Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article covers information about property Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS. Find valuable data like

This article also covers information about the property, like lease details, property type, estimated valuation, Sales trends in the region, Average growth of property price, etc.

Basic Details Of The Property

Property Name Viva
Complete Address Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS
Type Business
Property Structure Detached House
Growth Rate in Valuation 7% of average growth in price per year.
Estimated Valuation £,000 - £,000
Size 2650 Sq Ft.
Year Of Construction 1971

Detail Information Of The Property Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, is a business property located in Anderston/City/Yorkhill Ward of Glasgow City District, Scotland. The Size of the property is 2650 square ft. It was constructed in 1971, age of the property is 52 years.

The valuation of the property can vary between 357,000 - 607,000 GBP. Property prices depend on property type and locality. View Historical valuation of properties for current location based on the property type. It can help you determine the exact property valuation. The estimated property value does not include a business valuation.

Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, is at the height of 35 meters above sea level. Geo-coordinates of the address is 55.86108400, -4.26130200.

Get Directions To Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Postcode & Mail Information

You can send mail to this property by copying the mailing address below. G2 6TS Postcode receives 25 or fewer mail per day. Royal Mail delivery of mail to this address is comparatively slow. You can easily send mail to this address using Royal Mail postal service or using any courier agency.

Mailing Address

Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW,
Glasgow City, Anderston/City/Yorkhill, Scotland
G2 6TS

Locality Information

The locality type is large urban area. According to the 2011 census, 70.92% of the people in the locality are below poverty. The postcode G2 6TS has a population of 0. The locality has 65 properties. Out of which 0 are residential properties and 65 business properties. There are 3 schools in 10km radius of the property.

Property Location Information

Latitude 55.86108400
Longitude -4.26130200
Northing 665412
Easting 258570
Altitude 35 Meters
Postcode Area G
Postcode District G2
Postcode Sector G2 6

Administrative Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District Glasgow City
Ward Anderston/City/Yorkhill
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency Glasgow Central
Region Scotland

Schools Nearby

Railway Station

Station Glasgow Central
Distance To Station 0.17 mi

Work Place

Area Name Glasgow

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales Data For Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

357,000 GBP is the estimated property value as of today. We don't have any previous records of sales transactions in the area. Estimated property price is calculated using many factors, some of which are as below.

  • Locality
  • Size of the property
  • Type of property
  • Facilities in and around the property
  • Distance from road
  • Parking
  • Neighborhood

Property Sales Trend

Estimated Property Value

Estimated Worth Of This Property £357,000 - £607,000
Average Sales Price Of Property in this area Sales history not available

Public Transport Near Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
West Campbell Street
West Campbell Street (before), Waterloo Street, Glasgow
79.31 metres
Wellington Street
Wellington Street (after), St Vincent Street, Glasgow
96.14 metres
West Campbell Street
West Campbell Street (after), Waterloo Street, Glasgow
109.29 metres
Waterloo Lane
Waterloo Lane (opp), Bothwell Street, Glasgow
125.00 metres
Blythswood Street
Blythswood Street (before), Bothwell Street, Glasgow
140.24 metres

Ferry Ports

Port Location Distance
Broomielaw Quay Ferry Terminal
524.86 metres
Glasgow Central Station Bridge Ferry Landing
A77, Glasgow
576.93 metres
Glasgow SECC Ferry Landing
Congress Road, Finnieston
1.79 km
Plantation Quay Ferry Landing
Pacific Drive, Plantation
1.89 km
Glasgow Science Centre North Quay
Pointhouse Road, Cessnock
2.11 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Glasgow Central Rail Station
272.40 metres
Glasgow Central Low Level Rail Station
320.03 metres
Anderston Rail Station
620.20 metres
Glasgow Queen Street Rail Station
628.50 metres
Charing Cross (Glasgow) Rail Station
667.18 metres


Airport Location Distance
Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Airport
10.84 km

Metro Stations

Station Location Distance
Buchanan Street SPT Subway Station
Station entrance, Buchanan Street, Glasgow
517.46 metres
St Enoch SPT Subway Station
Station building, St Enoch Square, Glasgow
569.38 metres
Cowcaddens SPT Subway Station
Station building, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow
782.91 metres
Bridge Street SPT Subway Station
Station building, Bridge Street, Tradeston
1.03 km
St Georges Cross SPT Subway Station
Jct Maryhill Road, Off Great Western Road, St Georges Cross
1.23 km

Companies Located Near Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS



C/o Hkip Llp Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS



6th Floor Mercantile Building, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6TS



53 6th Floor,, Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS



6th Floor, Mercantile Building, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6TS



