Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Papillion
Complete Address Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 123.33% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £110264 - £344831
Size 5400 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1976

Detail Information Of The Property Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, is a business property located in Pilling Ward of Wyre District, England. The Size of the property is 5400 square ft. It was constructed in 1976, age of the property is 47 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 110264 - 344831 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, is at the height of 6 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.92628900, -2.91946000.

Get Directions To Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. PR3 6HJ Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON,
Wyre, Pilling, England

Locality Information

The property is located in the Stake Pool/Pilling Town area. The locality type is rural village. According to the 2011 census, 56.57% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode PR3 6HJ has a population of 220. The locality has 85 properties. Out of which 78 are residential properties and 7 business properties. There is only 1 school in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.92628900
Longitude -2.91946000
Northing 448187
Easting 339720
Altitude 6 Meters
Postcode Area PR
Postcode District PR3
Postcode Sector PR3 6

Administrative Areas

Country England
County Lancashire
District Wyre
Ward Pilling
Parish Pilling
Local Authority Lancashire
Constituency Lancaster and Fleetwood
Region North West

Schools Nearby

Police Stations

Railway Station

Station Poulton-Le-Fylde
Distance To Station 6.11 mi

Work Place

Area Name Preston
Average Income £41300

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Lancashire
Water Company United Utilities
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

There has been average growth of 123.33% for all properties in PR3 6HJ locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 344831 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 202754 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 139777 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 110264 GBP.

£110264 - £344831 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood
View All Property Sales In The Region

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £110264 - £344831
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £196743

Public Transport Near Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Wheel Lane
Wheel Lane (by), Smallwood Hey Road, Smallwood Hey
297.28 metres
Wheel Lane
Wheel Lane (opp), Smallwood Hey Road, Smallwood Hey
304.00 metres
Methodist Church
Methodist Church (by), Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling
337.78 metres
Methodist Church
Methodist Church (opp), Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling
385.33 metres
School Lane (opp), School Lane, Pilling
669.03 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Knott End-On-Sea Ferry Landing
B527 Esplanade, Knott End on Sea
5.09 km
Fleetwood for Knott End Ferry Landing
Off Queens Terrace, Fleetwood
5.67 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Poulton-le-Fylde Rail Station
9.85 km
Heysham Port Rail Station
11.90 km
Layton (Lancs) Rail Station
12.46 km
Blackpool North Rail Station
14.41 km
Lancaster Rail Station
15.48 km


Airport Location Distance
Blackpool International Airport
18.36 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Fleetwood Ferry (Blackpool Tramway)
Fleetwood Ferry Port, Queens Terrace, Fleetwood
5.82 km
Victoria Street (Blackpool Tramway)
Adelaide Street, Victoria Street, Fleetwood
5.86 km
London Street (Blackpool Tramway)
Lord Street, London Street, Freeport
6.05 km
Fisherman's Walk (Blackpool Tramway)
Poulton Road, Ash Street, Freeport
6.47 km
Stanley Road (Blackpool Tramway)
Radcliffe Road, Stanley Road, Freeport
6.73 km

Companies Located Near Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ



78 Glenfield Leisure Park, Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Lancashire, United Kingdom PR3 6HE



78 Glenfield Leisure Park, Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Lancashire, United Kingdom PR3 6HE



Heywood House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 6HE



20 Smallwood, Hey Road, Pilling, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 6HE



Heywood House, Smallwood Hey, Preston, United Kingdom PR3 6HE



Uk Leisure Parks Glenfield Leisure Park,, Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Lancs, England PR3 6HE



Uk Leisure Parks Glenfield Leisure Park,, Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Lancs, England PR3 6HE



4 Chapel Close Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Preston, England PR3 6HF



Corrie Smallwood Hey, Pilling, Preston, England PR3 6HJ



Barnholme Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Preston, Lancashire, England PR3 6HJ

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Papillion, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

CURWEN, Margaret Hannah

CURWEN, Margaret Hannah Clerk

28 Saint Johns Avenue, Pilling, Preston, PR3 6HD

PACEY, Alister

PACEY, Alister Surveyor

1, St. Johns Avenue, Pilling, Preston, United Kingdom PR3 6HD

BANKS, Richard David

BANKS, Richard David Company Director

Heywood House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, Preston, PR3 6HE

