Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Bauhinia
Complete Address Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP
Type Business
Property Structure Detached
Growth Rate in Valuation 175.81% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £13,887,387.96 (considering average growth)
Last Sale Date 2003-10-14
Last Sale Price £350,000
Lease Type Freehold
Size 4300 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1994

Detail Information Of The Property Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, is a business property located in Blackmoor Vale Ward of Somerset District, England. This property is of Detached type, and the current ownership type is Freehold. The previous owner last sold this property on 2003-10-14 for £350,000. During the last transfer of ownership, the seller mentioned no new construction. This property has been sold 1 time(s) in the last 25 years.

Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, is at the height of 91 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.00009200, -2.52415200.

Get Directions To Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. DT9 4LP Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset,
Somerset, Blackmoor Vale, England

Locality Information

The locality type is rural hamlet and isolated dwellings. According to the 2011 census, 67.29% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode DT9 4LP has a population of 59. The locality has 32 properties. Out of which 33 are residential properties and -1 business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.00009200
Longitude -2.52415200
Northing 122431
Easting 363316
Altitude 91 Meters
Postcode Area DT
Postcode District DT9
Postcode Sector DT9 4

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Somerset
District Somerset
Ward Blackmoor Vale
Parish Corton Denham
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Somerton and Frome
Region South West

Railway Station

Station Sherborne
Distance To Station 3.90 mi

Work Place

Area Name Yeovil
Average Income £41700

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Avon and Somerset
Water Company Wessex Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Address Property Type Price Date
BAUHINIA, MIDDLE RIDGE LANE, SHERBORNE, DT9 4LP Detached (Freehold) £350,000

View All Property Sales In The Region

There has been average growth of 175.81% for all properties in DT9 4LP locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 524849 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 324522 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 273017 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 178406 GBP.

£13,887,387.96 is the estimated property value as of today. This is calculated by considering the last sale price and average growth of 175.81% per year in the region. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £13,887,387.96
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £316342

Public Transport Near Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Queen's Arms
Corton Denham
214.22 metres
Queen's Arms
Corton Denham
223.66 metres
Post Office
Sandford Orcas
1.93 km
South Cadbury Road
Sutton Montis
2.17 km
South Cadbury Road
Sutton Montis
2.17 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Sherborne Rail Station
6.28 km
Templecombe Rail Station
7.47 km
Yeovil Pen Mill Rail Station
8.80 km
Yeovil Junction Rail Station
10.42 km
Thornford Rail Station
10.67 km

Companies Located Near Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP



Torlea Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, Sherborne, England DT9 4LP



Higher Farm, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Somerset, England DT9 4LR



Appletree Rise, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, England DT9 4LR



Corton Ash Beacon View, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, United Kingdom DT9 4LS



Holway Hill House Putts Lane, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4LW

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

HAMNETT, Sara Anne

HAMNETT, Sara Anne

Highview House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4LP

HAMNETT, Mark Julian

HAMNETT, Mark Julian Marketing

Highview House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4LP

GRIFFIN, Antonia Cassandra

GRIFFIN, Antonia Cassandra Self Employed

Yarn Barton, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, Sherborne, England DT9 4LP

GRIFFIN, John Vincent

GRIFFIN, John Vincent

Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, Dorset, DT9 4LP

GRIFFIN, Lindsay Ray

GRIFFIN, Lindsay Ray Management Consultant

Bauhinia, Middle Ridge Lane Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4LP


MURPHY, David Director

Torlea, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, Sherborne, England DT9 4LP

THATCHER, Richard George Frank

THATCHER, Richard George Frank Retired

Corton Lee, Middle Ridge Lane Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4LP

ALEXANDER, John Lindsay, Sir

ALEXANDER, John Lindsay, Sir Company Director

Corton Denham House, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4LR

SHAW, Andrew John Hind

SHAW, Andrew John Hind Solicitor

2 Queens Court, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4LR

MUIRY, David Bruce, Dr

MUIRY, David Bruce, Dr Director

Higher Farm, Corton Denham, Sherborne, Somerset, England DT9 4LR

Other Properties in DT9 4LP

Barretts Farm, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Barretts Farm, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Never Sold

Barretts Mill, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Barretts Mill, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£445,000

Beech Lodge, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Beech Lodge, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£475,000

Briars Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Briars Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£103,750

Broadfields, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Broadfields, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Never Sold

Chapel Rise, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Chapel Rise, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£450,000

Corton Lee, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Corton Lee, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Never Sold

Dairy House Farm, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Dairy House Farm, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£345,000

Drakes, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Drakes, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£135,000

Four Seasons, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Four Seasons, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Never Sold

Grovemor, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Grovemor, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£541,000

Halletts Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Halletts Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£390,000

Highview House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Highview House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£159,950

Laurel Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Laurel Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Never Sold

Lower Mead, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Lower Mead, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£650,000

Old Chapel, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Old Chapel, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£510,000

Old Forge, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Old Forge, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£550,000

Orchard House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Orchard House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£133,000

Pound House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Pound House, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£612,000

Purbeck, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Purbeck, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Never Sold

Ridge View, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Ridge View, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£533,200

Ridgeway, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Ridgeway, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£308,000

Solway, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Solway, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£830,000

Spindleberry, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Spindleberry, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£810,000

The Knoll, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

The Knoll, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£477,000

The Ridings, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

The Ridings, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£310,000

Thorpe Vista, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Thorpe Vista, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£455,000

Torlea, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Torlea, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£610,000

Westlea, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Westlea, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£157,500

West View Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

West View Cottage, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Last Sold At:£483,000

Yarn Barton, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Yarn Barton, Middle Ridge Lane, Corton Denham, SHERBORNE, Dorset, DT9 4LP

Never Sold