Perry Court Primary School , Hengrove Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Perry Court Primary is located in Great Hayles Road, , Hengrove, BS14 0AX. School was established in date 01/09/2014.

It comes under the authority of Bristol South, Bristol City of, England.

Perry Court Primary is a Primary school. Head Teacher of this school is Mrs C Greene. This school is a Community School and is identified by establishment number #2105.

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School Location & Contact Details

Perry Court Primary School, Great Hayles Road, , Hengrove, BS14 0AX

General Information About School

School Name Perry Court Primary
School Number 2105
Phase Of Education Primary
School Type Community School
Status Of Establishment Open, but proposed to close
Establishment Date 01/09/2014

School Location Details

Complete Address Perry Court Primary School, Great Hayles Road, , Hengrove, BS14 0AX
Street Great Hayles Road
Town Hengrove
County Bristol
Country England
Postcode BS14 0AX

Map Of Perry Court Primary School

School Admission Criteria And Religious Character

Admissions Policy Not collected
Highest Age 11
Lowest Age 3
Sixth Form Policy Does not have a sixth form
Specific Gender Mixed
Religious Character Does not apply
Religious Ethos Does not apply

School Contact Details And Administration

Headteacher Mrs C Greene
Local Authority Bristol City of
Telephone 01173772078
Website / Email_Address
Mailing Address Perry Court Primary School, Great Hayles Road, , Hengrove, BS14 0AX