C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name C S F Medical Communications Ltd
Complete Address C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 170.49% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £158903 - £534790
Size 2100 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1950

Detail Information Of The Property C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, is a business property located in College Ward of Cheltenham District, England. The Size of the property is 2100 square ft. It was constructed in 1950, age of the property is 73 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 158903 - 534790 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, is at the height of 70 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.89407600, -2.07666000.

Get Directions To C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. GL50 1TA Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire,
Cheltenham, College, England
GL50 1TA

Locality Information

The property is located in the Cheltenham Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 61.27% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode GL50 1TA has a population of N/A. The locality has 50 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 4 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.89407600
Longitude -2.07666000
Northing 221728
Easting 394821
Altitude 70 Meters
Postcode Area GL
Postcode District GL50
Postcode Sector GL50 1

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Gloucestershire
District Cheltenham
Ward College
Parish Cheltenham, unparished area
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Constituency Cheltenham
Region South West

Railway Station

Station Cheltenham Spa
Distance To Station 1.01 mi

Work Place

Area Name Cheltenham
Average Income £42600

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Gloucestershire
Water Company Severn Trent
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

There has been average growth of 170.49% for all properties in GL50 1TA locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 534790 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 318873 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 266131 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 158903 GBP.

£158903 - £534790 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £158903 - £534790
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £312765

Public Transport Near C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Montpellier Terrace
Bath Road, Cheltenham
60.88 metres
Montpellier Terrace
Bath Road, Cheltenham
64.66 metres
College Entrance
193.21 metres
Suffolk Parade
Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham
200.24 metres
College Entrance
201.04 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Cheltenham Spa Rail Station
1.62 km
Gloucester Rail Station
11.58 km
Ashchurch for Tewkesbury Rail Station
11.87 km


Airport Location Distance
Gloucestershire Airport
5.58 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Cheltenham Racecourse (Gloucs Warwicks Railway)
3.35 km

Companies Located Near C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA



C/o Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



C/o Colmore Gaskell Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



C/o Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



C/o Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



C/o Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA



Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England GL50 1TA

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near C S F Medical Communications Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA


MORIARTY, Sean Legal

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

ADESHUGBA, Taiwo Oluwafemi, Reverend

ADESHUGBA, Taiwo Oluwafemi, Reverend Minister Of Religion

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

FEHNERT, Ben Stephen

FEHNERT, Ben Stephen Managing Director

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

HUGHES, Michael Patrick

HUGHES, Michael Patrick Business Manager

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA


MAICHNER, Robin Director

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

OSMAN, Zaheer Ahmed

OSMAN, Zaheer Ahmed Electrical Engineer

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

DAVIES, Michael James

DAVIES, Michael James Business Manager

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

BIRD, Phil

BIRD, Phil

Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England GL50 1TA


KLOTZCH, Diana German

C/O Colmore Gaskell, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

WHITMORE, Scott James

WHITMORE, Scott James Director

Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, Cheltenham, England GL50 1TA

Other Properties in GL50 1TA

Action for Housing Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Action for Housing Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

All Bright Patents, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

All Bright Patents, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Aonix Europe, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Aonix Europe, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Arotech Associates Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Arotech Associates Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Arthursteenhorneadamson, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Arthursteenhorneadamson, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Artisan Software Tools Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Artisan Software Tools Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Assureweb Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Assureweb Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Atego Systems Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Atego Systems Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Atkins Management Consultants, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Atkins Management Consultants, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Behaviour Management Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Behaviour Management Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Bevan Evans & Capehorn Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Bevan Evans & Capehorn Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

B M E Partnership, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

B M E Partnership, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

B P S Contact Centre Servces, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

B P S Contact Centre Servces, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Camargue (Cheltenham) Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Camargue (Cheltenham) Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Cap Ex Industrial Finance Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Cap Ex Industrial Finance Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Carbon Advice Group Plc, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Carbon Advice Group Plc, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Cities Direct Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Cities Direct Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Cotswold Style Magazine, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Cotswold Style Magazine, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Curtis Fitch Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Curtis Fitch Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

D 2 M Innovation, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

D 2 M Innovation, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Darcy Gallery, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Darcy Gallery, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Enterprise Study Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Enterprise Study Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

E S L (Cheltenham) Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

E S L (Cheltenham) Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Firecall Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Firecall Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Gillian Kenny Associates Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Gillian Kenny Associates Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

I F A Dataflow Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

I F A Dataflow Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Interactive Data Managed Solutions Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Interactive Data Managed Solutions Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Liberation Services Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Liberation Services Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Livetime Software Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Livetime Software Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

M I C Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

M I C Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

M T M Financial Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

M T M Financial Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Outsource Voice Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Outsource Voice Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

P A Consulting, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

P A Consulting, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Porge Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Porge Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Robert Half Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Robert Half Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Room 58 Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Room 58 Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Ross Aldridge Solicitors, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Ross Aldridge Solicitors, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Sand Dial Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Sand Dial Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Select Business Solutions Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Select Business Solutions Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Silver Agency Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Silver Agency Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Spencer Mayes Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Spencer Mayes Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

St. James Place Partnership, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

St. James Place Partnership, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Thalassa Beach Resort Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Thalassa Beach Resort Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

The Accident Specialist Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

The Accident Specialist Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

The National Approved Letting Scheme, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

The National Approved Letting Scheme, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

V E Associates, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

V E Associates, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Vintcent & Co Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Vintcent & Co Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

World of Warranty Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

World of Warranty Ltd, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold

Zurich Advice Network, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Zurich Advice Network, Eagle Tower, Montpellier Drive, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL50 1TA

Never Sold