R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name R S McColls Ltd
Complete Address R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 3750 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1983

Detail Information Of The Property R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, is a business property located in North East Ward of Glasgow City District, Scotland. The Size of the property is 3750 square ft. It was constructed in 1983, age of the property is 40 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 424,000 - 626,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, is at the height of 87 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 55.86845200, -4.12193600.

Get Directions To R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. G34 9DT Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW,
Glasgow City, North East, Scotland
G34 9DT

Locality Information

The locality type is large urban area. According to the 2011 census, 0.07% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode G34 9DT has a population of 0. The locality has 53 properties. Out of which 0 are residential properties and 53 business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 55.86845200
Longitude -4.12193600
Northing 665956
Easting 267316
Altitude 87 Meters
Postcode Area G
Postcode District G34
Postcode Sector G34 9

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District Glasgow City
Ward North East
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Glasgow East
Region Scotland

Schools Nearby

Railway Station

Station Easterhouse
Distance To Station 0.83 mi

Work Place

Area Name Glasgow

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

424,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £424,000 - £626,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Shopping Centre
Auchinlea Road (Stop 1), Westerhouse Road, Easterhouse
88.62 metres
Shopping Centre
Auchinlea Road (Stop 2), Westerhouse Road, Easterhouse
98.43 metres
Bogbain Road
Bogbain Road (before), Shandwick Street, Easterhouse
100.44 metres
Brunstane Road
St Benedicts Pr School (opp), Westerhouse Road, Easterhouse
107.80 metres
Shopping centre
Brunstane Road (opp), Westerhouse Road, Easterhouse
109.02 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Easterhouse Rail Station
1.34 km
Garrowhill Rail Station
1.54 km
Stepps Rail Station
2.69 km
Baillieston Rail Station
2.72 km
Shettleston Rail Station
2.91 km


Airport Location Distance
Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Airport
19.57 km

Companies Located Near R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT



109 Tillycairn Rd, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom G33 4HE



2/1 24 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LP



24 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, United Kingdom G33 4LP



24 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LP



4 Baldovan Crescent, 2/2, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LP



59 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LR



35 Baldovan Crescent, Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, United Kingdom G33 4LR



59 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LR



23 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LR



23 Torran Road, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LT

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near R S McColls Ltd, 29 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT


BLACKWOOD, Irene Housewife

64 Wellhouse Crescent, Easterhouse, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G33 4HD

MORRIS, Maureen

MORRIS, Maureen Unemployed

105 Wellhouse Crescent, 1/2, Glasgow, G33 4HD


MCCLURE, Aidan Director

109, Tillycairn Rd, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom G33 4HE


MCCORMICK, Maureen Road Attendant

34 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, G33 4LP


MULLIGAN, William Janitor

30 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, G33 4LP

TSEKE, Alexis Dima

TSEKE, Alexis Dima Pumping Operator

2/1, 24 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LP

FISHER, Mary Smeaton

FISHER, Mary Smeaton Housewife

42 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G33 4LP

KASAP, Gokhan

KASAP, Gokhan Director

4, Baldovan Crescent, 2/2, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LP

MCLYMONT, Michelle

MCLYMONT, Michelle Development Worker

43 Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, G33 4LR

WARD, Kristopher Sean Russell

WARD, Kristopher Sean Russell Director

59, Baldovan Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland G33 4LR

Other Properties in G34 9DT

Around A Pound, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Around A Pound, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

B & M Bargains Ltd, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

B & M Bargains Ltd, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Easterhouse Township Centre, Managers Office, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Easterhouse Township Centre, Managers Office, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Harvey Thompson, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Harvey Thompson, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Farmfoods Ltd, 2 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Farmfoods Ltd, 2 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Ethel Austin Ltd, 3 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Ethel Austin Ltd, 3 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

4 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

4 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

5 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

5 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Easterhouse Off Sales, 6 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Easterhouse Off Sales, 6 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Post Office, 7 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Post Office, 7 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Grays Ltd, 8 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Grays Ltd, 8 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Tanning Centre, 9 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Tanning Centre, 9 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

10 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

10 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

11 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

11 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Birthdays, 12 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Birthdays, 12 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Savers, 13 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Savers, 13 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

13a Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

13a Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Iceland Foods Plc, 14 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Iceland Foods Plc, 14 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Audrey Bell Opticians, 15 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Audrey Bell Opticians, 15 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

16 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

16 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

17 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

17 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Fresh N Less, 18 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Fresh N Less, 18 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

H & T Pawnstop, 19 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

H & T Pawnstop, 19 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Poundzone, 20 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Poundzone, 20 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Brighthouse, 21-22 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Brighthouse, 21-22 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Andy's Joint Ltd, 23 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Andy's Joint Ltd, 23 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

24 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

24 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Greggs, 25 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Greggs, 25 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Clyde Leisure Ltd, 26 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Clyde Leisure Ltd, 26 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

27 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

27 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Cheque Centre, 28 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Cheque Centre, 28 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Cafe Sue, 30 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Cafe Sue, 30 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Sweetieworld, 31 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Sweetieworld, 31 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Chandwick Food Fayre, 32 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Chandwick Food Fayre, 32 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Semi Chem, 33 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Semi Chem, 33 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

34 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

34 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Sense Scotland, 35 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Sense Scotland, 35 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

36 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

36 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

37 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

37 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Lloyds Pharmacy, 38-39 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Lloyds Pharmacy, 38-39 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Easterhouse Job Centre, 40 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Easterhouse Job Centre, 40 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Glasgow Works, 40 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Glasgow Works, 40 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

41 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

41 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

M G M Hairdressers, 42 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

M G M Hairdressers, 42 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Ladbrokes Ltd, 43-45 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Ladbrokes Ltd, 43-45 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Easterhouse Citizens Advice, 46 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Easterhouse Citizens Advice, 46 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

47 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

47 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Brown's Solicitors, 48 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Brown's Solicitors, 48 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 49-51 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 49-51 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Centaur, 80 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Centaur, 80 Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Mansdale Ltd, Unit 1, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Mansdale Ltd, Unit 1, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold

Unit 40a, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Unit 40a, Easterhouse Township Centre, Shandwick Square, GLASGOW, G34 9DT

Never Sold