The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

This article covers information about property The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name The Sweet Shop
Complete Address The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 137.37% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £125339 - £328939
Size 2650 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1971

Detail Information Of The Property The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, is a business property located in Mosborough Ward of Sheffield District, England. The Size of the property is 2650 square ft. It was constructed in 1971, age of the property is 52 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 125339 - 328939 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, is at the height of 64 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 53.34192400, -1.35218900.

Get Directions To The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. S20 7PL Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD,
Sheffield, Mosborough, England
S20 7PL

Locality Information

The property is located in the Sheffield Town area. The locality type is urban minor conurbation. According to the 2011 census, 43.82% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode S20 7PL has a population of N/A. The locality has 43 properties. All the properties in the locality are business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 53.34192400
Longitude -1.35218900
Northing 382976
Easting 443229
Altitude 64 Meters
Postcode Area S
Postcode District S20
Postcode Sector S20 7

Administrative Areas

Country England
County South Yorkshire
District Sheffield
Ward Mosborough
Parish Sheffield, unparished area
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Sheffield South East
Region Yorkshire and The Humber

Schools Nearby

Railway Station

Station Woodhouse
Distance To Station 1.52 mi

Work Place

Area Name Sheffield
Average Income £36900

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force South Yorkshire
Water Company Severn Trent
Sewage Company Yorkshire Water

Property Sales Data For The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

There has been average growth of 137.37% for all properties in S20 7PL locality. By checking the graph below we can see the sales trend from 1995 to the present. Out of all property types, Detached property has always been the most valued and flats are the lowest in valuation.

The current average valuation by property types are as follows:
Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 328939 GBP.
Semi Detached current average price of detached properties in the locality is 178995 GBP.
Terraced current average price of detached properties in the locality is 141246 GBP.
Flat current average price of detached properties in the locality is 125339 GBP.

£125339 - £328939 is the estimated property value as of today. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors some of them are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £125339 - £328939
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area £182306

Public Transport Near The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Crystal Peaks/CP7
Crystal Peaks, Crystal Peaks
100.18 metres
Crystal Peaks/CP8
Crystal Peaks, Crystal Peaks
102.20 metres
Crystal Peaks/CP5
Crystal Peaks, Crystal Peaks
111.22 metres
Crystal Peaks/CP6
Crystal Peaks, Crystal Peaks
112.09 metres
Crystal Peaks/CP3
Crystal Peaks, Crystal Peaks
121.33 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Woodhouse Rail Station
2.45 km
Kiveton Bridge Rail Station
Kiveton Park
5.66 km
Darnall Rail Station
6.22 km
Kiveton Park Rail Station
Kiveton Park
7.50 km
Sheffield Rail Station
8.36 km


Airport Location Distance
Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport
27.45 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Crystal Peaks (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, Ochre Dike Lane, Crystal Peaks
263.60 metres
Beighton - Drake House La (S Yorks Supertram)
Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, Off Eckington Way, Beighton
312.77 metres
Moss Way (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Waterthorpe Greenway, Moss Way, Waterthorpe
697.32 metres
Waterthorpe (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Jct Owlthorpe Greenway, Eckington Way, Waterthorpe
769.16 metres
Donetsk Way (South Yorkshire Supertram)
Donetsk Way, Donetsk Way, Owlthorpe
1.21 km

Companies Located Near The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL



5 Delves Avenue, Sheffield, United Kingdom S12 4AA



88 Delves Avenue, Sheffield, England S12 4AB



22 Delves Avenue, Sheffield, England S12 4AB



15 Moss Grove, Sheffield, England S12 4BT



15 Moss Grove, Sheffield, England S12 4BT



255 Birley Spa Lane, Sheffield, England S12 4BW



137 Manvers Road, Beighton, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S20 1BA



133 Manvers Road, Beighton, Sheffield, England S20 1BA



Unit 42-43 Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, Sheffield, United Kingdom S20 7PL



