Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Martindales
Complete Address Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 3750 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1953

Detail Information Of The Property Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, is a business property located in Cumbernauld North Ward of North Lanarkshire District, Scotland. The Size of the property is 3750 square ft. It was constructed in 1953, age of the property is 70 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 384,000 - 670,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, is at the height of 76 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 55.92847800, -4.05105900.

Get Directions To Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. G68 9HN Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW,
North Lanarkshire, Cumbernauld North, Scotland
G68 9HN

Locality Information

The locality type is other urban area. According to the 2011 census, 86.10% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode G68 9HN has a population of 0. The locality has 73 properties. Out of which 0 are residential properties and 73 business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 55.92847800
Longitude -4.05105900
Northing 672501
Easting 271949
Altitude 76 Meters
Postcode Area G
Postcode District G68
Postcode Sector G68 9

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District North Lanarkshire
Ward Cumbernauld North
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill
Region Scotland

Railway Station

Station Croy
Distance To Station 1.97 mi

Work Place

Area Name Glasgow

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

384,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £384,000 - £670,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Westfield Place
Westfield Industrial Area (opp), Westfield Road, Westfield
174.41 metres
Westfield Place
Westfield Industrial Area (After), Westfield Road, Westfield
202.24 metres
Deerdykes Road
Deerdykes Road (Opp), Westfield Road, Westfield
252.56 metres
Deerdykes Road
Deerdykes Road (At), Westfield Road, Westfield
256.04 metres
Deerdykes Roundabout
Deerdykes Roundabout (before), Westfield Road, Westfield
354.36 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Croy Rail Station
3.17 km
Greenfaulds Rail Station
3.70 km
Cumbernauld Rail Station
4.67 km
Gartcosh Rail Station
5.09 km
Lenzie Rail Station
6.48 km


Airport Location Distance
Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Airport
25.04 km

Companies Located Near Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN



26 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, N. Lanarkshire, G68 9HN



Westfield House 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G68 9HD



Westfield House 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G68 9HD



Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, G68 9HD



Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, G68 9HD



Westfield House 4 Mollins Road, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, G68 9HD



11-13 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland G68 9HN



11-13 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland G68 9HN



11-13 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland G68 9HN



51-53 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland G68 9HN

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Martindales, 113 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

YERNENI, Prasanth

YERNENI, Prasanth Technical Director

26 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, N. Lanarkshire, G68 9HN


WALLACE, Norma Civil Servant

26 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, N. Lanarkshire, G68 9HN


YERNENI, Venkat Managing Director

26 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, N. Lanarkshire, G68 9HN

BARR, Julie Anne

BARR, Julie Anne Director

Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland G68 9HD

WHITE, Roger Alexander

WHITE, Roger Alexander None

Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland G68 9HD


LORIMER, Stuart Finance Director

Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G68 9HD

SHORT, Alexander Brian Cooper

SHORT, Alexander Brian Cooper None

Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland G68 9HD

MACLENNAN, Neil Conway

MACLENNAN, Neil Conway

Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, G68 9HD


ALLEN, Mark Director

Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, G68 9HD

HOWORTH, Zoe Louise

HOWORTH, Zoe Louise Director

Westfield House, 4 Mollins Road, Cumbernauld, G68 9HD

Other Properties in G68 9HN

1 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

1 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

M E S, 3 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

M E S, 3 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

T B G Manufacturing Ltd, 5-7 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

T B G Manufacturing Ltd, 5-7 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

9 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

9 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Synchro, 11-13 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Synchro, 11-13 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

15 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

15 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

P S Auto, 17 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

P S Auto, 17 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

19-21 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

19-21 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

24 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

24 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Keeler Ltd, 25 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Keeler Ltd, 25 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

A Tech Heating, 26 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

A Tech Heating, 26 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

27 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

27 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Safety Netting, 28 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Safety Netting, 28 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Ross Fire Protection Ltd, 29 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Ross Fire Protection Ltd, 29 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

30 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

30 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

T S UK (Electromechanical Locking Specialists) Ltd, 31 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

T S UK (Electromechanical Locking Specialists) Ltd, 31 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

32 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

32 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Groupco Ltd, 33 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Groupco Ltd, 33 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

34 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

34 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

35 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

35 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

36 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

36 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Eagle Burgmann Industries UK Ltd, 37 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Eagle Burgmann Industries UK Ltd, 37 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

38 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

38 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Aspex, 39 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Aspex, 39 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

40 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

40 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Sparks Mechnical Services, 41 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Sparks Mechnical Services, 41 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Anglian Meats, 42 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Anglian Meats, 42 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

B R T Bearings Ltd, 43 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

B R T Bearings Ltd, 43 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Chorley Bearings & Transmissions Ltd, 43 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Chorley Bearings & Transmissions Ltd, 43 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

44 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

44 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

45 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

45 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Accrete Makers UK Ltd, 46 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Accrete Makers UK Ltd, 46 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Makers UK Ltd, 46 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Makers UK Ltd, 46 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

47 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

47 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Fisher Group, 48 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Fisher Group, 48 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Scots Bearings (Glasgow) Ltd, 49-53 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Scots Bearings (Glasgow) Ltd, 49-53 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

50 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

50 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

52 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

52 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Workload Financial Business Consultants, 54 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Workload Financial Business Consultants, 54 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

55 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

55 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Siemens, 56 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Siemens, 56 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

57 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

57 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Strategic, 59 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Strategic, 59 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

C M C, 61 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

C M C, 61 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Homecare, 63 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Homecare, 63 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Conservation Masonry, 81 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Conservation Masonry, 81 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Snacks, 83 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Snacks, 83 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Rooney Memorials, 85 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Rooney Memorials, 85 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

87 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

87 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

89 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

89 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

91 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

91 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

93 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

93 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Munro, 95 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Munro, 95 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Trevi, 97 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Trevi, 97 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Uppercrust, 99 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Uppercrust, 99 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Motorsmart, 101 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Motorsmart, 101 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Premier Payphones, 103 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Premier Payphones, 103 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

105 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

105 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

107 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

107 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

109 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

109 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

111 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

111 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

115 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

115 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Samtec (Europe) Ltd, 117 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Samtec (Europe) Ltd, 117 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Clear Channel UK, 119 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Clear Channel UK, 119 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Lafarge Aggregates Ltd, 121 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Lafarge Aggregates Ltd, 121 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

L Tec Controls Ltd, 125 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

L Tec Controls Ltd, 125 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Biosil Ltd, 127-129 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Biosil Ltd, 127-129 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

P T S Electrical, 129a Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

P T S Electrical, 129a Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

M G H, 131 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

M G H, 131 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Motivair, 133-135 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Motivair, 133-135 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

S P P, 137 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

S P P, 137 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold

Impact Signs, 139-143 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Impact Signs, 139-143 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G68 9HN

Never Sold