River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name River Island Clothing Co
Complete Address River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 2650 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1971

Detail Information Of The Property River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, is a business property located in Craigavon Centre Ward of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon District, Northern Ireland. The Size of the property is 2650 square ft. It was constructed in 1971, age of the property is 52 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 430,000 - 621,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, is at the height of 39 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 54.44940600, -6.38991200.

Get Directions To River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. BT64 1AA Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON,
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Craigavon Centre, Northern Ireland
BT64 1AA

Locality Information

The locality type is n/a. According to the 2011 census, 29.44% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode BT64 1AA has a population of N/A. The locality has 63 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties.

Property Location Information

Latitude 54.44940600
Longitude -6.38991200
Northing 514879
Easting 115531
Altitude 39 Meters
Postcode Area BT
Postcode District BT64
Postcode Sector BT64 1

Administrative Areas

Country Northern Ireland
County N/A
District Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon
Ward Craigavon Centre
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Upper Bann
Region Northern Ireland

Work Place

Area Name Craigavon

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force (pseudo) Northern Ireland
Water Company Northern Ireland Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

430,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £430,000 - £621,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Companies Located Near River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA



51 Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT63 5FB



16 Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT63 5FB



51 Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT63 5FB



51 Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT63 5FB



113 Drumnagoon Park, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh, Northern Ireland BT63 5GJ



Unit 10, Rushmere Shopping Centre, Craigavon, Co Armagh, BT64 1AA



Unit 10, Rushmere Shopping Centre, Craigavon, Co Armagh, BT64 1AA



Eatao Unit 46, Rushmere Shopping Centre, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT64 1AA



42 Carnreagh, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT64 3AN



48 Carnreagh Park, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT64 3AP

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near River Island Clothing Co, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

BUCK, Kelsey

BUCK, Kelsey Managing Director

27 Mandenville Manor, Portadown, BT62 3UP

FORSYTHE, Victoria Anne Maureen

FORSYTHE, Victoria Anne Maureen

12, Mandeville Manor, Kernan, Portadown, Armagh, Northern Ireland BT62 3UP

FORSYTHE, Victoria Anne Maureen

FORSYTHE, Victoria Anne Maureen N H S Manager

12, Mandeville Manor, Kernan, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N.Ireland BT62 3UP

WEBSTER, Lachlan William, Rev

WEBSTER, Lachlan William, Rev Minister Of Religion

11, Mandeville Manor, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT62 3UP


O'FEARNAIN, Micheal Sports Coach

51, Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT63 5FB

DONAGHY, Colin John

DONAGHY, Colin John

15 Oakdene Park, Bleary, Craigavon, BT63 5FB


KARIJODRONO-WU, Yun Mei Director

16, Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh, Northern Ireland BT63 5FB


FEARNON, Naoimh Administrator

51, Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT63 5FB


OFEARNAIN, Micheal Engineer

51, Drumnagoon Meadows, Portadown, Craigavon, Northern Ireland BT63 5FB


DUN SCHUENCK, Ricardo Director

113, Drumnagoon Park, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh, Northern Ireland BT63 5GJ

Other Properties in BT64 1AA

Appy Feet, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Appy Feet, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Argento, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Argento, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Argos Ltd, 1a Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Argos Ltd, 1a Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Barratts Shoes, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Barratts Shoes, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Birthdays, 8 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Birthdays, 8 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Boots the Chemists Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Boots the Chemists Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Burton Menswear, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Burton Menswear, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Carpetright plc, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Carpetright plc, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Carphone Warehouse, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Carphone Warehouse, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Claires Accessories, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Claires Accessories, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Clinton Cards plc, 26-27 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Clinton Cards plc, 26-27 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Costa Coffee, Unit 2, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Costa Coffee, Unit 2, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Currys Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Currys Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Debenhams plc, 34 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Debenhams plc, 34 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Dunnes Stores, 16-23 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Dunnes Stores, 16-23 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Eason & Son (N I) Ltd, 28 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Eason & Son (N I) Ltd, 28 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Esquires, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Esquires, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Game, 4 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Game, 4 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Ginos, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Ginos, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Going Places, 1 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Going Places, 1 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

H & M, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

H & M, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

H M V UK Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

H M V UK Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

H Samuel Ltd, 3 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

H Samuel Ltd, 3 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Harry Corry Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Harry Corry Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Homebase Ltd, 31 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Homebase Ltd, 31 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Internacionale Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Internacionale Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

J D Sports, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

J D Sports, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

J J B Sports plc, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

J J B Sports plc, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Jack Jones, 6a Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Jack Jones, 6a Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Jean Scene, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Jean Scene, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Karine, 32-33 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Karine, 32-33 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Lifestyle Sports, 2 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Lifestyle Sports, 2 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Matalan Retail Ltd, 6b Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Matalan Retail Ltd, 6b Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Menarys, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Menarys, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Monsoon, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Monsoon, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

New Look, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

New Look, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Next Retail Ltd, Unit 1, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Next Retail Ltd, Unit 1, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Number Seven, 12-14 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Number Seven, 12-14 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

O2, 9 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

O2, 9 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

O'Briens, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

O'Briens, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Peacocks Stores Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Peacocks Stores Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Post Office, Craigavon Centre Post Office, 29 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Post Office, Craigavon Centre Post Office, 29 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Rushmere Management Centre, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Rushmere Management Centre, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Semi Chem, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Semi Chem, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Shoe Zone, 7 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Shoe Zone, 7 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Sky Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Sky Ltd, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Sleepmaster, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Sleepmaster, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Sony Centre, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Sony Centre, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Specsavers Opticians, 10 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Specsavers Opticians, 10 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Starbucks, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Starbucks, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Superdrug Stores plc, 29 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Superdrug Stores plc, 29 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

T K Maxx, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

T K Maxx, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Terra Travel, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Terra Travel, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

The Clarks Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

The Clarks Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

The Perfume Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

The Perfume Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Thorntons plc, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Thorntons plc, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Top Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Top Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Trade Secret, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Trade Secret, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

U M O Ltd, 18 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

U M O Ltd, 18 Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Vodaphone, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Vodaphone, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold

Yankee Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Yankee Shop, Rushmere Shopping Centre, CRAIGAVON, BT64 1AA

Never Sold