Binstead Primary School , Ryde Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Binstead Primary is located in Hazlemere Avenue, Binstead , Ryde, PO33 3SA. School was established in date .

It comes under the authority of Isle of Wight, Isle of Wight, England.

Binstead Primary is a Primary school. Head Teacher of this school is Miss Alison Mosedale. This school is a Community School and is identified by establishment number #2038.

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School Location & Contact Details

Binstead Primary School, Hazlemere Avenue, Binstead, Ryde, PO33 3SA

General Information About School

School Name Binstead Primary
School Number 2038
Phase Of Education Primary
School Type Community School
Status Of Establishment Open
Establishment Date

School Location Details

Complete Address Binstead Primary School, Hazlemere Avenue, Binstead, Ryde, PO33 3SA
Locality Binstead
Street Hazlemere Avenue
Town Ryde
County Isle of Wight
Country England
Postcode PO33 3SA

Map Of Binstead Primary School

School Admission Criteria And Religious Character

Admissions Policy Not applicable
Highest Age 11
Lowest Age 4
Sixth Form Policy Does not have a sixth form
Specific Gender Mixed
Religious Character Does not apply
Religious Ethos Does not apply

School Contact Details And Administration

Headteacher Miss Alison Mosedale
Local Authority Isle of Wight
Telephone 01983562341
Website / Email_Address
Mailing Address Binstead Primary School, Hazlemere Avenue, Binstead, Ryde, PO33 3SA