Herefordshire Postcodes, Map, Wards, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Herefordshire is a County in England, UK. Below is a complete list of Herefordshire Postcodes (Active). Herefordshire has 6792 active postcodes and 53 Wards.
Herefordshire has a population of 183482, And has over 78312 households which is served by 6792 active postcodes by Royal Mail.

Browse Information On Herefordshire county

Herefordshire Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 183482
Addresses / Property Count 78312
Total Postcodes 8359
Active Postcodes 6792
No Of Wards in Herefordshire 53

View Map Of Herefordshire Wards

Herefordshire Postcodes Table

showing 0-50 of 6792 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude County Easting Northing
GL17 0LS 51.89863900 -2.46515100 Herefordshire 368091 222335
GL17 0LT 51.89366600 -2.46559400 Herefordshire 368057 221782
GL17 9BH 51.86117400 -2.54445800 Herefordshire 362603 218206
GL17 9BJ 51.86823000 -2.55099100 Herefordshire 362159 218994
GL17 9BL 51.86575500 -2.54541400 Herefordshire 362541 218716
GL17 9BN 51.86700300 -2.54194400 Herefordshire 362781 218853
GL18 1JP 51.90817700 -2.44722400 Herefordshire 369331 223388
GL18 1NR 51.91714300 -2.45102100 Herefordshire 369076 224387
GL18 1NS 51.91591900 -2.44913300 Herefordshire 369205 224250
GL18 1NT 51.91893200 -2.45602600 Herefordshire 368733 224588
GL18 1NZ 51.92343800 -2.46023100 Herefordshire 368447 225091
GL18 1PA 51.92175400 -2.46299100 Herefordshire 368256 224905
GL18 1PF 51.92208300 -2.47090400 Herefordshire 367712 224945
GL18 1PG 51.91753800 -2.46972300 Herefordshire 367790 224439
GL18 1PQ 51.92060000 -2.46164100 Herefordshire 368348 224776
HR8 2QX 52.04528000 -2.43452200 Herefordshire 370296 238632
HR8 2QY 52.04552500 -2.43395500 Herefordshire 370335 238659
HR8 2QZ 52.04539400 -2.43268600 Herefordshire 370422 238644
HR8 2RA 52.05357300 -2.50177200 Herefordshire 365690 239584
HR8 2RB 52.04881200 -2.51515100 Herefordshire 364769 239061
HR8 2RD 52.04194900 -2.51575700 Herefordshire 364722 238298
HR8 2RE 52.03922000 -2.52504200 Herefordshire 364083 237999
HR8 2RF 52.04157300 -2.52785300 Herefordshire 363892 238262
HR8 2RG 52.03910000 -2.50935400 Herefordshire 365159 237978
HR8 2RH 52.04179400 -2.50791200 Herefordshire 365260 238277
HR8 2RJ 52.04421100 -2.50846400 Herefordshire 365224 238546
HR8 2RL 52.04519200 -2.51016600 Herefordshire 365108 238656
HR8 2RN 52.05499700 -2.52563400 Herefordshire 364055 239754
HR8 2RP 52.06101300 -2.53512900 Herefordshire 363409 240428
HR8 2RQ 52.03868100 -2.50237800 Herefordshire 365637 237928
HR8 2RR 52.06375200 -2.52989500 Herefordshire 363770 240730
HR8 2RS 52.06780100 -2.53302200 Herefordshire 363559 241182
HR8 2RT 52.07319300 -2.53801600 Herefordshire 363221 241784
HR8 2RU 52.07665600 -2.53340400 Herefordshire 363540 242167
HR8 2RW 52.05165500 -2.52100100 Herefordshire 364370 239380
HR8 2RX 52.08109300 -2.53439100 Herefordshire 363476 242661
HR8 2RY 52.07448600 -2.52239000 Herefordshire 364293 241920
HR8 2RZ 52.07204400 -2.52115200 Herefordshire 364376 241648
HR8 2SA 52.07131400 -2.51949500 Herefordshire 364489 241566
HR8 2SB 52.07216700 -2.51368400 Herefordshire 364888 241658
HR8 2SD 52.07212100 -2.51381500 Herefordshire 364879 241653
HR8 2SE 52.06769100 -2.51584800 Herefordshire 364736 241161
HR8 2SF 52.06127800 -2.51023100 Herefordshire 365116 240445
HR8 2SG 52.05621900 -2.49645100 Herefordshire 366057 239876
HR8 2SH 52.06571600 -2.47416500 Herefordshire 367592 240922
HR8 2SJ 52.07212400 -2.47461200 Herefordshire 367566 241635
HR8 2SL 52.07881600 -2.48049100 Herefordshire 367168 242382
HR8 2SN 52.07191800 -2.49837600 Herefordshire 365937 241623
HR8 2SP 52.07264300 -2.52194700 Herefordshire 364322 241715
HR8 2SQ 52.06258000 -2.49596500 Herefordshire 366095 240583
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