Stall 74,crystal Peaks Market, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, Sheffield, England S20 7PL

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near The Sweet Shop, 75 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL


LAMBERT, Paul Construction

5, Delves Avenue, Sheffield, United Kingdom S12 4AA

GRAY, Lauren Julia

GRAY, Lauren Julia Administrator

88, Delves Avenue, Sheffield, England S12 4AB

NAYLOR, Jonathan Michael

NAYLOR, Jonathan Michael Director

107, Rainbow Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S12 4AS

TURNER, Keith Leonard

TURNER, Keith Leonard Worker (British Telecom)

35 Rainbow Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S12 4BE

LEACH, Christopher

LEACH, Christopher Electrician

15 Moss Grove, Sheffield, England S12 4BT

BEVAN, Neil Adrian

BEVAN, Neil Adrian Computer Data Supplier

113 Manvers Road, Beighton, Sheffield, S20 1BA

GYTE, Nigel

GYTE, Nigel Director

179, Manvers Road, Beighton, Sheffield, England S20 1BA

GYTE, Serena Jayne

GYTE, Serena Jayne Director

181, Manvers Road, Beighton, Sheffield, England S20 1BA

ROE, David

ROE, David Carer

149, Manvers Road, Beighton, Sheffield, Sth Yorks, S20 1BA


SATGUNESWARAN, Kanthappan Director

183, Manvers Road, Beighton, Sheffield, United Kingdom S20 1BA

Other Properties in S20 7PL

J Gallagher Meats, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

J Gallagher Meats, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

J L Software, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

J L Software, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Joes Ices, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Joes Ices, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

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Market Managers Office, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Market Managers Office, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

McNeils Newsagents, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

McNeils Newsagents, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Morleys Meats, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Morleys Meats, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

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Peak Communications, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Peak Communications, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

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Peak Fisheries, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Peak Fisheries, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Peak Pet Shop, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Peak Pet Shop, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

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Pinders Childrenswear, The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

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Peak Fruit & Veg, 1 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Peak Shellfish, 2-3 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Peak Shellfish, 2-3 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Chicken Shack, 4 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Chicken Shack, 4 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Patricks, 7a The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Patricks, 7a The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Lee's Take Away, 10 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

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Never Sold

Snaxx, 20 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Snaxx, 20 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Owen Trophies, 24 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Owen Trophies, 24 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Pauls Spares, 27 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Pauls Spares, 27 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Cash for Gold, 28-29 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Cash for Gold, 28-29 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Diamond Ink Tattoo, 30 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Diamond Ink Tattoo, 30 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Smoking, 33 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Smoking, 33 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Accompany, 34 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Accompany, 34 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Crystal Shoe Repairs, 34 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Crystal Shoe Repairs, 34 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

38 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

38 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Post Office, 43 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Post Office, 43 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Simply Food Ltd, 49-50 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Simply Food Ltd, 49-50 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Breadline, 51 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Breadline, 51 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Photo Wizzards, 57 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Photo Wizzards, 57 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Cosmetics UK, 59 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Cosmetics UK, 59 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Knit & Sew, 59 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Knit & Sew, 59 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Jos Electrical, 61 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Jos Electrical, 61 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Natalies, 62 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Natalies, 62 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Victorias Haberdashery, 68 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Victorias Haberdashery, 68 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Golden Den Jewellers, 69 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Golden Den Jewellers, 69 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Funky Divas, 72 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Funky Divas, 72 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Best Mobile Accessories, 76 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Best Mobile Accessories, 76 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Timezone, 77 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Timezone, 77 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Nix & Sox, 78 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Nix & Sox, 78 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Glitz Young Fashion, 79 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Glitz Young Fashion, 79 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

Directors Cut, 87 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Directors Cut, 87 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

89-91 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

89-91 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold

101-102 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

101-102 The Market Place, East Mall, Crystal Peaks, SHEFFIELD, S20 7PL

Never Sold