89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name 89 Cudham Drive
Complete Address 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW
Type Residential
Property Structure Terraced House
Growth Rate in Valuation 227.68% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £274923 - £858628
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1951
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Only cats are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, is a residential property located in New Addington South Ward of Croydon District, England. The property is a Terraced House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1951, age of the property is 72 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 274923 - 858628 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, is at the height of 147 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.33942800, -0.01862500.

Get Directions To 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. CR0 0LW Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON,
Croydon, New Addington South, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the New Addington Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 17.46% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode CR0 0LW has a population of 131. The locality has 43 properties. Out of which 43 are residential properties and 0 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.33942800
Longitude -0.01862500
Northing 161901
Easting 538110
Altitude 147 Meters
Postcode Area CR
Postcode District CR0
Postcode Sector CR0 0

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Greater London
District Croydon
Ward New Addington South
Parish Croydon, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Croydon Central
Region London

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Rowdown Primary School CR0 0EG

Railway Station

Station New Addington
Distance To Station 0.22 mi

Work Place

Area Name London
Average Income £44400

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Metropolitan Police
Water Company Thames Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

There has been average growth of 227.68% for all properties in CR0 0LW locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 858628 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 522084 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 430269 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 274923 GBP.

£274923 - £858628 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £274923 - £858628
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £428550

Public Transport Near 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Overbury Crescent
New Addington
113.65 metres
Overbury Crescent
New Addington
120.11 metres
Homestead Way Overbury Crescent
HOMESTEAD WAY, New Addington
201.07 metres
Homestead Way Overbury Crescent
HOMESTEAD WAY, New Addington
248.96 metres
Central Parade New Addington
332.58 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Hayes (Kent) Rail Station
4.58 km
West Wickham Rail Station
West Wickham
4.67 km
Sanderstead Rail Station
5.32 km
Upper Warlingham Rail Station
5.38 km
Whyteleafe Rail Station
5.45 km


Airport Location Distance
Biggin Hill Airport
Leaves Green
3.70 km
London City Airport
18.85 km
London Gatwick Airport
Gatwick Airport
22.68 km
London Gatwick Airport South Terminal
Gatwick Airport
22.77 km
London Gatwick Airport North Terminal
Gatwick Airport
22.83 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
New Addington Tram Stop
Swimming Pool, Central Park, New Addington
361.86 metres
King Henry's Drive Tram Stop
Recreation Ground, Parkway, New Addington
670.53 metres
Fieldway Tram Stop
Fire Station, Lodge Lane, Forestdale
1.39 km
Addington Village Tram Stop
Lodge Lane, Kent Gate Way, Addington
2.11 km
Gravel Hill Tram Stop
Gravel Hill Tennis Courts, Gravel Hill, Forestdale
2.40 km

Companies Located Near 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW



124 Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0AN



137 Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0AP



145 Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0AP



151 Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0AP



151 Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0AP



75 Homestead Way, New Addington, Croydon, Surrry, CR0 0AW



107 Homestead Way, Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 0AW



7 Milne Park East, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0BB



87 Milne Park East, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0BE



36 Uvedale Crescent, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0BP

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near 89 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW


HACKETT, Daniel Manager

124, Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom CR0 0AN

TAYYIB BAH, Mohamed El

TAYYIB BAH, Mohamed El Civil Servant

113 Fairchides Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0AP

ERB, Richard

ERB, Richard Artistic Director

151, Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0AP

AGBAJE, Adekolawole

AGBAJE, Adekolawole Director

145 Fairchildes Avenue, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0AP

ADE AGBAJE, Juliet Olubunmi

ADE AGBAJE, Juliet Olubunmi Manager

145 Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Surrey, CR0 0AP

ERB, Richard Ambrose

ERB, Richard Ambrose Investor

151, Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 0AP

PHIPPS, Jason David

PHIPPS, Jason David Director

107, Homestead Way, Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 0AW

WILSON, Gerald-Mark

WILSON, Gerald-Mark Director

7, Milne Park East, New Addington, Croydon, England CR0 0BB

PRATT, Maurice Arthur

PRATT, Maurice Arthur Retired

10 Hutchingsons Road, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0BD

CLAYTON, Jennifer

CLAYTON, Jennifer

1 Hutchingsons Road, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0BD

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91 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

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92 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

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93 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

93 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

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94 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

94 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

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95 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

95 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

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96 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

96 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

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97 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

97 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

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98 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

98 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

99 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

99 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

100 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

100 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

101 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

101 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

102 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

102 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

103 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

103 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

104 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

104 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

105 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

105 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

106 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

106 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

107 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

107 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

108 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

108 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

109 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

109 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

110 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

110 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

111 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

111 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

112 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

112 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

113 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

113 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

114 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

114 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

115 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

115 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

116 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

116 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

117 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

117 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

118 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

118 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

119 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

119 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

120 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

120 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

121 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

121 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

122 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

122 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

123 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

123 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

124 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

124 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

125 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

125 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

126 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

126 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

127 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

127 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

128 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

128 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold

129 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

129 Cudham Drive, New Addington, CROYDON, CR0 0LW

Never Sold