76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 76 Kier Hardie Crescent
Complete Address 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER
Type Residential
Property Structure Semi-Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 162.87% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £132166 - £393652
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1964
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Dogs are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, is a residential property located in Ringland Ward of Newport District, Wales. The property is a Semi-Detached House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1964, age of the property is 59 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 132166 - 393652 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, is at the height of 59 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.59625000, -2.94420100.

Get Directions To 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. NP19 9ER Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent,
Newport, Ringland, Wales
NP19 9ER

Locality Information

The property is located in the Newport (Newport) Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 2.51% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode NP19 9ER has a population of 154. The locality has 55 properties. Out of which 53 are residential properties and 2 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.59625000
Longitude -2.94420100
Northing 189023
Easting 334694
Altitude 59 Meters
Postcode Area NP
Postcode District NP19
Postcode Sector NP19 9

Administrative Areas

Country Wales
County Gwent
District Newport
Ward Ringland
Parish Ringland
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Newport East
Region Wales

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
St. Gabriel's R.C. NP19 9PQ

Railway Station

Station Newport (South Wales)
Distance To Station 2.47 mi

Work Place

Area Name Newport
Average Income £38000

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Gwent
Water Company Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

There has been average growth of 162.87% for all properties in NP19 9ER locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 393652 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 218764 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 156852 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 132166 GBP.

£132166 - £393652 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £132166 - £393652
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £210111

Public Transport Near 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
View Point Car Park
Viewpoint Car Park (opposite), Christchurch Road, Christchurch
221.30 metres
View Point Car Park
Viewpoint Car Park (after), Christchurch Road, Christchurch
227.40 metres
Bishpool Lane
Chepstow Road, Bishpool
228.58 metres
Man of Gwent
Man of Gwent PH (o/s), Chepstow Road, Bishpool
236.60 metres
Bishpool Lane
Chepstow Road, Bishpool
261.48 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Newport (S Wales) Ferry Terminal
East Bank Road, Newport
4.23 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Newport (S Wales) Rail Station
3.99 km
Pye Corner Rail Station
Pye Corner
6.92 km
Cwmbran Rail Station
8.36 km
Rogerstone Rail Station
8.48 km
Risca & Pontymister Rail Station
10.31 km


Airport Location Distance
Bristol International Airport
28.38 km
Cardiff International Airport
Cardiff Airport
35.14 km

Companies Located Near 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER



4 Royal Oak Drive, Newport, Wales NP18 1JE



32 Royal Oak Drive, Newport, Wales NP18 1JE



40 Royal Oak Drive, Newport, Wales NP18 1JE



The Sain, Royal Oak Hill, Newport, Wales NP18 1JF



The Sain Royal Oak Hill, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JF



3 Royal Oak Hill, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JF



Oakdale Royal Oak Hill, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JF



3 The Niche Royal Oak Hill, Christchurch, Newport, Gwent, Wales NP18 1JF



Oakdale Royal Oak Hill, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JF



3, The Niche Royal Oak Hill, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JF

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 76 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

DAW, James William Ivor

DAW, James William Ivor Company Director

Highfield House, Christchurch, Newport, Gwent, NP18 1JJ

STROUD, Michael Stuart

STROUD, Michael Stuart Property Agent

Uskview, Old Hill, Christchurch, Newport, United Kingdom NP18 1JZ

FOUWEATHER, Marilyn Gail

FOUWEATHER, Marilyn Gail

Kula, Christchurch, Newport, Gwent, NP18 1JJ

FOUWEATHER, Anthony John

FOUWEATHER, Anthony John Proprietor

Kula, Christchurch, Newport, Gwent, NP18 1JJ

BEARD, Christopher John

BEARD, Christopher John Caterer

2 Old Hill Crescent, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JN

ANJUM, Adeel

ANJUM, Adeel Company Director

26, Old Hill Crescent, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JN

JONES, Alan Lynn

JONES, Alan Lynn Accountant

Rhoslan, Christchurch, Newport, South Wales, NP18 1JJ


NDIAYE-DRAMMEH, Claire Customer Service

4 Royal Oak Drive, Newport, Wales NP18 1JE

SIMS, Carol

SIMS, Carol Teacher

28, Old Hill Crescent, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JN

SIMS, Raymond Peter

SIMS, Raymond Peter Sales Director

28, Old Hill Crescent, Christchurch, Newport, Wales NP18 1JN

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28 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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29 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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30 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

30 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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31 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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32 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

32 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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33 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

33 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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34 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

34 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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35 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

35 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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36 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

36 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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37 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

37 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

38 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

38 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

39 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

39 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

40 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

40 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

41 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

41 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

42 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

42 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

43 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

43 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

44 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

44 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

45 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

45 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

46 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

46 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

47 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

47 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

48 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

48 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

49 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

49 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

50 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

50 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

51 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

51 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

52 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

52 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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53 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

53 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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54 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

54 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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55 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

55 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

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56 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

56 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

57 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

57 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

58 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

58 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

59 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

59 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

60 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

60 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

61 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

61 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

62 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

62 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

63 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

63 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

64 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

64 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

65 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

65 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

66 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

66 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

67 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

67 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

68 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

68 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

69 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

69 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

70 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

70 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

71 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

71 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

72 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

72 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

73 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

73 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

74 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

74 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

75 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

75 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

77 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

77 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

78 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

78 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold

79 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

79 Kier Hardie Crescent, NEWPORT, Gwent, NP19 9ER

Never Sold