Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Airport Service Station
Complete Address Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 157.81% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £124811 - £345449
Size 5400 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1956

Detail Information Of The Property Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, is a business property located in Daleacre Hill Ward of North West Leicestershire District, England. The Size of the property is 5400 square ft. It was constructed in 1956, age of the property is 67 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 124811 - 345449 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, is at the height of 86 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 52.82472400, -1.33134400.

Get Directions To Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. DE74 2SA Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY,
North West Leicestershire, Daleacre Hill, England
DE74 2SA

Locality Information

The property is located in the Castle Donington Town area. The locality type is rural village. According to the 2011 census, 54.76% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode DE74 2SA has a population of N/A. The locality has 66 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 52.82472400
Longitude -1.33134400
Northing 325453
Easting 445153
Altitude 86 Meters
Postcode Area DE
Postcode District DE74
Postcode Sector DE74 2

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Leicestershire
District North West Leicestershire
Ward Daleacre Hill
Parish Lockington-Hemington
Local Authority Leicestershire
Constituency North West Leicestershire
Region East Midlands

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Diseworth Church of England Primary School DE74 2QD

Police Stations

Railway Station

Station East Midlands Parkway
Distance To Station 3.86 mi

Work Place

Area Name Derby
Average Income £46400

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Leicestershire
Water Company Severn Trent
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

There has been average growth of 157.81% for all properties in DE74 2SA locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 345449 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 205175 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 161994 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 124811 GBP.

£124811 - £345449 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £124811 - £345449
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £216156

Public Transport Near Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
EMA Departure Building
Block 113 (opp), Viscount Road, East Mids Airport
19.10 metres
EMA Departure Building
Building 8 (adj), Viscount Road, East Mids Airport
35.47 metres
Terminal Building
Terminal Building (Stand 4), Site Road, East Mids Airport
124.87 metres
Terminal Building
Terminal Building (Stand 2), Site Road, East Mids Airport
212.62 metres
Grimes Gate
The Birches (Northbound), Grimes Gate, Diseworth
247.10 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
East Midlands Parkway Rail Station
Ratcliffe on Soar
6.22 km
Long Eaton Rail Station
Long Eaton
7.32 km
Loughborough (Leics) Rail Station
10.45 km
Spondon Rail Station
11.12 km
Attenborough Rail Station
11.29 km


Airport Location Distance
East Midlands Airport
East Mids Airport
261.70 metres

Companies Located Near Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA



Swan House Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, England DE74 2QD



Bleak House, Grimesgate, Derby, Leicestershire, United Kingdom DE74 2QD



Iron Farm,7 Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, England DE74 2QD



C/o Nikon Metrology Uk Ltd, . Argosy Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, DE74 2SA



Sky View, Argosy Road East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, Derbyshire, England DE74 2SA



Sky View, Argosy Road East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, Derbyshire, England DE74 2SA



Sky View, Argosy Road East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, Derbyshire, England DE74 2SA



Sky View, Argosy Road East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, Derbyshire, England DE74 2SA



Building 423 - Sky View (Ro) Argosy Road, Castle Donington, East Midlands Airport, Derby, England DE74 2SA



Sky View, Argosy Road East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, Derbyshire, England DE74 2SA

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Airport Service Station, Building 7, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA



2, The Birches, Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, United Kingdom DE74 2PU


SIMMONS, Paul Director

2 The Birches, Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derbyshire, DE74 2PU


SIMMONS, Paul Director

2, Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, England DE74 2PU

STEVEN, Michael Robert

STEVEN, Michael Robert Civil Servant

The Birches, Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derbyshire, DE74 2PU

COUND, David Mansell Aubrey

COUND, David Mansell Aubrey Chartered Accountants

5 The Birches, Grimesgate Diseworth, Derby, Derbyshire, DE74 2PU

WEST, Sally Elizabeth

WEST, Sally Elizabeth

Bleak House, Grimesgate Diseworth, Leicester, DE74 2QB

SIMPSON, Barry Anthony

SIMPSON, Barry Anthony Director

Iron Farm 7 Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, Derbyshire, DE74 2QD

SIMPSON, Sally Anne

SIMPSON, Sally Anne Director

Iron Farm 7 Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, Derbyshire, DE74 2QD

BALL, Oliver Adam

BALL, Oliver Adam Director

Swan House, Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, England DE74 2QD

SHARP, Andrew Dennis

SHARP, Andrew Dennis Director

Swan House, Grimesgate, Diseworth, Derby, England DE74 2QD

Other Properties in DE74 2SA

Chevron Ltd, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Chevron Ltd, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

D L R Air Ambulance, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

D L R Air Ambulance, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Metris UK Ltd, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Metris UK Ltd, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

National Car Parks Ltd, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

National Car Parks Ltd, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Last Sold At:£575,000

Thomson Airways, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Thomson Airways, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

U P S Ltd, Building 19, Cargo, 2 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

