O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article covers information about property O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name O2
Complete Address O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 139.91% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £160309 - £485733
Size 3200 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1952

Detail Information Of The Property O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, is a business property located in Bewsey and Whitecross Ward of Warrington District, England. The Size of the property is 3200 square ft. It was constructed in 1952, age of the property is 71 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 160309 - 485733 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, is at the height of 21 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.38990700, -2.59542700.

Get Directions To O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. WA1 1QE Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON,
Warrington, Bewsey and Whitecross, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Warrington Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 12.07% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode WA1 1QE has a population of N/A. The locality has 64 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.38990700
Longitude -2.59542700
Northing 388284
Easting 360498
Altitude 21 Meters
Postcode Area WA
Postcode District WA1
Postcode Sector WA1 1

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Cheshire
District Warrington
Ward Bewsey and Whitecross
Parish Warrington, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Warrington South
Region North West

Schools Nearby

Railway Station

Station Warrington Central
Distance To Station 0.16 mi

Work Place

Area Name Warrington and Wigan
Average Income £37500

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Cheshire
Water Company United Utilities
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

There has been average growth of 139.91% for all properties in WA1 1QE locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 485733 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 239950 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 166944 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 160309 GBP.

£160309 - £485733 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £160309 - £485733
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £241661

Public Transport Near O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Legh Street
Old Car Park Site (Stop AE), Legh Street, Warrington
133.93 metres
White Hart
White Hart PH (Stop AB), Sankey Street, Warrington
139.03 metres
White Hart
White Hart PH (Stop AC), Sankey Street, Warrington
151.98 metres
Garven Place Alighting Only
Legh Street (o/s), Sankey Street, Warrington
190.69 metres
Garven Place Alighting Only
Legh Street (o/s), Sankey Street, Warrington
195.13 metres

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Town Hill Taxi Rank
Town Hill Taxi Rank (Taxi Rank), Off Scotland Road, Warrington
170.19 metres
Sankey Street Taxi Rank
Sankey Street Taxi Rank (Taxi Rank), Sankey Street, Warrington
180.42 metres
Cockhedge Taxi Rank
Cockhedge Centre Taxi Rank (Taxi Rank), Cockhedge Way, Warrington
289.85 metres
Central Station Taxi Rank
Central Station Taxi Rank (Taxi Rank), Winwick Street, Warrington
290.51 metres
Barbald Street Taxi Rank
Barbald Street Taxi Rank (Taxi Rank), Barbald Street, Warrington
294.46 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Warrington Central Rail Station
260.05 metres
Warrington Bank Quay Rail Station
633.34 metres
Warrington West Rail Station
Sycamore Lane, Warrington
2.87 km
Padgate Rail Station
3.12 km
Sankey for Penketh Rail Station
Sankey Bridges
3.67 km


Airport Location Distance
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
18.24 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 2
Manchester Airport
21.17 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 1
Manchester Airport
21.63 km
Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport
21.71 km
Manchester Airport Terminal 3
Manchester Airport
21.89 km

Companies Located Near O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE



90c, American Candy Empire The Mall, The Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington, England WA1 1QE



Unit 53 Golden Square, 83 The Mall, Warrington, Cheshire, England WA1 1QE



Ifixtech Unit 14, Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington, Lancashire, England WA1 1QE



5 The Mall, Bewsey And Whitecross, Warrington, England WA1 1QE



95 The Mall, Golden Square, Warrington, England WA1 1QE



95 The Mall, Warrington, England WA1 1QE



90 The Mall, Warrington, England WA1 1QE



2 Orford Lane, Warrington, England WA2 7AB



48 Orford Lane, Warrington, England WA2 7AF



72 Orford Lane, Warrington, England WA2 7AF

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near O2, 4 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE


KHALIL, Ajmal Business Man

Ifixtech Unit 14, Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington, Lancashire, United Kingdom WA1 1QE

YONG, Derek

YONG, Derek

68, The Mall, Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington, Cheshire, England WA1 1QE

