O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name O'Connells
Complete Address O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 194.15% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £166775 - £435824
Size 5950 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1997

Detail Information Of The Property O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, is a business property located in Highwoods Ward of Colchester District, England. The Size of the property is 5950 square ft. It was constructed in 1997, age of the property is 26 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 166775 - 435824 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, is at the height of 47 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.92379300, 0.92158900.

Get Directions To O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. CO4 9YQ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER,
Colchester, Highwoods, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Colchester Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 63.15% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode CO4 9YQ has a population of 4. The locality has 52 properties. Out of which 1 are residential properties and 51 business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.92379300
Longitude 0.92158900
Northing 229063
Easting 600991
Altitude 47 Meters
Postcode Area CO
Postcode District CO4
Postcode Sector CO4 9

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Essex
District Colchester
Ward Highwoods
Parish Colchester, unparished area
Local Authority Essex
Constituency Colchester
Region East of England

Railway Station

Station Colchester
Distance To Station 2.02 mi

Work Place

Area Name Colchester
Average Income £46400

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Essex
Water Company Anglian Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

There has been average growth of 194.15% for all properties in CO4 9YQ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 435824 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 310053 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 260991 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 166775 GBP.

£166775 - £435824 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £166775 - £435824
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £299631

Public Transport Near O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Office Village
The Crescent, Severalls Park
48.27 metres
Office Village
The Crescent, Severalls Park
85.70 metres
Cuckoo Point
Severalls Lane, Severalls Park
161.62 metres
Cuckoo Point
Severalls Lane, Severalls Park
171.73 metres
Matchett Drive
Mill Rd, Mile End
288.14 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Colchester Rail Station
3.25 km
Hythe (Essex) Rail Station
The Hythe
4.27 km
Colchester Town Rail Station
Colchester City Centre
4.31 km
Wivenhoe Rail Station
7.85 km
Manningtree Rail Station
8.96 km

Companies Located Near O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ



41 Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN



11 Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN



25 Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN



66 Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN



47 Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN



66 Springham Drive, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom CO4 5FN



54 Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN



321 Mill Road, Mile End, Colchester, England CO4 5GQ

00031964 LIMITED

00031964 LIMITED

C/o Flakt Woods Limited, Axial, Way, Cuckoo Farm Business Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5ZD



Axial Way, Cuckoo Farm Business, Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5ZD

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near O'Connells, 780 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

CURTIS, Ryan Andrew

CURTIS, Ryan Andrew Health And Safety

11, Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN

PETERS, Cameron Reece

PETERS, Cameron Reece Director

66, Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN

GRAVES, Karl Peter

GRAVES, Karl Peter Company Director

47, Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN


GRAVES, David Software Consultant

47, Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN

FISHER, Verity Jade

FISHER, Verity Jade Marketing Director

73, Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN

EADIE, Paul Reginald

EADIE, Paul Reginald Sales Executive

33 Springham Drive, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5FN

MANN, Mitchell

MANN, Mitchell Financial Services

32 Springham Drive, Springham Drive, Colchester, England CO4 5FN

CROOM, Carolyn Ann

CROOM, Carolyn Ann Secretary

57, Springham Drive, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom CO4 5FN

KOMOLAFE, Temilade

KOMOLAFE, Temilade Company Director

321, Mill Road, Mile End, Colchester, England CO4 5GQ

WOLSKI, Philip John

WOLSKI, Philip John Head Of Marketing

331 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5GQ

Other Properties in CO4 9YQ

Colchester Business Park Office, The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Colchester Business Park Office, The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Last Sold At:£240,000

Lombard Insurance, 100 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Lombard Insurance, 100 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Essex County Council, Essex House, 200 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Essex County Council, Essex House, 200 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Care UK, 651 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Care UK, 651 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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United Response, 652 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

United Response, 652 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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East of England NHS Trust, 653 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

East of England NHS Trust, 653 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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North Essex Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, 654 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

North Essex Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, 654 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Stadia Trustees Ltd, 654 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Stadia Trustees Ltd, 654 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Crumpet England Ltd, 656 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Crumpet England Ltd, 656 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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657 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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658 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Never Sold

701 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

701 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

702 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

702 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

703 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

703 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

704 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

704 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

705 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

705 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

706 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

706 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

707 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

707 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

708 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

708 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Newman Estate Agents, 750 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Newman Estate Agents, 750 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Last Sold At:£1,125,000

Ovivo UK Ltd, 760 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Ovivo UK Ltd, 760 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Jardine Motors, 770 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Jardine Motors, 770 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Orchard World Ltd, 790 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Orchard World Ltd, 790 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Scrutton Bland, 820 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Scrutton Bland, 820 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Last Sold At:£2,150,000

Caring Homes Group Ltd, Bradbury House, 830 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Caring Homes Group Ltd, Bradbury House, 830 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Dental Surgery, 841 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Dental Surgery, 841 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Managed Fleet Services, 842 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Managed Fleet Services, 842 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Last Sold At:£300,000

Doctors Surgery, 843 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Doctors Surgery, 843 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

James Aldridge Ltd, 844 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

James Aldridge Ltd, 844 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Wireless Telecommunications Ltd, 845 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Wireless Telecommunications Ltd, 845 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Vocal Avisiso, 846 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Hemisphere Freight Services Ltd, 847 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Hemisphere Freight Services Ltd, 847 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Last Sold At:£450,000

Net Solutions Europe Ltd, 870 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Net Solutions Europe Ltd, 870 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Colchester Orthodontic Centre, 872 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Colchester Orthodontic Centre, 872 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Ingleton Wood, 874 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Ingleton Wood, 874 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

876 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

876 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Michael Keenan & Co, 882 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Michael Keenan & Co, 882 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Newman Commercial Ltd, 882 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Newman Commercial Ltd, 882 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Last Sold At:£350,000

Horizon Construction, 884 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Horizon Construction, 884 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Last Sold At:£350,000

Lawson Planning Partnership, 884 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Lawson Planning Partnership, 884 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Plexus Law, 886 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Plexus Law, 886 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Eaton Filtration Ltd, 890 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Eaton Filtration Ltd, 890 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Larking Gowen, 892 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Park City Consulting Ltd, 894 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Park City, 896 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Park City, 896 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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Access to Work, 900 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Access to Work, 900 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

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East of England A T W Business, 900 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

East of England A T W Business, 900 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Jobcentre Plus, 900 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Jobcentre Plus, 900 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold

Essex County Council, 910 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Essex County Council, 910 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, COLCHESTER, CO4 9YQ

Never Sold