Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Panelpride
Complete Address Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 190.58% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £205035 - £644652
Size 4300 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1954

Detail Information Of The Property Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, is a business property located in Norman Ward of Ashford District, England. The Size of the property is 4300 square ft. It was constructed in 1954, age of the property is 69 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 205035 - 644652 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, is at the height of 37 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 51.12869000, 0.86383200.

Get Directions To Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. TN23 6LZ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent,
Ashford, Norman, England
TN23 6LZ

Locality Information

The property is located in the Ashford (Ashford) Town area. The locality type is urban city and town. According to the 2011 census, 24.40% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode TN23 6LZ has a population of N/A. The locality has 47 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 51.12869000
Longitude 0.86383200
Northing 140501
Easting 600482
Altitude 37 Meters
Postcode Area TN
Postcode District TN23
Postcode Sector TN23 6

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Kent
District Ashford
Ward Norman
Parish Ashford, unparished area
Local Authority Kent
Constituency Ashford
Region South East

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
The John Wallis Church of England Academy TN23 3HG

Railway Station

Station Ashford International
Distance To Station 1.17 mi

Work Place

Area Name Ashford
Average Income £49800

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Kent
Water Company South East Water
Sewage Company Southern Water

Property Sales Data For Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

There has been average growth of 190.58% for all properties in TN23 6LZ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 644652 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 422483 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 331039 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 205035 GBP.

£205035 - £644652 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £205035 - £644652
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £380528

Public Transport Near Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Kent Coach Tours Depot
Kent Coach Tours Depot (at), Malcolm Sargent Road, South Ashford
132.00 metres
Bungalow Stores
Bungalow Stores (opp), Kingsnorth Road, South Ashford
293.46 metres
The Limes
The Limes (opp), Kingsnorth Road, South Ashford
298.61 metres
The Limes
The Limes (adj), Kingsnorth Road, South Ashford
300.57 metres
Bramley Gardens
Bramley Gardens (adj), Kingsnorth Road, South Ashford
313.60 metres

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Ashford International Rail Station
Ashford International Station (south taxi rank), Newtown Road, Ashford
1.75 km
Ashford International Rail Station
Railway Station (north taxi rank), Station Approach, Ashford
1.94 km
Park Mall
Park Mall (taxi rank), Park Street, Ashford
2.45 km
Park Street
Park Street, Ashford
2.46 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Ashford International Rail Station
1.88 km
Ham Street Rail Station
6.74 km
Wye Rail Station
7.76 km
Pluckley Rail Station
8.72 km
Charing (Kent) Rail Station
10.22 km


Airport Location Distance
Lydd London Ashford Airport
Lydd Airport
20.00 km
Kent International Airport
42.17 km

Companies Located Near Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ



103 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom TN23 6LZ



113 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ



113 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom TN23 6LZ



27 Stanhope Court, Ashford, England TN23 5EW



Momo Factory Shop Unit 2 (95), Ellingham Way, Ashford, England TN23 6LZ



106 Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ



110 Ellingham Industrial Estate, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6LZ



3 Stanhope Road, Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom TN23 5EW



33 Adisham Gardens, Ashford, England TN23 5ES



16 Lucilla Avenue, Ashford, England TN23 3PS

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Panelpride, 98 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

NARDI, Jennifer

NARDI, Jennifer

113, Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ

NARDI, Pietro Roberto

NARDI, Pietro Roberto

113, Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ

NARDI, Harry Domenico Vittorio John

NARDI, Harry Domenico Vittorio John

113, Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ

NARDI, Holly Daisy Clarice, Mrss

NARDI, Holly Daisy Clarice, Mrss

113, Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ

OMAR, Abdula Ali

OMAR, Abdula Ali Managing Director

27 Stanhope Court, Ashford, England TN23 5EW

BERE, Michael Scott

BERE, Michael Scott Storage

102, Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ

VASHI, Armarni

VASHI, Armarni Business Person

Momo Factory Shop Unit 2 (95), Ellingham Way, Ashford, England TN23 6LZ


RAWBONE, Tony Retired

3, Lucilla Avenue, Ashford, England TN23 3PU


BEANEY, Dora Chef

105, Ellingham Way, Ashford, Kent, England TN23 6LZ

STOREY, Susan Iris

STOREY, Susan Iris

110, Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, Ashford, England TN23 6LZ

Other Properties in TN23 6LZ

Thomas Auto Injection Centre Ltd, 93 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Thomas Auto Injection Centre Ltd, 93 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Salvec Services, 93a Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Salvec Services, 93a Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

HE Services, 93b Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

HE Services, 93b Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Last Sold At:£150,000

Ashford Tackle Shop Ltd, 94 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Ashford Tackle Shop Ltd, 94 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Team Frames, 95 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Team Frames, 95 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Southern Farms Butchery Ltd, 96 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Southern Farms Butchery Ltd, 96 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Ivydene Ltd, 99 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Ivydene Ltd, 99 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Last Sold At:£930,000

A C Fresh Air, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

A C Fresh Air, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Last Sold At:£930,000

Autokwik, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Autokwik, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Last Sold At:£930,000

P K Commercial Tyres Ltd, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

P K Commercial Tyres Ltd, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Last Sold At:£930,000

Protem H G V Ltd, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Protem H G V Ltd, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Last Sold At:£930,000

R L & C J Light Cargo, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

R L & C J Light Cargo, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Last Sold At:£930,000

R & S Equipment Ltd, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

R & S Equipment Ltd, 100 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Electronic Repair Centre Ltd, 101 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Electronic Repair Centre Ltd, 101 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Ashford Print, 102 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Ashford Print, 102 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

103 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

103 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Cyto Solutions, 104 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Cyto Solutions, 104 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Rocky's Cafe, 105 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Rocky's Cafe, 105 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Biopathica, 106 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Biopathica, 106 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Stone Media, 107 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Stone Media, 107 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Bounty Pest Control, 108 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Bounty Pest Control, 108 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Kingsbridge Studio, 109 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Kingsbridge Studio, 109 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Ashford Flexible Hose & Coupling Supplies Ltd, 110 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Ashford Flexible Hose & Coupling Supplies Ltd, 110 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

111 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

111 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

L P F Print & Sign, 112 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

L P F Print & Sign, 112 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Alakazam Magic, 113 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Alakazam Magic, 113 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Delifoods, 114 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Delifoods, 114 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

115 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

115 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Ledger Accountancy, 116 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Ledger Accountancy, 116 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Health by Mail Ltd, 117 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Health by Mail Ltd, 117 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Ashford Express Couriers, 118 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Ashford Express Couriers, 118 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Ashford Cycles, 119 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Ashford Cycles, 119 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

A W S (1996) Ltd, 120 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

A W S (1996) Ltd, 120 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Dyno Rod Plc, 121 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Dyno Rod Plc, 121 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

122 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

122 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Blue Rabbit, 123 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Blue Rabbit, 123 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

124 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

124 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

J Fuller Builders Ltd, 125 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

J Fuller Builders Ltd, 125 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Purerush, 126 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Purerush, 126 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

127 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

127 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Encompasses, 128 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Encompasses, 128 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

129 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

129 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Distribution Van Services, 130 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Distribution Van Services, 130 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Advanced Wear & Safety Ltd, 131 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Advanced Wear & Safety Ltd, 131 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

GO Couriers, 132 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

GO Couriers, 132 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold

Freightline Express, 133 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Freightline Express, 133 Ellingham Industrial Centre, Ellingham Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 6LZ

Never Sold