R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name R & D Garrick
Complete Address R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 4300 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1984

Detail Information Of The Property R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, is a business property located in Lerwick North and Bressay Ward of Shetland Islands District, Scotland. The Size of the property is 4300 square ft. It was constructed in 1984, age of the property is 39 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 337,000 - 535,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, is at the height of 5 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 60.16935300, -1.16614100.

Get Directions To R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. ZE1 0PX Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND,
Shetland Islands, Lerwick North and Bressay, Scotland

Locality Information

The locality type is very remote small town. According to the 2011 census, 32.26% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode ZE1 0PX has a population of 4. The locality has 39 properties. Out of which 2 are residential properties and 37 business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 60.16935300
Longitude -1.16614100
Northing 1143059
Easting 446374
Altitude 5 Meters
Postcode Area ZE
Postcode District ZE1
Postcode Sector ZE1 0

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District Shetland Islands
Ward Lerwick North and Bressay
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Orkney and Shetland
Region Scotland

Railway Station

Station Thurso
Distance To Station 137.07 mi

Work Place

Area Name Shetland Islands

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

337,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £337,000 - £535,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Lower Blackhill
Lower Blackhill (opp), A970, Lerwick
45.22 metres
Port Business Park
Port Business Park (at), Gremista Road, Lerwick
397.41 metres
Shetland College
Shetland College (opp), Minor Road, Gremista
463.06 metres
Gremista Brae
Gremista Brae (opp), North Road, Lerwick
668.62 metres
Industrial Estate
Industrial Estate (at), Gremista Rd, Gremista
690.34 metres

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Victoria Pier
Taxi Rank (Taxi Rank), Victoria Pier, Lerwick
2.20 km

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Lerwick Shetland Holmsgarth Ferry Terminal
Off A970 Holmsgarth Road, Lerwick
891.48 metres
Lerwick Shetland Hays Dock Ferry Terminal
Freefield Road, Lerwick
1.47 km
Lerwick Shetland Esplanade Ferry Terminal
A969 Commercial Road, Lerwick
1.99 km
Bressay Shetland Ferry Terminal
Off Heogan Road, Bressay
2.75 km
Scalloway Shetland Ferry Terminal
Terminal Group, Scalloway
7.24 km


Airport Location Distance
Lerwick Tingwall Airport
4.94 km
Whalsay Airport
26.81 km
Sumburgh Airport
33.19 km
Papa Stour Airport
Papa Stour
33.76 km
Out Skerries Airport
36.55 km

Companies Located Near R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX



2 Stocketgaet, Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland ZE1 0NG



Bonavale, Holmsgarth Brae, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PR



131 North Road, Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland ZE1 0PR



126 North Road, Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland ZE1 0PR



Arlanda Buildings, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX



1 Gremista Industrial Estate North Road, Lerwick, Shedland, Shetland Isles, Scotland ZE1 0PX



Unit 30, Gremista Industrial Estate, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX



C/o Garriock Bros. Limited Unit 30, Gremista Industrial Estate, Lerwick, Shetland, United Kingdom ZE1 0PX



C/o Garriock Bros. Limited Unit 30, Gremista Industrial Estate, Lerwick, Shetland, United Kingdom ZE1 0PX



5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Lerwick, Shetland, United Kingdom ZE1 0PX

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near R & D Garrick, 5a Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX


BUTLER, John Local Government Officer Housing Officer

Hederdal, Holmsgarth Brae, Lerwick, Shetland Isles, ZE1 0FB

SMITH, Joe Robert

SMITH, Joe Robert Director

Arlanda Buildings, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX

SMITH, Peter John James

SMITH, Peter John James Director

Arlanda Buildings, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX

TULLOCH, Shaun Alexander

TULLOCH, Shaun Alexander Director

Arlanda Buildings, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX

TULLOCH, Stuart William

TULLOCH, Stuart William Director

Arlanda Buildings, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX

MAIR, John

MAIR, John Fisherman

41 Staneyhill, Lerwick, Shetland, Isle Of Shetland, ZE1 0QW


LAYFIELD, James Waste Manager

44 Staneyhill, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0QW

GROAT, Leonard George

GROAT, Leonard George Councillor

10 Voder View, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0QE

ANDERSON, Elizabeth Wilma

ANDERSON, Elizabeth Wilma

126 North Road, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PR

LEASK, Steven John

LEASK, Steven John

C/O Lerwick Fish Traders Ltd, Gremista, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0PX

Other Properties in ZE1 0PX

Brookside, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Brookside, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

D H Marine (Shetland) Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

D H Marine (Shetland) Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Fasco Distribution Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Fasco Distribution Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Garriock Bros, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Garriock Bros, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Hughson Bros, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Hughson Bros, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

J W G Gray Plc, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

J W G Gray Plc, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Lerwick Building Centre Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Lerwick Building Centre Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Ocean Nets, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Ocean Nets, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Catch Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Catch Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland College, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland College, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Composites, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Composites, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Freezer & Food Centre Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Freezer & Food Centre Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Islands Council, Design Services, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Islands Council, Design Services, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Islands Council, Director of Commercial Services, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Islands Council, Director of Commercial Services, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Textile Museum, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Textile Museum, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

The Shetlands Times Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

The Shetlands Times Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Tulloch Developments Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Tulloch Developments Ltd, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

G S Flooring, 1 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

G S Flooring, 1 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

3 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

3 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Jims Garage Ltd, 4 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Jims Garage Ltd, 4 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Grasscutting, 5 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Grasscutting, 5 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Lerwick Autobody Repairs, 8 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Lerwick Autobody Repairs, 8 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Knowles Food Services, 9 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Knowles Food Services, 9 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Farm Dairies Ltd, 10 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Farm Dairies Ltd, 10 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

R E Watt, 15 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

R E Watt, 15 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Brian H Gifford, 23 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Brian H Gifford, 23 Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Northwards, Anderson Base, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Northwards, Anderson Base, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

A & J Jarmson Ltd, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

A & J Jarmson Ltd, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Herculean Industrial Products, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Herculean Industrial Products, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Lerwick Fish Traders Ltd, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Lerwick Fish Traders Ltd, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Exhaust & Tyre Centre, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Exhaust & Tyre Centre, Arlanda Buildings, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Train Shetland, Unit 1, Business Innovation Centre, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Train Shetland, Unit 1, Business Innovation Centre, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Irvine Contractors Ltd, Gremista House, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Irvine Contractors Ltd, Gremista House, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Nortech Marine Ltd, Harbour View Workshop, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Nortech Marine Ltd, Harbour View Workshop, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

The Take Away, Old Weighbridge, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

The Take Away, Old Weighbridge, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

The Bungalow, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

The Bungalow, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Shetland Office Supplies Ltd, Unit 11a-11b, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Shetland Office Supplies Ltd, Unit 11a-11b, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold

Royal Mail, Workshop, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Royal Mail, Workshop, Gremista Industrial Estate, Gremista, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ZE1 0PX

Never Sold