G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name G/2 37 Heather Wynd
Complete Address G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 5400 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1966

Detail Information Of The Property G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, is a business property located in Newton Mearns North and Neilston Ward of East Renfrewshire District, Scotland. The Size of the property is 5400 square ft. It was constructed in 1966, age of the property is 57 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 371,000 - 692,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, is at the height of 96 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 55.78796600, -4.34148900.

Get Directions To G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. G77 6AY Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW,
East Renfrewshire, Newton Mearns North and Neilston, Scotland
G77 6AY

Locality Information

The locality type is accessible rural area. According to the 2011 census, 70.34% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode G77 6AY has a population of N/A. The locality has 69 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 2 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 55.78796600
Longitude -4.34148900
Northing 657444
Easting 253277
Altitude 96 Meters
Postcode Area G
Postcode District G77
Postcode Sector G77 6

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District East Renfrewshire
Ward Newton Mearns North and Neilston
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency East Renfrewshire
Region Scotland

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Crookfur Primary School G77 6LF
Isobel Mair School G77 6NB

Railway Station

Station Patterton
Distance To Station 0.30 mi

Work Place

Area Name Glasgow

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

371,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £371,000 - £692,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Witchwood Grove
Witchwood Grove (before), Stewarton Road, Newton Mearns
41.05 metres
Witchwood Grove
Stewarton Road, Newton Mearns
48.26 metres
Patterton Railway Station
Patterton Railway Station (at), Turning Circle, Newton Mearns
446.97 metres
Warnock Road
Warnock Road (opp), Crookfur Road, Crookfur
610.51 metres
Caplerig Drive
Stewarton Road (before), Capelrig Road, Crookfur
633.06 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Broomielaw Quay Ferry Terminal
9.07 km
Glasgow Central Station Bridge Ferry Landing
A77, Glasgow
9.20 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Patterton Rail Station
Newton Mearns
487.20 metres
Whitecraigs Rail Station
1.98 km
Priesthill & Darnley Rail Station
2.70 km
Nitshill Rail Station
2.91 km
Kennishead Rail Station
3.00 km


Airport Location Distance
Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Airport
10.25 km
Glasgow Prestwick International Airport
35.40 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Cessnock SPT Subway Station
Station building, Cessnock Street, Cessnock
7.73 km
Kinning Park SPT Subway Station
Station building, Off Cornwall Street, Kinning Park
7.73 km
Ibrox SPT Subway Station
Station building, Copland Road, Cessnock
7.77 km
Shields Road SPT Subway Station
Station building, Scotland Street, Kinning Park
8.05 km
West Street SPT Subway Station
Station building, West Street, Tradeston
8.33 km

Companies Located Near G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY



G/3 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6AY



157 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, G77 6LJ



143 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ



139 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ



185 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ



141 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ



56 Greenfarm Road, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6RL



31 Shuna Place, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G77 6TN



19 Shuna Place, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6TN



19 Shuna Place, Glasgow, G77 6TN

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near G/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

BIBBY, Alan Austin

BIBBY, Alan Austin Operations Director

161 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G77 6LJ



157, Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, United Kingdom G77 6LJ


NAWAZ, Amir General Trading & Services

157, Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, United Kingdom G77 6LJ

AHMED, Sheraz

AHMED, Sheraz Certified Chartered Accountant

143, Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ

POLLOCK, Robert William

POLLOCK, Robert William Accountant

147 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G77 6LJ

SCOTT, Elaine

SCOTT, Elaine Concert Pianist

163, Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ

SCOTT, Peter Forbes

SCOTT, Peter Forbes Lawyer

163, Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ

SCOTT, Peter Forbes

SCOTT, Peter Forbes

163, Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ

ARSHAD, Zubair

ARSHAD, Zubair Director

139, Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ

IQBAL, Mohammed Haaris

IQBAL, Mohammed Haaris Director

185 Harvie Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, Scotland G77 6LJ

Other Properties in G77 6AY

1/1 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 25 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/3 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/3 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/3 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/3 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/3 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/3 27 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 29 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/3 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/3 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/3 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/3 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/3 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/3 31 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 33 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/3 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/3 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/3 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/3 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/3 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/3 35 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 37 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/3 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/3 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/3 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/3 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/3 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/3 39 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/1 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/1 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/2 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/2 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

1/3 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

1/3 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/1 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/1 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/2 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/2 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

2/3 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

2/3 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/1 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/1 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/2 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/2 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold

G/3 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

G/3 41 Heather Wynd, Newton Mearns, GLASGOW, G77 6AY

Never Sold