursing

116, Pumphouse Crescent, Lower High Street, Watford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom WD17 2AJ

GILL, Nyala

GILL, Nyala Company Director

116, Pumphouse Crescent, Lower High Street, Watford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom WD17 2AJ

GARTON, Stephen John

GARTON, Stephen John Director

Barratt House, Wellstones, Watford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom WD17 2AF

SCARBOROUGH, Christine Valerie

SCARBOROUGH, Christine Valerie Sales Director

Barratt House, Wellstones, Watford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom WD17 2AF

SEDDON, Damian Patrick

SEDDON, Damian Patrick Commercial Director

Barratt House, Wellstones, Watford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom WD17 2AF


MURARIU MARGINEANU, Loredana Fanica Consultant

505 Watson Court, Stadium Way, Watford, England WD18 0GL

ATTWATER, Jeremy Paul

ATTWATER, Jeremy Paul Commericial Director

Barratt House Wellstoned, Watford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom WD17 2AF

STANKOVA, Violeta Veleva

STANKOVA, Violeta Veleva Shop Assistant

620 Watson Court, Stadium Way, Watford, England WD18 0GL

Other Properties in WD18 0GL

401 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

401 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

402 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

402 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

403 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

403 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

404 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

404 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

405 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

405 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

406 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

406 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

407 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

407 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

408 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

408 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

409 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

409 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

410 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

410 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

411 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

411 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

412 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

412 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

413 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

413 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

414 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

414 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

415 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

415 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

416 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

416 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

417 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

417 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

418 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

418 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

419 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

419 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

420 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

420 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

Origin Housing Group, 421 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Origin Housing Group, 421 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

422 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

422 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

423 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

423 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

424 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

424 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

425 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

425 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

426 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

426 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

501 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

501 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

502 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

502 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

503 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

503 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

504 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

504 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

505 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

505 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

506 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

506 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

507 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

507 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

508 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

508 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

509 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

509 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

510 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

510 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

511 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

511 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

512 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

512 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

513 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

513 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

514 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

514 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

515 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

515 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

516 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

516 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

517 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

517 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

518 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

518 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

519 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

519 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

520 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

520 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

521 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

521 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

601 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

601 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

602 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

602 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

603 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

603 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

604 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

604 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

605 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

605 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

606 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

606 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

607 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

607 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

608 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

608 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

609 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

609 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

610 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

610 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

611 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

611 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

612 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

612 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

613 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

613 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

614 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

614 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

615 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

615 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

616 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

616 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

617 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

617 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

618 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

618 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

619 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

619 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

620 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

620 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

621 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

621 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

701 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

701 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

702 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

702 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

703 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

703 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

704 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

704 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

705 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

705 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

706 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

706 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

707 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

707 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

708 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

708 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

709 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

709 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

710 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

710 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

711 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

711 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold

712 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

712 Watson Court, Stadium Way, WATFORD, WD18 0GL

Never Sold