RG7 2HX Postcode Location Details & Properties

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article lists all information about RG7 2HX postcode, such as Residential Properties, Schools, and nearby places. Other information listed are property sales data, trends, estimated property prices, etc.

It also covers Mailing address Info, Location Information, Map and directions, and Administrative details. You also get various information from the census like population, poverty, health index, etc.


RG7 2HX is a residential postcode in Mortimer West End, Hampshire. RG7 2HX postcode is currently an active postcode. You can use the postcode to send mail within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean. According to the 2011 census, RG7 2HX has 2 properties within its service area. RG7 2HX is located in Bramley, Basingstoke and Deane region with center coordinates 51.36780100, -1.09111600.

The population of RG7 2HX postcode is 5, and all individuals are eligible to receive mail through Royal Mail Service.

Postcode belongs to RG postcode Area, RG7 District, and RG7 2 postcode Sector.

Sample Mailing Address For RG7 2HX Postcode
#House No/Name,
Church Road , Mortimer West End , READING , RG7 2HX

Geography And Location Details

Latitude 51.36780
Longitude -1.09112
Northing 163585
Easting 463368
Altitude 87 Meters
Grid Reference Code SU633635
Plus Code 9C3W9W95+4H
Distance To Sea 33.37 mi

RG7 2HX postcode has center coordinates [51.36780,-1.09112]. Altitude reading for the postcode is 87 Meters above sea level. The postcode location can also be represented using #SU633635 National grid reference number.

History And Statistics

Introduced 1980-01-01
Last Updated December 2023
Mail Frequency Low (Postcode Recieves < 25 Mail per day)
Postcode Range Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

This Royal mail postcode was first introduced and became servicable in 1980-01-01. Total number of mails recieved in RG7 2HX is less than 25 mails per day. Mails getting delivered may take longer than normal as per Royal Mail records. Postcode range is limited to one specified apartment or building exactly at specified lat,long.

Census Statistics

Households 2
Population 5
Rural / Urban Rural hamlet and isolated dwellings
Poverty Ratio (IOMD)
23948 / 32841
Census Output Area E00114360
Built Up Area N/A
Built Up SubDivision N/A
Lower Layer Output Super Area Basingstoke and Deane 002A
Middle Layer Output Super Area Tadley East, Pamber & Silchester

This location is a rural hamlet and isolated dwellings. According to 2011 census, 72.92% of the people in RG7 2HX is below poverty.

Components Of Postcode

Postcode Area RG
Postcode District RG7
Postcode Sector RG7 2

Adminstration And Postcode Areas

Country England
County Hampshire
District Basingstoke and Deane
Ward Bramley
Parish Mortimer West End
Local Authority Hampshire
Constituency North East Hampshire
Region South East
ITL Level 2 Hampshire and Isle of Wight
ITL Level 3 North Hampshire

Amenities Available In RG7 2HX

Work Place

Nearby Work Area Basingstoke
Average Income £58900

Railway Station

Station Mortimer
Distance To Station 2.42 mi

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Hampshire
Water Company Thames Water
Sewage Company N/A

Property Sales In RG7 2HX

Demographic of property sales [1995-2023]

Latest Property Sales Value

Average Property Price in 2023 408667 GBP
Average Price of Flats in 2023 227981 GBP
Average Price of Terraced property in 2023 346408 GBP
Average Price of Semi-Detached property in 2023 434398 GBP
Average Price of Detached Property in 2023 709113 GBP

Public Transport Near RG7 2HX

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Ramptons Lane
Chapel Road, Mortimer West End
673.28 metres
Ramptons Lane
Chapel Road, Mortimer West End
682.25 metres
Birch Lane
Turners Arms (opp), West End Road, Mortimer
1.39 km
Birch Lane
Turners Arms (adj), West End Road, Mortimer
1.41 km
Silchester Common
Pamber Road, Silchester
1.54 km

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Mortimer Rail Station
3.90 km
Bramley (Hants) Rail Station
4.67 km
Aldermaston Rail Station
4.98 km
Midgham Rail Station
6.79 km
Theale Rail Station
7.39 km

Companies Located Near RG7 2HX



Coleshill, Mortimer West End, Reading, England RG7 2HN



Rose Cottage Farm Lane, Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, England RG7 2HR



The Red Lion Church Road, Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG7 2HU



Whitegates Church Road, Mortimer West End, Reading, England RG7 2HZ



11 The Bridges, Mortimer West End, Reading, England RG7 2JB



2 The Bridges, Mortimer West End, Reading, England RG7 2JB

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near RG7 2HX

STROUD, Joseph William

STROUD, Joseph William Director

Coleshill, Mortimer West End, Reading, England RG7 2HN

RODD, James Peter

RODD, James Peter Chemical Engineer

Rose Cottage, Farm Lane, Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, England RG7 2HR

RODD, Victoria Catrin

RODD, Victoria Catrin Regulatory Affairs

Rose Cottage, Farm Lane, Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, England RG7 2HR

RICHARDS, Donna Maria

RICHARDS, Donna Maria Managing Director

The Red Lion, Church Road, Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG7 2HU

DENNIS, Graham John

DENNIS, Graham John Nature Reserve Warden

1 Vicarage Cottages, Church Road Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 2HX

BRAY, Jonathon Victor

BRAY, Jonathon Victor Director

Sheldons, Church Road, Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG7 2HZ

WALKER, Colin Harold, Dr

WALKER, Colin Harold, Dr Toxicologist

Bruton House Church Road, Mortimer West End, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 2HZ

STROBECK, Gillian Edith

STROBECK, Gillian Edith -

The Cottage, Woodlands, Church Road, Mortimer West End, Hampshire, United Kingdom RG7 2HZ

BROWN, Fraser Gregory James

BROWN, Fraser Gregory James

Blue Hayes, Church Road, Mortimer West End, , RG7 2HZ

HIGSON, Elaine

HIGSON, Elaine Registration Nurse

Whitegates, Church Road, Mortimer West End, Reading, England RG7 2HZ

Other Postcodes Nearby

Postcode Distance from RG7 2HX
(In Meters)
RG7 3UA 677.80
RG7 2HN 510.30
RG7 3US 658.41
RG7 2JB 501.33
RG7 3UP 658.29
RG7 2HZ 420.81
RG7 2JA 571.84
RG7 2HU 484.05
RG7 2HR 131.61
RG7 2HY 141.45

Frequently Asked Questions

You can send mail to anyone living in RG7 2HX through Royal Mail Service.

  • Copy the sample address and add property name/number to it.
  • if required add the recipient's name.
  • You can also browse the list of properties to find out the exact address.
  • Once you have noted down the address write it down on your To section of the envelope.
  • Drop the envelope in your nearest post office.

To calculate distance between your current location and RG7 2HX just follow this link

The recent average sale price of a property in RG7 2HX is 408667 GBP. But pricing may vary depending on the property type, For more details check the above table.

Find all schools near the postcode listed in the schools section of this article.

Its located in Mortimer West End, Hampshire. View the map section for more details.

There are 2 properties in RG7 2HX as per Royal mail database.

To get directions to reach RG7 2HX follow this link.

Church Road