JAMIL, Rabia

JAMIL, Rabia Company Director

5, The Mall, Bewsey And Whitecross, Warrington, England WA1 1QE



95, The Mall, Golden Square, Warrington, England WA1 1QE

RIZVI, Syed Qaiser Ali

RIZVI, Syed Qaiser Ali Company Director

95, The Mall, Golden Square, Warrington, England WA1 1QE

TARIQ, Shiraz

TARIQ, Shiraz Manager

90, The Mall, Warrington, England WA1 1QE

PENDLEBURY, Angela Michelle

PENDLEBURY, Angela Michelle Company Director

48, Orford Lane, Warrington, England WA2 7AF

WOOD, Dovile

WOOD, Dovile Managing Director

48, Orford Lane, Warrington, England WA2 7AF

PASSMORE, Stuart Anthony

PASSMORE, Stuart Anthony Director

62, Orford Lane, Warrington, United Kingdom WA2 7AF

LEONG, Kok Kheong

LEONG, Kok Kheong Director

The Lotus Garden, 64, Orford Lane, Warrington, England WA2 7AF

Other Properties in WA1 1QE

Boutique Hoco, The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Boutique Hoco, The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Shoe Zone, 1 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Shoe Zone, 1 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Bodycare, 2 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Bodycare, 2 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold



Never Sold

Gas Stop, 5 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Gas Stop, 5 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Birthdays, 6 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Birthdays, 6 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Starbucks Coffee Co (UK) Ltd, 7 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Starbucks Coffee Co (UK) Ltd, 7 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Chisholm Hunter, 8 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Chisholm Hunter, 8 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

The Perfume Shop, 9 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

The Perfume Shop, 9 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Wildings Photo & Video Centre, 10 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Wildings Photo & Video Centre, 10 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Game X Change, 10a The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Game X Change, 10a The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Regis Hair Express, 11 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Regis Hair Express, 11 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Grainger Games, 12 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Grainger Games, 12 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Ernest Jones, 14 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Ernest Jones, 14 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Scoop, 15 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Scoop, 15 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Next Retail Ltd, 16 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Next Retail Ltd, 16 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Julian Graves Ltd, 17 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Julian Graves Ltd, 17 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

W H Smith Ltd, 18 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

W H Smith Ltd, 18 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Boots the Chemists Ltd, 19 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Boots the Chemists Ltd, 19 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Republic, 20 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Republic, 20 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Sky Retail, 24 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Sky Retail, 24 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Boots Opticians Ltd, 44 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Boots Opticians Ltd, 44 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Dorothy Perkins, 52 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Dorothy Perkins, 52 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Clinton Cards Plc, 62 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Clinton Cards Plc, 62 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Claires Accessories, 63 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Claires Accessories, 63 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

H Samuel Ltd, 64 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

H Samuel Ltd, 64 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Virgin Media, 65 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Virgin Media, 65 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

66 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

66 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

T-Mobile (UK) Ltd, 67 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

T-Mobile (UK) Ltd, 67 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

The Orange Shop, 68 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

The Orange Shop, 68 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Phones 4 U, 69 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Phones 4 U, 69 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

70 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

70 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Jewel Nation, 72 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Jewel Nation, 72 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Beaverbrooks, 73 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Beaverbrooks, 73 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

The Body Shop International Plc, 74 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

The Body Shop International Plc, 74 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

The Fragrance Shop, 75 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

The Fragrance Shop, 75 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Thorntons Plc, 76 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Thorntons Plc, 76 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

B H S, 77 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

B H S, 77 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Game Stores Group Ltd, 78 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Game Stores Group Ltd, 78 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Thomson, 79 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Thomson, 79 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Deichmann Shoes, 80 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Deichmann Shoes, 80 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

New Look, 81 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

New Look, 81 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Card Factory, 82 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Card Factory, 82 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

83 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

83 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

H M V UK Ltd, 84 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

H M V UK Ltd, 84 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Holland & Barrett Ltd, 85 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Holland & Barrett Ltd, 85 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Millets, 86 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Millets, 86 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

87 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

87 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Greggs of Manchester Ltd, 88 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Greggs of Manchester Ltd, 88 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Azuri, 89 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Azuri, 89 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Duffer Menswear, 90 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Duffer Menswear, 90 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

91 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

91 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

N S News, 92 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

N S News, 92 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

93 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

93 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Superdrug Stores Plc, 94 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Superdrug Stores Plc, 94 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Thomas Cook Ltd, 95 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Thomas Cook Ltd, 95 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Pound Bakery, 96 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Pound Bakery, 96 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Dollond & Aitchison, 98 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Dollond & Aitchison, 98 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Suga Cane, 100 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Suga Cane, 100 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Vodafone, 102 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Vodafone, 102 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Be Offee Ltd, 102a The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Be Offee Ltd, 102a The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

Timpson, 104 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Timpson, 104 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold

The Works, 106 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

The Works, 106 The Mall, WARRINGTON, WA1 1QE

Never Sold