Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Burton
Complete Address Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ
Type Residential
Property Structure Semi-Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 184.47% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £135998 - £403230
Size 1600 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1970
No Of Rooms 4
No Of Baths 2
Pet Rules Dogs are allowed

Detail Information Of The Property Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, is a residential property located in Talavera Ward of West Northamptonshire District, England. The property is a Semi-Detached House with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms.It can easily accomodate a family of 8 people. The Size of the property is 1600 square ft It was constructed in 1970, age of the property is 53 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 135998 - 403230 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation.

Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, is at the height of 92 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 52.25704400, -0.83545200.

Get Directions To Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. NN3 8JZ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON,
West Northamptonshire, Talavera, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Northampton Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 10.06% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode NN3 8JZ has a population of 2. The locality has 69 properties. Out of which 1 are residential properties and 68 business properties. There are 5 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 52.25704400
Longitude -0.83545200
Northing 262736
Easting 479586
Altitude 92 Meters
Postcode Area NN
Postcode District NN3
Postcode Sector NN3 8

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Northamptonshire
District West Northamptonshire
Ward Talavera
Parish Northampton
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Northampton North
Region East Midlands

Railway Station

Station Northampton
Distance To Station 3.30 mi

Work Place

Area Name Northampton
Average Income £30800

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Northamptonshire
Water Company Anglian Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

There has been average growth of 184.47% for all properties in NN3 8JZ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 403230 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 260689 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 216831 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 135998 GBP.

£135998 - £403230 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £135998 - £403230
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £262088

Public Transport Near Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre (Stop A), Billing Brook Road, Weston Favell Centre
40.25 metres
Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre (Stop B), Billing Brook Road, Weston Favell Centre
40.61 metres
Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre (Stop C), Billing Brook Road, Weston Favell Centre
43.60 metres
Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre (Stop D), Billing Brook Road, Weston Favell Centre
75.93 metres
Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre (Stop E), Billing Brook Road, Weston Favell Centre
84.43 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Northampton Rail Station
5.33 km
Wellingborough Rail Station
12.02 km

Companies Located Near Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ



34 Booth Lane South, Northampton, England NN3 3EP



2 Booth Lane South, Northampton, United Kingdom NN3 3EP



2 Booth Lane South, Northampton, United Kingdom NN3 3EP



64 Booth Lane South, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom NN3 3EP



2 Booth Lane South, Northampton, England NN3 3EP



2 Booth Lane South, Northampton, England NN3 3EP



55 Booth Lane South, Northampton, United Kingdom NN3 3ER



31 Booth Lane South, Northampton, England NN3 3ER



15 Westonia Court, Wellingborough Road, Northampton, England NN3 3JB



15 Westonia Court, Wellingborough Road, Northampton, England NN3 3JB

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Burton, 43 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ


NIKOLLI, Agron Director

34, Booth Lane South, Northampton, England NN3 3EP

TOMPKINS, Gordon Philip

TOMPKINS, Gordon Philip

32 Booth Lane South, Weston Favell, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 3EP

BURDITT, John Andrew

BURDITT, John Andrew Trustee

38 Booth Lane South, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England NN3 3EP

AKINSANYA, David Abimbola

AKINSANYA, David Abimbola Accountant

2, Booth Lane South, Northampton, United Kingdom NN3 3EP

AKINSANYA, Tinuola Ajoke

AKINSANYA, Tinuola Ajoke Director

2, Booth Lane South, Northampton, United Kingdom NN3 3EP

JACKSON, William Bryce

JACKSON, William Bryce Civil Engineer

54 Booth Lane South, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 3EP

ABRAHAM, Clive Douglas

ABRAHAM, Clive Douglas

48 Booth Lane South, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 3EP

ABRAHAM, Ludy Anita Augusta Jacqueline

ABRAHAM, Ludy Anita Augusta Jacqueline Company Director

48 Booth Lane South, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 3EP


AKINSANYA, David Accountant

2, Booth Lane South, Northampton, England NN3 3EP


AKINSANYA, Tinuola Mental Health Nurse

2, Booth Lane South, Northampton, England NN3 3EP

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Never Sold

B BS, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

B BS, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Centre Management Holdings Ltd, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Centre Management Holdings Ltd, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

