Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Flat 210
Complete Address Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 215.46% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £235289 - £539716
Size 3200 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1982

Detail Information Of The Property Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, is a business property located in Stoke Park & Cheswick Ward of South Gloucestershire District, England. The Size of the property is 3200 square ft. It was constructed in 1982, age of the property is 41 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 235289 - 539716 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, is at the height of 70 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.50336500, -2.54663600.

Get Directions To Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. BS16 1ZL Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL,
South Gloucestershire, Stoke Park & Cheswick, England
BS16 1ZL

Locality Information

The property is located in the Bristol Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 79.87% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode BS16 1ZL has a population of 330. The locality has 68 properties. Out of which 2 are residential properties and 66 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.50336500
Longitude -2.54663600
Northing 178412
Easting 362155
Altitude 70 Meters
Postcode Area BS
Postcode District BS16
Postcode Sector BS16 1

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Gloucestershire
District South Gloucestershire
Ward Stoke Park & Cheswick
Parish Stoke Gifford
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Filton and Bradley Stoke
Region South West

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Wallscourt Farm Academy BS16 1GE

Railway Station

Station Filton Abbey Wood
Distance To Station 0.69 mi

Work Place

Area Name Bristol
Average Income £53800

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Avon and Somerset
Water Company N/A
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

There has been average growth of 215.46% for all properties in BS16 1ZL locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 539716 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 368144 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 339578 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 235289 GBP.

£235289 - £539716 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £235289 - £539716
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £343228

Public Transport Near Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Coldharbour Lane
Coldharbour Lane, Harry Stoke
116.25 metres
Coldharbour Lane
Coldharbour Lane, Harry Stoke
154.16 metres
UWE Entrance North
Abbey Wood
228.47 metres
UWE The Gardens
Coldharbour Lane, Harry Stoke
262.61 metres
UWE The Gardens
Coldharbour Lane, Harry Stoke
265.71 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Castle Park Ferry Landing
Broadmead, Broadmead
6.13 km
St Philip's Bridge
6.20 km
Temple Bridge (Bristol) Ferry Landing
Temple Way, Temple Meads
6.22 km
Temple Meads Station Ferry Landing
Temple Meads, Temple Meads
6.25 km
Welsh Back Ferry Landing
Welsh Back, Bristol City Centre
6.46 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Filton Abbey Wood Rail Station
1.11 km
Bristol Parkway Rail Station
Stoke Gifford
1.20 km
Patchway Rail Station
2.75 km
Stapleton Road Rail Station
4.21 km
Montpelier Rail Station
4.87 km


Airport Location Distance
Bristol International Airport
17.29 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Oldland (Avon Valley Railway)
8.63 km

Companies Located Near Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, England BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ



Argentum - C/o Easy Tax 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, England BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax - Argentum 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ



C/o Easy Tax, Argentum, 510 Bristol Business Park, Bristol, England BS16 1EJ

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Flat 210, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

PAGE, Gavin Richard

PAGE, Gavin Richard Stonemason

Argentum Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ

HAMILTON-SMITH, Thomas Alistair

HAMILTON-SMITH, Thomas Alistair Director

C/O Easy Tax - Argentum, 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ

EVANS, Anthony James

EVANS, Anthony James Director

Argentum - C/O Easy Tax, 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, England BS16 1EJ

FIFIELD, Caroline Emma Louise

FIFIELD, Caroline Emma Louise Commercial Director

Babcock Technology Centre, Unit 100a, Bristol Business Park, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ

JONES, Matthew

JONES, Matthew Accountant

Unit 100, Bristol Business Park, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ

MARSH, Christa Jane

MARSH, Christa Jane Accountant

Babcock Technology Centre, Unit 100a Bristol Business Park, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ

ROBINSON, Michael Peter

ROBINSON, Michael Peter Engineer

Babcock International Group, Submarine Support Engineering, Building 100, Bristol Business Park, Bristol, England, England BS16 1EJ

STIRLING, Alasdair Glen

STIRLING, Alasdair Glen Engineer

Unit 100, Bristol Business Park, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, England, England BS16 1EJ

BRUCE, Christopher Martin

BRUCE, Christopher Martin Company Director

Unit 100, Bristol Business Park, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, England, England BS16 1EJ

CARR, Michelle Jane

CARR, Michelle Jane Director

C/O Easy Tax - Argentum, 510 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1EJ

Other Properties in BS16 1ZL

Flat 101, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 101, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 102, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 102, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 103, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 103, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 104, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 104, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 105, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 105, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 106, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 106, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 107, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 107, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 108, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 108, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 109, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 109, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 110, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 110, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 111, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 111, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 112, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 112, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 113, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 113, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 114, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 114, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 201, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 201, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 202, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 202, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 203, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 203, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 204, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 204, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 205, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 205, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 206, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 206, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 207, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 207, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 208, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 208, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 209, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 209, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 211, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 211, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 212, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 212, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 213, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 213, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 214, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 214, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 301, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 301, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 302, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 302, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 303, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 303, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 304, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 304, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 305, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 305, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 306, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 306, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 307, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 307, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 308, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 308, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 309, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 309, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 310, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 310, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 311, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 311, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 312, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 312, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 401, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 401, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 402, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 402, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 403, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 403, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 404, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 404, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 405, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 405, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 406, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 406, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 407, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 407, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 408, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 408, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 409, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 409, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 410, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 410, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 411, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 411, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 412, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 412, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 413, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 413, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 414, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 414, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 501, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 501, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 502, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 502, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 503, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 503, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 504, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 504, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 505, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 505, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 506, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 506, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 507, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 507, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 508, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 508, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 509, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 509, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 510, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 510, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 511, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 511, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 512, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 512, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 513, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 513, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold

Flat 514, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Flat 514, Mendip Court, Coldharbour Lane, BRISTOL, BS16 1ZL

Never Sold