Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Apartment 603
Complete Address Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH
Type Residential
Property Structure Terraced House
Growth Rate in Valuation 156.95% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £137804 - £337960
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1985
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Only cats are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, is a residential property located in Dales Ward of Nottingham District, England. The property is a Terraced House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1985, age of the property is 38 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 137804 - 337960 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, is at the height of 26 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 52.94367200, -1.11890300.

Get Directions To Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. NG2 4RH Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM,
Nottingham, Dales, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Nottingham Town area. The locality type is urban minor conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 9.06% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode NG2 4RH has a population of 88. The locality has 81 properties. Out of which 55 are residential properties and 26 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 52.94367200
Longitude -1.11890300
Northing 338839
Easting 459306
Altitude 26 Meters
Postcode Area NG
Postcode District NG2
Postcode Sector NG2 4

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Nottinghamshire
District Nottingham
Ward Dales
Parish Nottingham, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Nottingham East
Region East Midlands

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Lady Bay Primary School NG2 5BD

Railway Station

Station Nottingham
Distance To Station 1.17 mi

Work Place

Area Name Nottingham
Average Income £31600

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Nottinghamshire
Water Company Severn Trent
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

There has been average growth of 156.95% for all properties in NG2 4RH locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 337960 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 206373 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 159895 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 137804 GBP.

£137804 - £337960 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £137804 - £337960
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £215225

Public Transport Near Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Virgin Media
Opposite Virgin Media (Stop SN51), Daleside Road, Sneinton
451.80 metres
Trent Lane
Daleside Road Ind Est (Stop SN52), Daleside Road, Meadow Lane Industrial Estate
489.15 metres
Trent Lane
Daleside Road Ind Est (Stop SN57), Daleside Road, Meadow Lane Industrial Estate
492.29 metres
Virgin Media
Virgin Media (Stop SN58), Daleside Road, Sneinton
512.29 metres
Racecourse Road
Nottingham Racecource (Stop SN50), Daleside Road, Sneinton
560.51 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Nottingham Rail Station
1.88 km
Netherfield Rail Station
3.28 km
Carlton Rail Station
3.60 km
Radcliffe (Notts) Rail Station
Radcliffe on Trent
5.51 km
Beeston Rail Station
6.49 km


Airport Location Distance
East Midlands Airport
East Mids Airport
19.24 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Nottingham Station Tram Stop
Nottingham Train Station, N/A, Nottingham
1.83 km
Lace Market Tram Stop
Fletcher Gate, Fletcher Gate, Nottingham
2.07 km
Queens Walk Tram Stop
Queens Walk, Queens Walk, Meadows
2.12 km
Old Market Square Tram Stop
Old Market Square, South Parade, Nottingham
2.38 km
Meadows Embankment Tram Stop
Wilford Toll Bridge, Queens Walk, Meadows
2.39 km

Companies Located Near Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH



Home Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH



Apartment 423 River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH



612 River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, England NG2 4RH



752 Waterside Way, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG2 4RH



Apartment 753 River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG2 4RH



Rivercrescent Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH



Apartment 701 River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, England NG2 4RH



86 Mona Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5BT



66 Mona Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, England NG2 5BT



88 Gertrude Road, Nottingham, NG2 5DB

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Apartment 603, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

OZTURK, Cuneyt

OZTURK, Cuneyt

Home, Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH

OZTURK, Cuneyt

OZTURK, Cuneyt Chartered Mechanical Engineer

Home, Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH

OZTURK, Muhsin

OZTURK, Muhsin Pensioner

Home, Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH


KOUTSOTHANASIS, Georgios Project Manager

Apartment 423 River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH


PAPADOPOULOU, Margarita Civil Servant

Apartment 423 River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH



Apartment 753, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG2 4RH


MCGOVERN, Ann Director

Apartment 753, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG2 4RH

MCGOVERN, John Prescott

MCGOVERN, John Prescott Corporate Services

Apartment 753, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG2 4RH

OZTURK, Cuneyt

OZTURK, Cuneyt

Rivercrescent, Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG2 4RH


BOWLING, Susan Director

603, River Crescent, Warwick Eaves Waterside Way, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG2 4RH

Other Properties in NG2 4RH

Apartment 401, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 401, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 402, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 402, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 411, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 411, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 412, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 412, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 413, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 413, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£282,500

Apartment 421, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 421, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 422, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£280,000

Apartment 423, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 423, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£298,000

Apartment 431, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 431, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£180,000

Apartment 432, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 432, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 433, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 433, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 441, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 441, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 442, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 442, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 443, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 443, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 451, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 451, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 452, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 452, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 453, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 453, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 461, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 461, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 501, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 501, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 502, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 502, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 503, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 503, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 511, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 511, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 512, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 512, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 513, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 513, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£479,000

Apartment 521, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 521, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 522, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 522, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 523, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 523, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 531, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 531, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 532, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 532, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 533, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 533, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 541, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 541, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 542, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 542, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 543, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 543, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 551, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 551, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 552, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 552, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£330,000

Apartment 561, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 561, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£450,000

Apartment 562, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 562, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 601, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 601, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 602, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 602, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 611, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 611, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 612, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 612, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 613, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 613, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 621, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 621, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 622, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 622, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 623, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 623, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 631, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 631, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£270,000

Apartment 633, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 633, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 641, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 641, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 642, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 642, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 643, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 643, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 651, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 651, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 652, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 652, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£415,000

Apartment 661, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 661, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£335,000

Apartment 662, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 662, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£270,000

Apartment 701, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 701, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 702, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 702, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£515,000

Apartment 703, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 703, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 704, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 704, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 705, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 705, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£499,000

Apartment 711, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 711, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 712, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 712, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 713, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 713, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 714, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 714, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 721, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 721, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 722, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 722, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 723, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 723, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£295,000

Apartment 724, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 724, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 725, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 725, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£415,000

Apartment 731, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 731, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 732, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 732, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£435,000

Apartment 733, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 733, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 734, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 734, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 741, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 741, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 742, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 742, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£430,000

Apartment 743, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 743, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 744, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 744, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 751, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 751, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold

Apartment 752, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 752, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£290,000

Apartment 753, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 753, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Last Sold At:£1,000,000

Apartment 761, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Apartment 761, River Crescent, Waterside Way, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 4RH

Never Sold