D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name D536-D539
Complete Address D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 198.85% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £166716 - £372617
Size 3750 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1953

Detail Information Of The Property D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, is a business property located in Deansgate Ward of Manchester District, England. The Size of the property is 3750 square ft. It was constructed in 1953, age of the property is 70 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 166716 - 372617 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, is at the height of 39 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.47206700, -2.24291600.

Get Directions To D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. M1 5SU Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER,
Manchester, Deansgate, England
M1 5SU

Locality Information

The property is located in the Greater Manchester Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 28.46% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode M1 5SU has a population of N/A. The locality has 77 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 4 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.47206700
Longitude -2.24291600
Northing 397287
Easting 383973
Altitude 39 Meters
Postcode Area M
Postcode District M1
Postcode Sector M1 5

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Greater Manchester
District Manchester
Ward Deansgate
Parish Manchester, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Manchester Central
Region North West

Railway Station

Station Manchester Oxford Road
Distance To Station 0.14 mi

Work Place

Area Name Manchester
Average Income £45800

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Greater Manchester
Water Company N/A
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

There has been average growth of 198.85% for all properties in M1 5SU locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 372617 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 258492 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 203793 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 166716 GBP.

£166716 - £372617 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £166716 - £372617
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £226419

Public Transport Near D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Hulme Street
Cambridge Street, Manchester City Centre
31.95 metres
Oxford Road
JOHN DALTON Square (nr), Chester Street, Manchester City Centre
123.10 metres
Hulme Street
RIVER MEDLOCK (nr), Cambridge Street, Manchester City Centre
141.01 metres
Chester Street
Oxford Road, Manchester City Centre
230.21 metres
Oxford Road Station
Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
250.24 metres

Bus Stations

Station Location Distance
Manchester Central Coach Station
Manchester City Centre
730.69 metres
Manchester Piccadilly Gardens
Piccadilly Gardens
988.18 metres
Shudehill Interchange
1.53 km
Chorlton Bus Station
4.37 km
Southern Cemetery Bus Station
5.27 km

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Station Approach
STATION APPROACH (Whitworth Street), Oxford Road Station, Manchester City Centre
226.53 metres
City Centre - Whitworth Street West
OXFORD Street (Whitworth Street West - Oxford Street), Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
284.52 metres
City Centre - Whitworth Street West
ALBION Street (Whitworth Street West - Albion Street), Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
318.73 metres
City Centre - Whitworth Street West
ALBION Street (Whitworth Street West - Albion Street), Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
356.59 metres
Bombay Street
Princess Street, Manchester City Centre
477.32 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Manchester Oxford Road Rail Station
Manchester City Centre
226.65 metres
Deansgate Rail Station
Manchester City Centre
588.80 metres
Manchester Piccadilly Rail Station
Manchester City Centre
990.86 metres
Salford Central Rail Station
1.46 km
Manchester Victoria Rail Station
Manchester City Centre
1.71 km


Airport Location Distance
Manchester Airport Terminal 2
Manchester Airport
11.93 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 1
Manchester Airport
12.33 km
Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport
12.50 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 3
Manchester Airport
12.53 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Deansgate-Castlefield (Manchester Metrolink)
Manchester Central Convention Complex, Off Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre
579.19 metres
St Peter's Square (Manchester Metrolink)
Manchester Central Library, Mosley Street, Manchester City Centre
687.03 metres
Piccadilly (Manchester Metrolink)
Piccadilly Rail Station, Off Fairfield Street, Manchester City Centre
986.29 metres
Piccadilly Gardens (Manchester Metrolink)
The Portland, Parker Street, Piccadilly Gardens
994.26 metres
Market Street (Manchester Metrolink)
Manchester Arndale, Market Street, Manchester City Centre
1.13 km

Companies Located Near D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU



7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA



6th Floor, Two St. Peter's Square, Manchester, England M2 3AA



C/o Knights Plc, 2 St. Peters Square, Manchester, England M2 3AA



C/o Xeinadin Coporate Recovery, 100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, M2 3AB



