Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Lenteverne Water Mill
Complete Address Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 216.84% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £207022 - £451362
Size 6500 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1958

Detail Information Of The Property Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, is a business property located in St Mary's Ward of Isles of Scilly District, England. The Size of the property is 6500 square ft. It was constructed in 1958, age of the property is 65 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 207022 - 451362 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, is at the height of 46 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 49.93051900, -6.30321000.

Get Directions To Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. TR21 0NS Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY,
Isles of Scilly, St Mary's, England
TR21 0NS

Locality Information

The locality type is rural village in a sparse setting. According to the 2011 census, 77.45% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode TR21 0NS has a population of 97. The locality has 59 properties. Out of which 48 are residential properties and 11 business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 49.93051900
Longitude -6.30321000
Northing 12250
Easting 91294
Altitude 46 Meters
Postcode Area TR
Postcode District TR21
Postcode Sector TR21 0

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Cornwall
District Isles of Scilly
Ward St Mary's
Parish St Mary's
Local Authority N/A
Constituency St Ives
Region South West

Railway Station

Station Penzance
Distance To Station 36.65 mi

Work Place

Area Name Penzance
Average Income £37000

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Devon & Cornwall
Water Company South West Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

There has been average growth of 216.84% for all properties in TR21 0NS locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 451362 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 305210 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 255838 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 207022 GBP.

£207022 - £451362 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £207022 - £451362
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £309268

Public Transport Near Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
St Mary's Isles Of Scilly Ferry Terminal
The Pier. Hugh Town, Hugh Town
1.66 km
Tresco Isles Of Scilly Ferry Landing
Crown Point, Tresco
2.29 km
St Martin's Isles Of Scilly Ferry Landing
Cruther's Point, St Marys
3.38 km
Bryher Isles Of Scilly Ferry Landing
The Quay, Bryher
4.26 km
St Agnes Isles Of Scilly Ferry Landing
Trevaunance Cove, St Agnes
4.69 km


Airport Location Distance
Isles of Scilly St Marys Airport
St Marys
1.97 km
Isles of Scilly Tresco Airport
2.62 km

Companies Located Near Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS



3 Coastguard Bungalows, Telegraph St Marys, Isles Of Scilly, Cornwall, TR21 0NR



Trenoweth, St Mary's, Isles Of Scilly, TR21 0NS



High Pines Mcfarland's Down, St Marys, Isles Of Scilly, Cornwall, TR21 0NS



Silver Carn, St. Marys, Isles Of Scilly, TR21 0NW



Longstone Lodge And Cafe, St. Mary's, Isles Of Scilly, Cornwall, United Kingdom TR21 0NW



1 St. Mary's, Isles Of Scilly, England TR21 0NW

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Lenteverne Water Mill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

GUY, Rory Stephen

GUY, Rory Stephen Director

4, Telegraph, St. Mary's, Isles Of Scilly, England TR21 0NP

BLACKWELL, Lynn Colette

BLACKWELL, Lynn Colette

3, Coastguard Bungalows, Telegraph St Mary's, Isles Of Scilly, Cornwall, England TR21 0NR


BLACKWELL, Adam Peter Director

3, Coastguard Bungalows, Telegraph St Mary's, Isles Of Scilly, Cornwall, England TR21 0NR

VIAN, Patrica Mary

VIAN, Patrica Mary

Fourwinds, Telegraph, St Marys Isle Of Scilly, TR21 0NR

BLACKWELL, Lynn Colette

BLACKWELL, Lynn Colette Office Manager

3 Coastguard Bungalows, Telegraph, St. Mary's, Isles Of Scilly, England TR21 0NR

BARNES, Mary Hutton

BARNES, Mary Hutton Housewife

Three Gables, Mcfarlands Downs, St Marys, Isles Of Scilly, TR21 0NS

SIBLEY, Sarah Jane

SIBLEY, Sarah Jane Estate Agent

Salt Whistle, Mcfarlands Downs, St Marys, Isles Of Scilly, England TR21 0NS

SIBLEY, Clive Andrew Guy

SIBLEY, Clive Andrew Guy Director

Salt Whistle, Mcfarlands Down, St. Marys, Isles Of Scilly, United Kingdom TR21 0NS

CHRISTOPHER, Kenneth Nicholas

CHRISTOPHER, Kenneth Nicholas

Minalto, Macfarlands Downs, St Marys, Isles Of Scilly, TR21 0NS

HICKS, Michael

HICKS, Michael Company Director

Trenemene, Macfarland Downs, St Marys, Isles Of Scilly, TR21 0NS

Other Properties in TR21 0NS

Borough Farm, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Borough Farm, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Bristow, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Bristow, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Content Farm, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Content Farm, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Downs Cottage, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Downs Cottage, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Gorse Cottage, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Gorse Cottage, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Bar View, Halangy Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Bar View, Halangy Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

1 Halangy Down Cottages, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

1 Halangy Down Cottages, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

2 Halangy Down Cottages, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

2 Halangy Down Cottages, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Higher Newford, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Higher Newford, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

The Doghouse, Higher Newford, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

The Doghouse, Higher Newford, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Higher Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Higher Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Hilbre, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Hilbre, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£460,000

Kilandrist, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Kilandrist, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Little Downs, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Little Downs, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

(Mumford), Lower Newford, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

(Mumford), Lower Newford, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Lower Newford Farm, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Lower Newford Farm, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£200,000

Cootamundra, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Cootamundra, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£281,325

Crows Nest, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Crows Nest, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£700,000

Esperance, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Esperance, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Fairlawns, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Fairlawns, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£143,000

Halangy, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Halangy, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£330,000

High Pines, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

High Pines, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Jedi, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Jedi, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Kimmeridge, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Kimmeridge, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£417,500

Luitreth, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Luitreth, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£31,735

Minalto, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Minalto, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£185,000

Montrose, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Montrose, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Morgelyn, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Morgelyn, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Pednbrose, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Pednbrose, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£555,000

Summertime, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Summertime, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£650,000

Sylina, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Sylina, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£500,000

The Wendy House, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

The Wendy House, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Three Gables, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Three Gables, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

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Trenemena, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Trenemena, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£208,000

Ventoux, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Ventoux, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Westwind, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Westwind, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Windyridge, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Windyridge, McFarlands Down, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£435,000

Green Pastures, McFarlands Downs, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Green Pastures, McFarlands Downs, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Peacehaven Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Peacehaven Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£395,000

Sandpiper, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Sandpiper, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Standingstone Cottages, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Standingstone Cottages, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

(Batten), Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

(Batten), Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Decca Cottages, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Decca Cottages, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Tower View, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Tower View, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£330,000

Trefusis, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Trefusis, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Last Sold At:£233,500

Trewarne, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Trewarne, Telegraph, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

The Bungalow, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

The Bungalow, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

The Downs, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

The Downs, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Isles of Scilly Flowers, Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Isles of Scilly Flowers, Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

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Natural England, Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Little Innisvouls, Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Little Innisvouls, Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Rose Cottage, Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Rose Cottage, Trenoweth, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Trenoweth Cottage, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Trenoweth Cottage, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Trenoweth Flowers, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Trenoweth Flowers, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Upalong, Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Upalong, Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Watermill Cottage, Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Watermill Cottage, Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold

Watermill House, Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Watermill House, Watermill, St. Mary's, ISLES OF SCILLY, TR21 0NS

Never Sold