Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Apartment 1304
Complete Address Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 151.29% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £139182 - £499680
Size 3200 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1982

Detail Information Of The Property Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, is a business property located in Nechells Ward of Birmingham District, England. The Size of the property is 3200 square ft. It was constructed in 1982, age of the property is 41 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 139182 - 499680 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, is at the height of 119 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 52.48160100, -1.88933000.

Get Directions To Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. B5 5JN Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM,
Birmingham, Nechells, England
B5 5JN

Locality Information

The property is located in the West Midlands Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 36.32% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode B5 5JN has a population of N/A. The locality has 96 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 2 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 52.48160100
Longitude -1.88933000
Northing 287081
Easting 407613
Altitude 119 Meters
Postcode Area B
Postcode District B5
Postcode Sector B5 5

Administrative Areas

Country England
County West Midlands
District Birmingham
Ward Nechells
Parish Birmingham, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Birmingham, Ladywood
Region West Midlands

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Birmingham Ormiston Academy B4 7QD
The Wisdom Academy B7 4HY

Railway Station

Station Birmingham Moor Street
Distance To Station 0.22 mi

Work Place

Area Name Birmingham
Average Income £23700

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force West Midlands
Water Company Severn Trent
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

There has been average growth of 151.29% for all properties in B5 5JN locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 499680 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 263868 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 207742 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 139182 GBP.

£139182 - £499680 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £139182 - £499680
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £243136

Public Transport Near Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Albert St
PARK ST, Aston University
34.89 metres
Masshouse Lane
PARK ST, Digbeth
86.98 metres
Matthew Boulton College
JENNENS RD, Aston University
102.40 metres
Albert St
153.10 metres
Albert St
156.92 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Birmingham Moor Street Rail Station
352.60 metres
Birmingham Snow Hill Rail Station
690.80 metres
Birmingham New Street Rail Station
850.13 metres
Bordesley Rail Station
1.34 km
Duddeston Rail Station
1.43 km


Airport Location Distance
Birmingham International Airport
Birmingham Airport
11.20 km
Birmingham International Airport Terminal 1
Birmingham Airport
11.20 km
Birmingham International Airport Terminal 2
Birmingham Airport
11.21 km
Coventry Airport
30.89 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Bull Street (Midland Metro Stop)
Bull Street, Birmingham
474.89 metres
Corporation Street (Midland Metro Stop)
Corporation Street, Birmingham
567.90 metres
Grand Central New Street (Midland Metro Stop)
Stephenson Street, Birmingham
754.47 metres
St Chads (Midland Metro Stop)
St Chads Queensway, Birmingham
786.93 metres
Town Hall (Midlands Metro Stop)
Paradise Street, Birmingham
991.78 metres

Companies Located Near Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN



2505 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA



Beliercorp Ltd, Apartment 2602 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus, Birmingham, United Kingdom B1 1BA



Apartment 2303 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA



C/o Arthur Andersen & Co, 1 Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BA



Apartment 1904 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA



Apartment 2303 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA



3805 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA



1 Victoria Square, Birmingham, West Midlands, B1 1BA



Apartment 2706 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B1 1BA



Apartment 2003 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Apartment 1304, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

WANG, Baocai

WANG, Baocai Chief Executive

2505, Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

CHEN, Shuer

CHEN, Shuer Chief Executive

Apartment 2303 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

MANOFU, Sergiu Alexandru

MANOFU, Sergiu Alexandru Economist

Apartment 2304, Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus, Queensway, Birmingham, United Kingdom B1 1BA

YASSIN, Abdul Halim

YASSIN, Abdul Halim Director

Apartment 2304, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

FENG, Liangbo

FENG, Liangbo Chief Executive

Apartment 2303 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

CHAN, Kwan Ho Matthew

CHAN, Kwan Ho Matthew Company Secretary

3805, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

FU, Mingliang

FU, Mingliang Chief Executive

3805, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

BAI, Haotian

BAI, Haotian Company Director

Apartment 2706 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B1 1BA


BROWN, Shaq Company Director

Apartment 2003 Beetham Tower, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

LI, Hongbao

LI, Hongbao Company Secretary/Director

3006, 10 Holloway Circus Queensway, Birmingham, England B1 1BA

Other Properties in B5 5JN

8 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

8 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 701, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 701, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 702, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 702, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 703, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 703, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 704, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 704, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 705, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 705, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 706, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 706, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 707, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 707, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 708, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 708, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 709, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 709, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 710, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 710, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 711, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 711, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 712, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 712, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 801, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 801, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 802, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 802, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 803, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 803, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 804, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 804, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 805, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 805, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 806, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 806, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 807, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 807, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 808, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 808, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 809, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 809, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 810, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 810, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 811, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 811, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 812, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 812, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 901, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 901, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 902, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 902, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 903, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 903, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 904, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 904, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 905, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 905, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 906, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 906, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 907, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 907, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 908, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 908, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 909, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 909, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 910, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 910, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 911, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 911, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 912, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 912, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1001, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1001, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1002, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1002, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1003, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1003, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1004, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1004, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1005, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1005, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1006, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1006, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1007, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1007, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1008, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1008, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1009, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1009, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1010, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1010, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1011, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1011, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1012, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1012, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1101, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1101, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1102, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1102, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1103, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1103, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1104, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1104, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1105, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1105, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1106, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1106, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1107, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1107, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1108, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1108, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1109, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1109, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1110, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1110, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1111, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1111, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1112, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1112, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1201, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1201, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1202, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1202, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1203, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1203, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1204, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1204, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1205, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1205, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1206, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1206, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1207, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1207, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1208, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1208, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1209, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1209, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1210, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1210, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1211, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1211, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1212, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1212, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1301, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1301, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1302, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1302, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1303, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1303, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1305, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1305, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1306, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1306, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1307, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1307, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1308, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1308, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1309, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1309, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1310, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1310, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1311, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1311, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1312, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1312, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1401, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1401, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1402, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1402, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1403, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1403, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1404, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1404, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1405, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1405, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1406, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1406, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1407, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1407, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1408, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1408, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1409, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1409, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1410, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1410, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold

Apartment 1411, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Apartment 1411, 7 Masshouse Plaza, BIRMINGHAM, B5 5JN

Never Sold