Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Apartment 91
Complete Address Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 227.68% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £274923 - £858628
Size 3200 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1982

Detail Information Of The Property Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, is a business property located in Waddon Ward of Croydon District, England. The Size of the property is 3200 square ft. It was constructed in 1982, age of the property is 41 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 274923 - 858628 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, is at the height of 42 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.37380100, -0.11749300.

Get Directions To Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. CR0 4WH Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON,
Croydon, Waddon, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Greater London Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 24.90% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode CR0 4WH has a population of 182. The locality has 75 properties. Out of which 75 are residential properties and 0 business properties. There are 6 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.37380100
Longitude -0.11749300
Northing 165542
Easting 531126
Altitude 42 Meters
Postcode Area CR
Postcode District CR0
Postcode Sector CR0 4

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Greater London
District Croydon
Ward Waddon
Parish Croydon, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Croydon North
Region London

Railway Station

Station Wandle Park
Distance To Station 0.18 mi

Work Place

Area Name London
Average Income £52700

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Metropolitan Police
Water Company Thames Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

There has been average growth of 227.68% for all properties in CR0 4WH locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 858628 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 522084 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 430269 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 274923 GBP.

£274923 - £858628 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £274923 - £858628
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £428550

Public Transport Near Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Commerce Way
59.41 metres
Waddon Post Office Purley Way
170.75 metres
Commerce Way
208.69 metres
Courtney Road
281.77 metres
Waddon Marsh Tram Stop
326.17 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Waddon Rail Station
712.59 metres
West Croydon Rail Station
1.16 km
East Croydon Rail Station
1.73 km
South Croydon Rail Station
South Croydon
2.06 km
Hackbridge Rail Station
2.58 km


Airport Location Distance
Biggin Hill Airport
Leaves Green
11.46 km
London City Airport
18.53 km
London Gatwick Airport North Terminal
Gatwick Airport
24.09 km
London Gatwick Airport
Gatwick Airport
24.36 km
London Gatwick Airport South Terminal
Gatwick Airport
24.42 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Wandle Park Tram Stop
Wandle Park and Gas Works, Vicarage Road, Waddon
296.32 metres
Waddon Marsh Tram Stop
Progress Business Park, Off Gurney Crescent, Waddon
365.90 metres
Reeves Corner Tram Stop
Cairo New Road, Croydon
788.76 metres
Church Street Tram Stop
Old Palace Road, Church Street, Croydon
914.09 metres
Centrale Tram Stop
Tamworth Road, Croydon
969.93 metres

Companies Located Near Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH



Apartment 77 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH



Apartment 131 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH



Apartment 85 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom CR0 4WH



Apartment 85, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH



Apt 84 Apt 84 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom CR0 4WH



119, 7, Woodall Court, Whitestone Way, Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 4WH



83 Woodhall Court 7, Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 4WH



108 Woodall Court Room 1, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 4WH



Apartment 137 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, CR0 4WH

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Apartment 91, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

BAH, Goudouss

BAH, Goudouss Director

Apartment 102, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom CR0 4WH

DEVMORARI, Havya Alpesh

DEVMORARI, Havya Alpesh Company Director

145 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 4WH

DEVMORARI, Shyamarani

DEVMORARI, Shyamarani Company Director

Apartment 145 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH

POL, Adrian Mihai

POL, Adrian Mihai Company Director

Apartment 131 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH

POL, Liana Paula

POL, Liana Paula Company Secretary

Apartment 131 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH

ADEBOYE, Abayomi

ADEBOYE, Abayomi Carer

Apartment 77 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH

ADEBOYE, Elizabeth Abiola

ADEBOYE, Elizabeth Abiola Educationist

Apartment 77 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, England CR0 4WH

SOWAH, Linda

SOWAH, Linda

Apartment 85 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom CR0 4WH

SOWAH, Linda

SOWAH, Linda Director

Apartment 85 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom CR0 4WH

SOWAH, Stephen

SOWAH, Stephen Director

Apartment 85 Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom CR0 4WH

Other Properties in CR0 4WH

Apartment 74, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 74, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 75, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 75, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 76, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 76, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 77, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 77, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 78, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 78, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 79, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 79, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 80, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 80, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 81, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 81, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 82, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 82, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 83, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 83, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 84, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 84, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 85, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 85, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 86, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 86, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 87, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 87, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 88, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 88, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 89, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 89, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 90, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 90, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 92, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 92, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 93, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 93, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 94, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 94, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 95, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 95, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 96, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 96, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 97, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 97, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 98, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 98, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 99, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 99, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 100, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 100, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 101, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 101, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 102, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 102, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 103, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 103, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 104, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 104, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 105, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 105, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 106, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 106, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 107, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 107, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 108, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 108, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 109, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 109, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 110, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 110, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 111, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 111, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 112, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 112, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 113, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 113, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 114, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 114, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 115, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 115, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 116, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 116, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 117, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 117, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 118, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 118, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 119, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 119, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 120, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 120, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£230,000

Apartment 121, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 121, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 122, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 122, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£90,000

Apartment 123, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 123, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 124, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 124, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 125, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 125, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£74,200

Apartment 126, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 126, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 127, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 127, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 128, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 128, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 129, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 129, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£265,000

Apartment 130, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 130, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£165,000

Apartment 131, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 131, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£128,000

Apartment 132, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 132, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£82,500

Apartment 133, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 133, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£120,000

Apartment 134, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 134, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 135, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 135, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 136, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 136, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 137, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 137, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 138, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 138, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£230,000

Apartment 139, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 139, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 140, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 140, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 141, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 141, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£129,500

Apartment 142, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 142, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 143, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 143, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£100,000

Apartment 144, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 144, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 145, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 145, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 146, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 146, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Last Sold At:£108,500

Apartment 147, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 147, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold

Apartment 148, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Apartment 148, Woodall Court, 7 Whitestone Way, CROYDON, CR0 4WH

Never Sold