6th Floor Mercantile Building, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6TS



6th Floor Mercantile Building, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6TS



Suite 3/2& 3/3 75 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS



Mercantile Chambers, 39-69 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS



6/1 Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom G2 6TS



Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near Viva, 77 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

MOFFAT, Sarah Jane

MOFFAT, Sarah Jane

C/O Hkip Llp, Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS

DUNN, John Alexander

DUNN, John Alexander

C/O Hkip Llp, Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS

KELLY, Nigel Joseph

KELLY, Nigel Joseph

C/O Hkip Llp, Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS



C/O Hkip Llp, Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS

REID, Mark Aaron, Dr

REID, Mark Aaron, Dr

C/O Hkip Llp, Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS

ROBERTSON, Stewart Martin

ROBERTSON, Stewart Martin

C/O Hkip Llp, Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS

SANDELLS, David William, Dr

SANDELLS, David William, Dr

C/O Hkip Llp, Mercantile Buildings, Suite 10, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS


HUMAYUN, Zeshan Manager

Suite 3/2& 3/3 75, Bothwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 6TS

BARR, Angela

BARR, Angela Head Of Change

6th Floor Mercantile Building, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6TS


HALPIN, Lee Head Of Technical

6th Floor Mercantile Building, 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6TS

Other Properties in G2 6TS

770 Associates Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

770 Associates Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

A B Intra Solutions, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

A B Intra Solutions, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Allscot Surveyors Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Allscot Surveyors Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Bad Pony Media Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Bad Pony Media Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Business Gateway, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Business Gateway, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Castlebrook Care Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Castlebrook Care Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Citydesks, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Citydesks, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

City Site Investments Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

City Site Investments Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Clearway Ancillary Solutions Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Clearway Ancillary Solutions Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

C L I C Sargent, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

C L I C Sargent, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Connect Scotland, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Connect Scotland, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Cool Milk Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Cool Milk Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

C S E Developments, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

C S E Developments, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Enviro Power Services Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Enviro Power Services Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Fair Trade Scotland Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Fair Trade Scotland Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Glasgow Opportunities, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Glasgow Opportunities, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Greenhause, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Greenhause, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Hapag Lloyd (UK) Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Hapag Lloyd (UK) Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Health & Safety Executive, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Health & Safety Executive, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Ian Kerr Associates Llp, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Ian Kerr Associates Llp, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

I C A S S, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

I C A S S, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

I T Dimensions Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

I T Dimensions Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

J M P Consulting, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

J M P Consulting, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

J & O Enterprise Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

J & O Enterprise Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Leukaemia Care, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Leukaemia Care, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Lucas Fettes & Partners Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Lucas Fettes & Partners Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Maxwell Maclaurin Solocitors, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Maxwell Maclaurin Solocitors, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Mobility Scotland, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Mobility Scotland, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Moniton Pictures Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Moniton Pictures Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Morisons Solicitors Llp, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Morisons Solicitors Llp, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

O'Connor Sutton Cronin, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

O'Connor Sutton Cronin, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Orbital Propert Services, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Orbital Propert Services, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

P3 Consulting Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

P3 Consulting Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

P S Y B T, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

P S Y B T, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Rapid Transformation, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Rapid Transformation, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

R G Interactive Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

R G Interactive Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Robert Linton & Co, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Robert Linton & Co, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

See Paper Apart, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

See Paper Apart, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Standards Solutions, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Standards Solutions, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Ulovefoto, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Ulovefoto, Mercantile Chambers, 53 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Run 4 It, 57 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Run 4 It, 57 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Pret A Manger, 65-69 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Pret A Manger, 65-69 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Metro, 73 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Metro, 73 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Advice Lab Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Advice Lab Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Arch, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Arch, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Bibby Factors Scotland Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Bibby Factors Scotland Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Breck, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Breck, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Broom, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Broom, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Charter Marque, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Charter Marque, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Clyde Resources, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Clyde Resources, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Colin Whitelaw Consulting, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Colin Whitelaw Consulting, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

C W M, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

C W M, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

D A Calder & Co, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

D A Calder & Co, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

David Young Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

David Young Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

D W R, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

D W R, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Eurogate International Forwarding (Scotland) Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Eurogate International Forwarding (Scotland) Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Expert, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Expert, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Restaurantdiary Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Restaurantdiary Ltd, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

S P U C, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

S P U C, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Wright & Co, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Wright & Co, 75 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Phillpotts, 81 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Phillpotts, 81 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Viva Brazil, 87-91 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Viva Brazil, 87-91 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold

Wetherspoons, 99 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Wetherspoons, 99 Bothwell Street, GLASGOW, G2 6TS

Never Sold