100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, M2 3AB



100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, M2 3AB



100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, England M2 3AB



100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, England M2 3AB



100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, England M2 3AB



100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, England M2 3AB

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near D536-D539, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU


KUNGULILO, Hamza Director

Waldorf House, 1 Cooper Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 2AD

PATEL, Rajesh

PATEL, Rajesh Managing Director

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

SACCA, Elizabeth

SACCA, Elizabeth Group Financiial Controller

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

CHADWICK, Gavin John

CHADWICK, Gavin John Head Of Commercial

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

HARRISON, Neil Andrew

HARRISON, Neil Andrew Ceo

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

HERD, Steven James

HERD, Steven James Head Of Category Management

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

HOTEN, Emma Louise

HOTEN, Emma Louise Head Of Marketing

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

RAHMEDE, Stephan Peter

RAHMEDE, Stephan Peter Ceo

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

RIVENELL, Anthony Frederick

RIVENELL, Anthony Frederick Head Of Digital

7th Floor, 2 St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom M2 3AA

EDGE, James Philip

EDGE, James Philip Managing Partner

6th Floor, Two St. Peter's Square, Manchester, England M2 3AA

Other Properties in M1 5SU

Classic Homes, Suite 5 M S V Building, D Block Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Classic Homes, Suite 5 M S V Building, D Block Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D101-D103, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D101-D103, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D104-D107, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D104-D107, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D108-D110, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D108-D110, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D111-D115, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D111-D115, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D116-D119, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D116-D119, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D120-D123, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D120-D123, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D124-D127, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D124-D127, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D128-D131, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D128-D131, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D132-D135, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D132-D135, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D136-D139, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D136-D139, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D140-D142, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D140-D142, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D201-D203, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D201-D203, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D204-D207, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D204-D207, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D208-D210, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D208-D210, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D211-D215, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D211-D215, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D216-D219, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D216-D219, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D220-D227, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D220-D227, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D228-D235, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D228-D235, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D236-D239, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D236-D239, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D240-D243, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D240-D243, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D301-D303, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D301-D303, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D304-D307, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D304-D307, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D308-D310, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D308-D310, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D311-D315, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D311-D315, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D316-D319, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D316-D319, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D320-D323, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D320-D323, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D324-D327, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D324-D327, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D328-D331, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D328-D331, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D332-D335, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D332-D335, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D336-D339, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D336-D339, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D340-D343, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D340-D343, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D401-D403, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D401-D403, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D404-D407, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D404-D407, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D408-D410, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D408-D410, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D411-D415, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D411-D415, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D416-D419, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D416-D419, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D420-D427, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D420-D427, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D428-D435, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D428-D435, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D436-D439, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D436-D439, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D440-D443, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D440-D443, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D501-D503, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D501-D503, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D504-D507, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D504-D507, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D508-D510, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D508-D510, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D511-D515, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D511-D515, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D516-D519, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D516-D519, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D520-D527, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D520-D527, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D528-D535, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D528-D535, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D540-D543, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D540-D543, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D601-D603, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D601-D603, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D604-D607, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D604-D607, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D608-D610, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D608-D610, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D611-D615, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D611-D615, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D616-D619, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D616-D619, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D620-D627, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D620-D627, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D628-D635, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D628-D635, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D636-D639, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D636-D639, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D640-D643, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D640-D643, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D701-D703, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D701-D703, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D704-D707, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D704-D707, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D708-D710, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D708-D710, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D711-D715, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D711-D715, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D716-D719, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D716-D719, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D720-D727, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D720-D727, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D728-D735, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D728-D735, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D736-D739, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D736-D739, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D740-D743, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D740-D743, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D801-D803, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D801-D803, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D804-D807, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D804-D807, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D808-D810, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D808-D810, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D811-D815, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D811-D815, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D816-D819, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D816-D819, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D820-D827, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D820-D827, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D828-D835, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D828-D835, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D836-D839, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D836-D839, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold

D840-D843, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

D840-D843, Student Village, Lower Chatham Street, MANCHESTER, M1 5SU

Never Sold