TOMLINSON, Elizabeth Ann

TOMLINSON, Elizabeth Ann Secrertary

Glenfield, 5 The Meadows, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, Preston, England PR3 6HE

CROSS, Diane

CROSS, Diane Director

20, Smallwood, Hey Road, Pilling, Preston, Lancashire, England PR3 6HE

GOODWIN, Melissa Kaley

GOODWIN, Melissa Kaley Director

12 Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Preston, Lancashire, England PR3 6HE

JEFFRIES, Christopher Robert

JEFFRIES, Christopher Robert Director

12 Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Preston, Lancashire, England PR3 6HE


MCCARTHY, Myles Caravan Park Owner

Glenfield Leisure Park, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, Preston, United Kingdom PR3 6HE

VEZZOLA, Agostino

VEZZOLA, Agostino Business Man

4, Smallwood Hey Road, Pilling, Preston, England PR3 6HF

VIANA, Ivanilde Nunes

VIANA, Ivanilde Nunes Company Director

4, Chapel Close, Pilling, Preston, United Kingdom PR3 6HF

Other Properties in PR3 6HJ

Pilling Nursing Home, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Pilling Nursing Home, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Acre Nook, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Acre Nook, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Afton, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Afton, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Amberley, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Amberley, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£250,000

Ashley House Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Ashley House Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Balanos, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Balanos, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Bambino, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Bambino, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Barn Holme, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Barn Holme, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Bay Wood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Bay Wood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Broadfield, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Broadfield, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Brookfield Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Brookfield Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Chequers, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Chequers, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Clairmont, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Clairmont, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Claymore, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Claymore, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Copper Garth, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Copper Garth, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Corrie, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Corrie, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Don Arran, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Don Arran, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Eastholme, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Eastholme, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Eskdale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Eskdale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Field End, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Field End, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£495,000

Glencoe, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Glencoe, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Glengarry, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Glengarry, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Goodison, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Goodison, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Goodways, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Goodways, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£340,000

Holme Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Holme Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

2 Holmes Barn, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

2 Holmes Barn, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

1 Holmleigh, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

1 Holmleigh, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

2 Holmleigh, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

2 Holmleigh, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

3 Holmleigh, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

3 Holmleigh, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Homestead, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Homestead, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Inglewood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Inglewood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Langstone, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Langstone, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Leadale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Leadale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Lynd End, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Lynd End, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£198,000

Lyndene, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Lyndene, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Lynwood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Lynwood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Massabielle, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Massabielle, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

New House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

New House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

North View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

North View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

1 North View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

1 North View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

2 North View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

2 North View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Orchard Lee, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Orchard Lee, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Padua, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Padua, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Pinewood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Pinewood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Plane Trees, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Plane Trees, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Plevny House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Plevny House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Rangarth, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Rangarth, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Rathain, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Rathain, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Rose Bank, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Rose Bank, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Roseberry House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Roseberry House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Rowan Villa, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Rowan Villa, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Savoy, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Savoy, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Seamura, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Seamura, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Sixpenny House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Sixpenny House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Smallwood Hey Barn, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Smallwood Hey Barn, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Smallwood Hey Farmhouse, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Smallwood Hey Farmhouse, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Smallwood House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Smallwood House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Southernwood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Southernwood, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Sunningdale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Sunningdale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£332,000

Tayside, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Tayside, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

The Bungalow, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

The Bungalow, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

The Coppice, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

The Coppice, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

The Swallows, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

The Swallows, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

The Thatched Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

The Thatched Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Towen, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Towen, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Umhall, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Umhall, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£155,000

1 Westbourne Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

1 Westbourne Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

2 Westbourne Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

2 Westbourne Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Westbourne House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Westbourne House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Westbury, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Westbury, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£249,950

1 West View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

1 West View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

2 West View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

2 West View, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

West View Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

West View Farm, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Whimbrel, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Whimbrel, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

White Croft, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

White Croft, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

White Gables, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

White Gables, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Last Sold At:£250,000

White Hey House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

White Hey House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Willow Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Willow Cottage, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Woodacre House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Woodacre House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Woodlea, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Woodlea, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Wynbald House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Wynbald House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Wyresdale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Wyresdale, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

York House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

York House, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold

Zillebeke, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Zillebeke, Smallwood Hey, Pilling, PRESTON, PR3 6HJ

Never Sold