Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Easy Jet
Complete Address Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 142.34% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £123292 - £372502
Size 5950 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1967

Detail Information Of The Property Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, is a business property located in Speke Ward of Liverpool District, England. The Size of the property is 5950 square ft. It was constructed in 1967, age of the property is 56 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 123292 - 372502 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, is at the height of 24 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.33726000, -2.85545100.

Get Directions To Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. L24 1YD Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL,
Liverpool, Speke, England
L24 1YD

Locality Information

The property is located in the Liverpool Town area. The locality type is urban major conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 4.66% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode L24 1YD has a population of N/A. The locality has 48 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.33726000
Longitude -2.85545100
Northing 382603
Easting 343135
Altitude 24 Meters
Postcode Area L
Postcode District L24
Postcode Sector L24 1

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Merseyside
District Liverpool
Ward Speke
Parish Liverpool, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Garston and Halewood
Region North West

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Stockton Wood Community Primary School L24 3TF

Railway Station

Station Hunts Cross
Distance To Station 1.62 mi

Work Place

Area Name Liverpool
Average Income £31700

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Merseyside
Water Company United Utilities
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

There has been average growth of 142.34% for all properties in L24 1YD locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 372502 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 218927 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 137809 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 123292 GBP.

£123292 - £372502 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £123292 - £372502
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £181365

Public Transport Near Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Speke Hall Avenue (Stop 5), Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Speke
66.40 metres
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Speke Hall Avenue (Stop 4), Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Speke
75.66 metres
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Speke Hall Avenue (Stop 3), Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Speke
83.87 metres
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Speke Hall Avenue (Stop 2), Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Speke
94.63 metres
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Speke Hall Avenue (Stop 1), Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Speke
106.53 metres

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Western Avenue
Western Avenue, Speke
356.60 metres
Camberley Drive
Camberley Drive, Halewood
3.42 km
Long Lane
Long Lane, Garston
3.59 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Hunts Cross Rail Station
Hunts Cross
2.61 km
Liverpool South Parkway Rail Station
3.20 km
Liverpool South Parkway Rail Station
3.20 km
Halewood Rail Station
3.47 km
Cressington Rail Station
4.46 km


Airport Location Distance
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
62.80 metres

Companies Located Near Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD



Unit 21, Owen Court, Owen Drive, Liverpool, England L24 1YL



Unit 6 Morrow Court Owen Drive, Speke, Liverpool, England L24 1YL



5 Owen Drive, Speke Hall Drive, Liverpool, Merseyside, L24 1YL



9 Compass Park West, Compass Park Industrial Estate, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom L24 1YA



Unit 28 Compass Business Park, Spindus Road, Liverpool, Merseyside, L24 1YA



Unit 18, Lingard Court, Liverpool, L24 1YD



Unit 18 Compass Industrial Park, Speke, Liverpool, England L24 1YA



Unit 10, Speke Hall Industrial Estate, Liverpool, England L24 1YA



Unit 10 Compass West Spindus Road, Speke, Liverpool, Merseyside, England L24 1YA



25 Compass West Spindus Road, Speke Hall Industrial Estate, Liverpool, L24 1YA

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Easy Jet, Crew Room, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

GLEN, Richard Ian

GLEN, Richard Ian Director

Unit 21, Owen Court, Owen Drive, Liverpool, England L24 1YL

CORNISH, Andrew John

CORNISH, Andrew John Chief Executive Officer

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, Liverpool, England L24 1YD

IRVING, John Andrew

IRVING, John Andrew Company Director

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Administration Buildings, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom L24 1YD

SMYTH, Heather

SMYTH, Heather

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Admin Office, Liverpool, England L24 1YD

CASEY, George

CASEY, George President And Ceo

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Admin Office, Liverpool, England L24 1YD

PORTER, Wesley

PORTER, Wesley Coo

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Admin Office, Liverpool, England L24 1YD



Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Admin Office, Liverpool, England L24 1YD


RIKHY, Amit Vice President Business Development

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Admin Office, Liverpool, England L24 1YD

STEEVES, Stewart

STEEVES, Stewart Director

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Admin Office, Liverpool, England L24 1YD

THOMAS, Matthew James

THOMAS, Matthew James Commercial Director

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Admin Office, Liverpool, England L24 1YD

Other Properties in L24 1YD

Alamo Car Rental, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Alamo Car Rental, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

B O Shoes, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

B O Shoes, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

GO 80, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

GO 80, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Hampton by Hilton Hotel, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Hampton by Hilton Hotel, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Subway, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Subway, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Travelex, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Travelex, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Hangar 4, General Aviation Apron, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Hangar 4, General Aviation Apron, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Costa Coffee, South Termainal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Costa Coffee, South Termainal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Airline Services Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Airline Services Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Alpha Retail & Catering, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Alpha Retail & Catering, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Boots the Chemists Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Boots the Chemists Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Burger King (UK) Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Burger King (UK) Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Control Tower, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Control Tower, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Durham Tees Valley Airport, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Durham Tees Valley Airport, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Easytech Engineering Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Easytech Engineering Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

E R A C, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

E R A C, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Esso Petroleum Co Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Esso Petroleum Co Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Estuary Bar, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Estuary Bar, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Fresh Mex Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Fresh Mex Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

GO Pizza, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

GO Pizza, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Grab & Fly, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Grab & Fly, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

G & S Security Services, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

G & S Security Services, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

H Coffee & Bar Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

H Coffee & Bar Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Hertz Auto Travel, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Hertz Auto Travel, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

H M Border & Immigration Agency, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

H M Border & Immigration Agency, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Impressions of Liverpool, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Impressions of Liverpool, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Inflight Catering Services Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Inflight Catering Services Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Information Desk, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Information Desk, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

J D Sports Plc, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

J D Sports Plc, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

K L M Airways, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

K L M Airways, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Liverpool Airport Plc, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Liverpool Airport Plc, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Merseyhire Europcar, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Merseyhire Europcar, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Merseyside Police, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Merseyside Police, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Merseyside Tourist Information Centre, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Merseyside Tourist Information Centre, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

National & Alamo Car & Van Rental, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

National & Alamo Car & Van Rental, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

O'Briens Irish Cafe Bar, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

O'Briens Irish Cafe Bar, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Penaville Servisair Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Penaville Servisair Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Select Service Partner, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Select Service Partner, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Service Air Cargo, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Service Air Cargo, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Shell, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Shell, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Skylines, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Skylines, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Sport & Game, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Sport & Game, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Terravision, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Terravision, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

Whistlestop Food & Wine, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Whistlestop Food & Wine, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

W H Smith Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

W H Smith Ltd, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold

World Duty Free, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

World Duty Free, South Terminal, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool Airport, LIVERPOOL, L24 1YD

Never Sold