H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name H Smiths Plastics Ltd
Complete Address H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 233.34% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £206644 - £520927
Size 5400 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1966

Detail Information Of The Property H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, is a business property located in Downhall and Rawreth Ward of Rochford District, England. The Size of the property is 5400 square ft. It was constructed in 1966, age of the property is 57 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 206644 - 520927 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, is at the height of 4 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.62152600, 0.56415900.

Get Directions To H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. SS11 7RJ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex,
Rochford, Downhall and Rawreth, England
SS11 7RJ

Locality Information

The property is located in the Battlesbridge Town area. The locality type is rural village. According to the 2011 census, 76.38% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode SS11 7RJ has a population of 21. The locality has 41 properties. Out of which 16 are residential properties and 25 business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.62152600
Longitude 0.56415900
Northing 194526
Easting 577600
Altitude 4 Meters
Postcode Area SS
Postcode District SS11
Postcode Sector SS11 7

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Essex
District Rochford
Ward Downhall and Rawreth
Parish Rawreth
Local Authority Essex
Constituency Rayleigh and Wickford
Region East of England

Railway Station

Station Battlesbridge
Distance To Station 0.23 mi

Work Place

Area Name Southend
Average Income £48500

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Essex
Water Company Essex & Suffolk Water
Sewage Company Anglian Water

Property Sales Data For H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

There has been average growth of 233.34% for all properties in SS11 7RJ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 520927 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 389240 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 328530 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 206644 GBP.

£206644 - £520927 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £206644 - £520927
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £343193

Public Transport Near H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
The Hawk
Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge
225.74 metres
The Hawk
Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge
275.22 metres
Antique Centre
Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge
332.63 metres
Antique Centre
Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge
400.36 metres
The Turnpike south
Rettendon Turnpike (SE-bound), Hawk Hill, Rettendon
650.85 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Battlesbridge Rail Station
374.68 metres
Wickford Rail Station
3.20 km
South Woodham Ferrers Rail Station
South Woodham Ferrers
4.27 km
Rayleigh Rail Station
4.36 km
Hockley Rail Station
6.87 km


Airport Location Distance
London Southend Airport
11.26 km
London Stansted Airport
Stansted Airport
36.55 km
London City Airport
38.00 km
Biggin Hill Airport
Leaves Green
48.91 km

Companies Located Near H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ



The Barge Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, Wickford, Essex, England SS11 7RE



The Barge Inn,, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, Essex, SS11 7RE



28 Maltings Road, Battlesbridge, Wickford, England SS11 7RF



One Green Bottle, Unit 20, Muggeridge Farm Maltings Road, Battlesbridge, Wickford, Essex, England SS11 7RF



Nerd Base, Unit 2, Muggeridge Farm, Battlesbridge, Wickford, Essex, England SS11 7RF



2 Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, Wickford, England SS11 7RJ



Acit Solutions Limited 2 Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, Wickford, England SS11 7RJ



Unit 1 Mayphil Industrial Estate, Battlesbridge, Wickford, England SS11 7RJ



Unit 1a Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, Wickford, Essex, SS11 7RJ



2 Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, Wickford, England SS11 7RJ

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near H Smiths Plastics Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

HALL, Alice Michele

HALL, Alice Michele Director

Acit Solutions Limited, 2 Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, Wickford, England SS11 7RJ

RIDE, Raymond Anthony

RIDE, Raymond Anthony Sales Director

Ponders, Runwell Road Runwell, Wickford, Essex, SS11 7QJ

BAWDEN, Mark Jason Roy

BAWDEN, Mark Jason Roy Production Director

1 Mill Cottage Chelmsford Road, Rawreth, Wickford, Essex, SS11 8TS

BAWDEN, Paula Jane

BAWDEN, Paula Jane Administrator

1 Mill Cottage, Chelmsford Road, Rawreth, Wickford, Essex, SS11 8TS

COTTIS, David James

COTTIS, David James Builders Merchant

16 Maltings Road, Battlesbridge, Wickford, Essex, SS11 7RF

GALLIE, James Fraser

GALLIE, James Fraser Sales Director

5, Maltings Road, Battlesbridge, Essex, England SS11 7RF

AUSTIN, Faye Hannah

AUSTIN, Faye Hannah Events Co-Ordinator

5, Maltings Road, Battlesbridge, Essex, England SS11 7RF

SMITH, Esther Louise

SMITH, Esther Louise Company Director

The Mills, Chelmsford Road, Wickford, England SS11 8TR

SCARLETT, Jason Marcus

SCARLETT, Jason Marcus Director

Unit 1, Unit 1 Battlesbridge Harbour, Chelmsford Road, Battlesbridge, Essex, United Kingdom SS11 8TD

MCVITTY, Christopher William

MCVITTY, Christopher William

Ground Floor Offices, Sail Loft, Chelmsford Road, Wickford, England SS11 8TR

Other Properties in SS11 7RJ

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Battlesbridge Station, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

Bridgebarn Antiques, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Bridgebarn Antiques, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

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Image Design Studio, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Image Design Studio, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

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Meyer Haulage, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Meyer Haulage, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

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Phoenix Fireplaces, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Phoenix Fireplaces, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

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The Bones Lane Antiques Centre, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

The Bones Lane Antiques Centre, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

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The Hawk, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

The Hawk, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

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The M O T Centre, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

The M O T Centre, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

Yettons of Battlesbridge Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Yettons of Battlesbridge Ltd, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Last Sold At:£305,000

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Ashdale, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

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Shore Scaffolding Ltd, Unit 4, Mayphil Industrial Estate, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Last Sold At:£1,650,000

Maywick Ltd, Unit 7, Mayphil Industrial Estate, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Maywick Ltd, Unit 7, Mayphil Industrial Estate, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

Harpers of Battlesbridge, Unit 9, Mayphil Industrial Estate, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Harpers of Battlesbridge, Unit 9, Mayphil Industrial Estate, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

1 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

1 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

2 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

2 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

3 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

3 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

4 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

4 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

5 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

5 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

6 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

6 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

7 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

7 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

8 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

8 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

9 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

9 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

10 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

10 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

11 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

11 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

12 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

12 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

13 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

13 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

14 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

14 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

15 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

15 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

16 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

16 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

17 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

17 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

18 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

18 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

20 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

20 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

21 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

21 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

22 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

22 Mayphil Mobile Park, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Last Sold At:£170,000

Pineview, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Pineview, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

S L S Works, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

S L S Works, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

Station House, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Station House, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

Baby@Hollands, Unit 1, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Baby@Hollands, Unit 1, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

Bloomsbury Court Interiors, Unit 2, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Bloomsbury Court Interiors, Unit 2, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Never Sold

Das Mechanical Services Ltd, Unit 3, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

Das Mechanical Services Ltd, Unit 3, Hawk Hill, Battlesbridge, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 7RJ

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