Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Apartment 287
Complete Address Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ
Type Residential
Property Structure Terraced House
Growth Rate in Valuation 198.85% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £166716 - £372617
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1979
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Only cats are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, is a residential property located in Deansgate Ward of Manchester District, England. The property is a Terraced House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1979, age of the property is 44 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 166716 - 372617 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, is at the height of 31 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.47344700, -2.25879000.

Get Directions To Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. M15 4JJ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER,
Manchester, Deansgate, England
M15 4JJ

Locality Information

The property is located in the Greater Manchester Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 56.25% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode M15 4JJ has a population of 140. The locality has 86 properties. Out of which 83 are residential properties and 3 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.47344700
Longitude -2.25879000
Northing 397444
Easting 382920
Altitude 31 Meters
Postcode Area M
Postcode District M15
Postcode Sector M15 4

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Greater Manchester
District Manchester
Ward Deansgate
Parish Manchester, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Manchester Central
Region North West

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
St Wilfrid's RC Primary School M15 5BJ

Railway Station

Station Deansgate
Distance To Station 0.32 mi

Work Place

Area Name Manchester
Average Income £73400

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Greater Manchester
Water Company United Utilities
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

There has been average growth of 198.85% for all properties in M15 4JJ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 372617 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 258492 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 203793 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 166716 GBP.

£166716 - £372617 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £166716 - £372617
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £226419

Public Transport Near Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Castle Quay
Chester Road, Manchester City Centre
286.40 metres
Chester Road
ROUNDABOUT (nr), Chorlton Road, St Georges
294.16 metres
Water Street
BRIDGE (nr), Regent Road, Castlefield
354.04 metres
New Elm Road
CAR Park (nr), Water Street, Castlefield
366.48 metres
Hulme Hall Road
ST GEORGES CT (opp), Chester Road, Cornbrook
371.39 metres

Bus Stations

Station Location Distance
Manchester Central Coach Station
Manchester City Centre
1.50 km
Manchester Piccadilly Gardens
Piccadilly Gardens
1.60 km
Shudehill Interchange
1.90 km
Chorlton Bus Station
4.12 km
Eccles Interchange
5.24 km

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Liverpool Road
Liverpool Road, Castlefield
405.91 metres
Lower Byrom Street
Lower Byrom Street, Castlefield
510.22 metres
Deansgate Locks
Deansgate Rail Station (o/s), Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
607.67 metres
City Centre - Whitworth Street West
ALBION Street (Whitworth Street West - Albion Street), Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
781.14 metres
Byrom Street
Byrom Street, Spinningfields
802.41 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Deansgate Rail Station
Manchester City Centre
520.19 metres
Salford Central Rail Station
1.10 km
Manchester Oxford Road Rail Station
Manchester City Centre
1.12 km
Salford Crescent Rail Station
1.84 km
Manchester Victoria Rail Station
Manchester City Centre
1.89 km


Airport Location Distance
Manchester Airport Terminal 2
Manchester Airport
11.91 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 1
Manchester Airport
12.36 km
Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport
12.53 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 3
Manchester Airport
12.58 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Deansgate-Castlefield (Manchester Metrolink)
Manchester Central Convention Complex, Off Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
578.97 metres
Cornbrook (Manchester Metrolink)
Off Cornbrook Road, Cornbrook
681.54 metres
St Peter's Square (Manchester Metrolink)
Manchester Central Library, Mosley Street, Manchester City Centre
1.17 km
Pomona (Manchester Metrolink)
Off Pomona Stand, Salford Quays
1.57 km
Exchange Square (Manchester Metrolink)
Corn Exchange, Corporation Street, Manchester City Centre
1.63 km

Companies Located Near Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ



Unit 5/6 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M15 4JJ



Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ



249 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ



230 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ



Apartment 249, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ



Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ



Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ



Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ



Unit 5/6 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M15 4JJ



Manchester Central Convention Complex Limited Windmill Street, Petersfield, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M2 3GX

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Apartment 287, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

PATEL, Uwais

PATEL, Uwais

Unit 5/6 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M15 4JJ

DUNN, Paul

DUNN, Paul Director

Unit 5/6 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M15 4JJ

TESAR, Michal

TESAR, Michal Head Of Techincal Operations

Unit 5/6 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M15 4JJ

PATEL, Uwais

PATEL, Uwais

Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ


WARBURTON, Philip Company Director

Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ

PATEL, Uwais

PATEL, Uwais

Unit 5/6 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M15 4JJ

PATEL, Uwais

PATEL, Uwais

Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ

SPENSLEY, Paul Simon

SPENSLEY, Paul Simon Telecommunications

249, Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ

HALL, Jordan Michael

HALL, Jordan Michael Telecommunications

249, Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ

NEW, Gareth

NEW, Gareth Consultant

230, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, England M15 4JJ

Other Properties in M15 4JJ

Apartment 216, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 216, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 217, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 217, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 218, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 218, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 219, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 219, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 220, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 220, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 221, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 221, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 222, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 222, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 223, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 223, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 224, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 224, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 225, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 225, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 226, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 226, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 227, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 227, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 228, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 228, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 229, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 229, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 230, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 230, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 231, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 231, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 232, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 232, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 233, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 233, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 234, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 234, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 235, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 235, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 236, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 236, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 237, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 237, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 238, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 238, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 239, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 239, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 240, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 240, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 241, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 241, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 242, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 242, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 243, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 243, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 244, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 244, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 245, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 245, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 246, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 246, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 247, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 247, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 248, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 248, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 249, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 249, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 250, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 250, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 251, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 251, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 252, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 252, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 253, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 253, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 254, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 254, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 255, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 255, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 256, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 256, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 257, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 257, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 258, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 258, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 259, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 259, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 260, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 260, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 261, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 261, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 262, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 262, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 263, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 263, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 264, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 264, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 265, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 265, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 266, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 266, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 267, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 267, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 268, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 268, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 269, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 269, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 270, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 270, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 271, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 271, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 272, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 272, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 273, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 273, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 274, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 274, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 275, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 275, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 276, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 276, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 277, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 277, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 278, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 278, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 279, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 279, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 280, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 280, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 281, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 281, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 282, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 282, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 283, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 283, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 284, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 284, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 285, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 285, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 286, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 286, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 288, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 288, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 289, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 289, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 290, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 290, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 291, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 291, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 292, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 292, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 293, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 293, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 294, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 294, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 295, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 295, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 296, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 296, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 297, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 297, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 298, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 298, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 299, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 299, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

Apartment 300, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Apartment 300, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold

After Adoption Ltd, Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

After Adoption Ltd, Unit 5, 5 Blantyre Street, MANCHESTER, M15 4JJ

Never Sold