U P S Ltd, Building 19, Cargo, 2 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Air Logistics Ltd, Cargo Terminal, 4 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Air Logistics Ltd, Cargo Terminal, 4 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

M I E S, Unit 1, Cargo Terminal, 4 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

M I E S, Unit 1, Cargo Terminal, 4 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Servisair Cargo, Unit 2, Cargo Terminal, 4 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Servisair Cargo, Unit 2, Cargo Terminal, 4 East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Nippon Express (UK) Ltd, Unit 75/A, Air Cargo Centre, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Nippon Express (UK) Ltd, Unit 75/A, Air Cargo Centre, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Last Sold At:£180,000

First Choice Airways Ltd, Building 65, Ambassador Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

First Choice Airways Ltd, Building 65, Ambassador Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

D H L International (UK) Ltd, Unit 13, Argosy Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

D H L International (UK) Ltd, Unit 13, Argosy Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Phoenix International Freight Services Ltd, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Phoenix International Freight Services Ltd, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Medstrom Ltd, Unit 2 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Medstrom Ltd, Unit 2 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Rail Vision, Unit 2 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Rail Vision, Unit 2 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Heavyweight Air Express Ltd, Unit 3 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Heavyweight Air Express Ltd, Unit 3 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

B M I Engineering, Britannia Building Hangar 29, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

B M I Engineering, Britannia Building Hangar 29, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

G4s Security Services, Building 8, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

G4s Security Services, Building 8, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Gate Aviation, Building 9, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Gate Aviation, Building 9, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Alpha Flight, Building 17, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Alpha Flight, Building 17, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Last Sold At:£6,200,000

K G Aircraft Rotables Co Ltd, Building 21, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

K G Aircraft Rotables Co Ltd, Building 21, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Air Ambulance Service, Building 32, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Air Ambulance Service, Building 32, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Anglia Courier Express, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Anglia Courier Express, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Donair Flying Club, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Donair Flying Club, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Mannix Aviation Ltd, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Mannix Aviation Ltd, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

R L M International Ltd, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

R L M International Ltd, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

East Midlands Airport, Building 34, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

East Midlands Airport, Building 34, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Donnington Aviation Engineering Ltd, Building 36, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Donnington Aviation Engineering Ltd, Building 36, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

McCrory & 0'neill Ltd, Building 38, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

McCrory & 0'neill Ltd, Building 38, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Building 59, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Building 59, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

East Midlands Training, Building 65c, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

East Midlands Training, Building 65c, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

J C B Ltd, Cargo West, Building 80, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

J C B Ltd, Cargo West, Building 80, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Building 96, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Building 96, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Aviation Resource Ltd, Building 100, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Aviation Resource Ltd, Building 100, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

K Line Logistics UK Ltd, Building 100, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

K Line Logistics UK Ltd, Building 100, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Davies Turner Air Cargo Ltd, Building 101, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Davies Turner Air Cargo Ltd, Building 101, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Evolution Logistics Ltd, Building 101, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Evolution Logistics Ltd, Building 101, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Prestige Parking Ltd, Building 107, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Prestige Parking Ltd, Building 107, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Air Action Freight, Building 110, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Air Action Freight, Building 110, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Unit 2, Building 110, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Unit 2, Building 110, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Freeway Cargo Express Ltd, Building 111, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Freeway Cargo Express Ltd, Building 111, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Radar Freight Services Ltd, Building 111, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Radar Freight Services Ltd, Building 111, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Building 120, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Building 120, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Royal Mail, Building 137, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Royal Mail, Building 137, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Viking Airlines, Building 661, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Viking Airlines, Building 661, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

The Runway Cafe Ltd, Building 665, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

The Runway Cafe Ltd, Building 665, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

D C A Cargo Ltd, Cargo Terminal, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

D C A Cargo Ltd, Cargo Terminal, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Unit 4, Millennium House, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Unit 4, Millennium House, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

D H L International (UK) Ltd, Unit 5, Millennium House, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

D H L International (UK) Ltd, Unit 5, Millennium House, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Air Traffic Control, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Air Traffic Control, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Alpha Retail, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Alpha Retail, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Aviation Gift Centre, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Aviation Gift Centre, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Avis Rent A Car Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Avis Rent A Car Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Boots the Chemists Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Boots the Chemists Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Burger King (UK) Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Burger King (UK) Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Enterprise Rent A Car, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Enterprise Rent A Car, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Europcar UK Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Europcar UK Ltd, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Hertz Rent A Car, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Hertz Rent A Car, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

H M Customs & Excise, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

H M Customs & Excise, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

National Car Rentals, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

National Car Rentals, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Travelex, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Travelex, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Trent Cafe, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Trent Cafe, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

UK Immigration Services, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

UK Immigration Services, Terminal Building, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

Unit 70, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Unit 70, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold

North Air Ltd, Building 10, Viscount Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

North Air Ltd, Building 10, Viscount Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, DERBY, DE74 2SA

Never Sold