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Costa Coffee, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

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National Lottery, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

National Lottery, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Tesco Service Station, Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

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Never Sold

J M Sargeant Butcher, 3a-4a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

J M Sargeant Butcher, 3a-4a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

3e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

3e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Phones 4 U, 4e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

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Never Sold

Elliot Reeve, 5a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Elliot Reeve, 5a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Gamestation, 5e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Gamestation, 5e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Ladbrokes Ltd, 6a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Ladbrokes Ltd, 6a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Carphone Warehouse, 7 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Carphone Warehouse, 7 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Andrews Fish & Chip Emporium, 7a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Andrews Fish & Chip Emporium, 7a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Wilkinson, 7e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Wilkinson, 7e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Browns the Porn Brokers, 8 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Browns the Porn Brokers, 8 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 8a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 8a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Timpson, 9 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Timpson, 9 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Oliver Adams Ltd, 9e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Oliver Adams Ltd, 9e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Boots Optical, 10 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Boots Optical, 10 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Bet Fred, 10a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Bet Fred, 10a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Paper Box, 10e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Paper Box, 10e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Yorks First Choice, 11 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Yorks First Choice, 11 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Tesco Extra Stores, 12 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Tesco Extra Stores, 12 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Subway, 12a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Subway, 12a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

99 Pence Shop, 12e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

99 Pence Shop, 12e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

13a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

13a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Images, 14a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Images, 14a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Uncle Willys Hair Shop, 15a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Uncle Willys Hair Shop, 15a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Papernews Ltd, 16a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Papernews Ltd, 16a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Fabric Care, 17a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Fabric Care, 17a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

O'Riordan Bond Estate Agents, 17a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

O'Riordan Bond Estate Agents, 17a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Swinton Insurance, 17b Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Swinton Insurance, 17b Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

More Than Mobility, 17c Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

More Than Mobility, 17c Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Nationwide Bldg Soc, 18-19 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Nationwide Bldg Soc, 18-19 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Hatton Goldsmiths Ltd, 18a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Hatton Goldsmiths Ltd, 18a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Faking I T, 19a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Faking I T, 19a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

20 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

20 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Jennys Restaurant, 20a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Jennys Restaurant, 20a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

H Samuel Ltd, 21 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

H Samuel Ltd, 21 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

The 3 Store, 22 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

The 3 Store, 22 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Going Spare, 22a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Going Spare, 22a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

W H Smith Ltd, 23-25 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

W H Smith Ltd, 23-25 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Timpson Cleaners, 23a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Timpson Cleaners, 23a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Nails for You, 24a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

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Never Sold

King Cuts, 24b Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

King Cuts, 24b Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Superior Services Ltd, 25a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Superior Services Ltd, 25a Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Shoe Zone, 26 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Shoe Zone, 26 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Card Factory, 27-28 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Card Factory, 27-28 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

29 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

29 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Boots the Chemists Ltd, 30-31 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Boots the Chemists Ltd, 30-31 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Super Cuts, 32 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Super Cuts, 32 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

New Look, 33-34 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

New Look, 33-34 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Northamptonshire County Council, Weston Favell Library, 35 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Northamptonshire County Council, Weston Favell Library, 35 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Thomas Cook Ltd, 36 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Thomas Cook Ltd, 36 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Barclays Bank Plc, 37-38 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Barclays Bank Plc, 37-38 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Bon Marche, 39-40 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Bon Marche, 39-40 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

41-42 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

41-42 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

The Fragrance Shop, 41e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

The Fragrance Shop, 41e Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Dorothy Perkins, 44 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Dorothy Perkins, 44 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

O2, 45 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

O2, 45 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Greggs, 46 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Greggs, 46 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Savers, 61 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Savers, 61 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Store 21, 62 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Store 21, 62 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

63 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

63 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Yours, 64 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Yours, 64 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold

Peacocks Stores Ltd, 66 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Peacocks Stores Ltd, 66 Weston Favell Centre, NORTHAMPTON, NN3 8JZ

Never Sold