Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Bose
Complete Address Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 7050 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1959

Detail Information Of The Property Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, is a business property located in Antrim Centre Ward of Antrim and Newtownabbey District, Northern Ireland. The Size of the property is 7050 square ft. It was constructed in 1959, age of the property is 64 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 368,000 - 655,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, is at the height of 15 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 54.73026000, -6.23235200.

Get Directions To Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. BT41 4LL Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM,
Antrim and Newtownabbey, Antrim Centre, Northern Ireland
BT41 4LL

Locality Information

The locality type is n/a. According to the 2011 census, 90.00% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode BT41 4LL has a population of N/A. The locality has 75 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 54.73026000
Longitude -6.23235200
Northing 545477
Easting 127622
Altitude 15 Meters
Postcode Area BT
Postcode District BT41
Postcode Sector BT41 4

Administrative Areas

Country Northern Ireland
County N/A
District Antrim and Newtownabbey
Ward Antrim Centre
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency South Antrim
Region Northern Ireland

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Round Tower Integrated Primary School BT41 2TH

Work Place

Area Name Belfast

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force (pseudo) Northern Ireland
Water Company Northern Ireland Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

368,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £368,000 - £655,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Companies Located Near Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL



Unit 3, 4 Ferguson Way, Kilbegs Ind. Est., Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4LZ



4 Massereene Business Park, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4FS



5 Plasketts Close, Kilbegs Road, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4LY



16 Kilbegs Road, Greystone, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4NN



E4 Plasketts Close, Antrim, Antrim, BT41 4LY



10 Kilbegs Road, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4NN



4 Massereene Business Park, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4FS



5 Plasket Close, Kilbegs Road, Antrim, BT41 4LY



Unit 1 Plasketts Close, Kilbegs Business Park, Antrim, Co. Antrim, BT41 4NN



16 Kilbegs Road, Antrim, United Kingdom BT41 4NN

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Bose, 11 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

BLAIN, Paul James

BLAIN, Paul James Company Director

4, Massereene Business Park, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4FS

WALKER, Andrew

WALKER, Andrew Director

16 Kilbegs Road, Greystone, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4NN


WALKER, David Director

16 Kilbegs Road, Greystone, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4NN

WALKER, Nicholas

WALKER, Nicholas Director

16 Kilbegs Road, Greystone, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4NN

WALKER, Stephen

WALKER, Stephen Director

16 Kilbegs Road, Greystone, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4NN

MARTIN, Jonathan

MARTIN, Jonathan Director

5, Plasketts Close, Kilbegs Road, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4LY


BUNTING, Eamon Director

E4, Plasketts Close, Antrim, Antrim, BT41 4LY

LEITCH, Peter Walter

LEITCH, Peter Walter Company Director

E4, Plasketts Close, Antrim, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4LY

MOORE, Terrance John

MOORE, Terrance John Director

E4, Plasketts Close, Antrim, Antrim, BT41 4LY

SLOAN, Philip Brian

SLOAN, Philip Brian Company Director

E4, Plasketts Close, Antrim, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 4LY

Other Properties in BT41 4LL

A Mcleans Ltd, 51 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

A Mcleans Ltd, 51 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Adidas, 52 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Adidas, 52 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Adventure Island, 58 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Adventure Island, 58 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Alexon, 40 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Alexon, 40 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Annes, 53 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Annes, 53 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Antler, 74 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Antler, 74 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Antrim Omniplex, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Antrim Omniplex, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Antrim Park, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Antrim Park, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Austin Reed Ltd, 6a Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Austin Reed Ltd, 6a Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Autonomy, 45 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Autonomy, 45 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

B & M Bargains, 53 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

B & M Bargains, 53 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Bags Etc, 18 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Bags Etc, 18 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Banana Books, 41 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Banana Books, 41 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Billabong, 72 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Billabong, 72 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Burger King (UK) Ltd, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Burger King (UK) Ltd, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Cafe Delish, 54 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Cafe Delish, 54 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Camille, 44 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Camille, 44 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Chapelle, 39 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Chapelle, 39 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Claires Accessories, 36 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Claires Accessories, 36 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Event Jewellery, 68 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Event Jewellery, 68 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Express By Holiday Inn, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Express By Holiday Inn, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Gaggia, 15 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Gaggia, 15 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Game Stores Group Ltd, 42 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Game Stores Group Ltd, 42 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Gap, 7-8 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Gap, 7-8 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Holland & Barrett Ltd, 14 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Holland & Barrett Ltd, 14 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Homebase Ltd, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Homebase Ltd, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Junction One International Outlet Shopping, Administration Centre 11a, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Junction One International Outlet Shopping, Administration Centre 11a, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Kingswell, 16 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Kingswell, 16 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Kitch 'N' Sync, 2 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Kitch 'N' Sync, 2 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Klass, 20 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Klass, 20 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Kurt Muller, 17 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Kurt Muller, 17 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Lakeland Fine Leather, 25 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Lakeland Fine Leather, 25 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Levis, 48 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Levis, 48 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Lidl UK GmbH, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Lidl UK GmbH, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

M X Active, 9 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

M X Active, 9 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Madhouse, 43 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Madhouse, 43 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Marks & Spencer plc, 22 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Marks & Spencer plc, 22 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Menarys, 12 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Menarys, 12 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Mexx, 26 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Mexx, 26 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Moes Cafe, 13a Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Moes Cafe, 13a Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Moes Grill, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Moes Grill, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Moss, 67 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Moss, 67 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Mountain Warehouse, 47 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Mountain Warehouse, 47 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Mr Suds, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Mr Suds, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Next Retail Ltd, 1 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Next Retail Ltd, 1 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Nike, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Nike, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Oneida, 32 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Oneida, 32 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Paco, 28 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Paco, 28 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Pavers, 24 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Pavers, 24 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Perfume Shop, 38 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Perfume Shop, 38 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Quiz, 19 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Quiz, 19 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Redz, 14 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Redz, 14 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Reebok, 49 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Reebok, 49 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Staccato, 23 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Staccato, 23 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Starbucks, 51 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Starbucks, 51 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Subway, 57 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Subway, 57 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Tefal, 31 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Tefal, 31 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

The Clarks Shop, 4 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

The Clarks Shop, 4 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

The Cosmetic Store, 10 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

The Cosmetic Store, 10 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

The Red Panda, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

The Red Panda, Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Thorntons plc, 33 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Thorntons plc, 33 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Tom Tailor, 27 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Tom Tailor, 27 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Toyzone, 34 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Toyzone, 34 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Trespass, 35 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Trespass, 35 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Tygerlily, 21 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Tygerlily, 21 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

Wee Make, 50 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Wee Make, 50 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

3 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

3 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

6 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

6 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

29 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

29 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

30 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

30 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

37 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

37 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

46 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

46 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

70 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

70 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold

71 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

71 Junction One International Outlet Shopping, ANTRIM, BT41 4LL

Never Sold