Bank Hall Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Bank Hall is a ward in Lancashire county. Bank Hall ward has 183 Total postcodes out of which only 148 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 256 other wards in Lancashire county near Bank Hall.

Browse Information On Bank Hall Ward

Bank Hall Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5863
Addresses / Property Count 2642
County Lancashire
District Burnley
Active Postcodes 148
Nearby wards in Lancashire county 256

View Map Of Bank Hall Postcodes

View Other Wards in Lancashire county:

Bank Hall Postcode Table - 148 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
BB10 1DU 53.80187100 -2.23534800
BB10 1LL 53.79935000 -2.23752000
BB10 1LN 53.80068200 -2.23649500
BB10 1UY 53.80379400 -2.23066700
BB10 1XA 53.80312700 -2.23172600
BB10 1XH 53.80158300 -2.23514900
BB10 3AA 53.79418500 -2.23117600
BB10 3AH 53.79914300 -2.23750400
BB10 3AJ 53.79941400 -2.23694400
BB10 3AL 53.79953100 -2.23688400
BB10 3AR 53.80058300 -2.23648000
BB10 3AT 53.79799500 -2.23443100
BB10 3AU 53.80217200 -2.23279900
BB10 3AX 53.80178900 -2.23390600
BB10 3AY 53.80167500 -2.23431400
BB10 3AZ 53.80110800 -2.23446300
BB10 3BA 53.80105400 -2.23472100
BB10 3BB 53.80074800 -2.23511400
BB10 3BD 53.80055400 -2.23560000
BB10 3BE 53.80064200 -2.23414200
BB10 3BF 53.80066400 -2.23168200
BB10 3BG 53.80034200 -2.23371600
BB10 3BH 53.80182300 -2.23211400
BB10 3BJ 53.80123600 -2.23367400
BB10 3BL 53.80197400 -2.23293400
BB10 3BN 53.80190500 -2.23171900
BB10 3BP 53.80271400 -2.23155700
BB10 3BQ 53.80062600 -2.23320000
BB10 3BS 53.80113200 -2.23168500
BB10 3BT 53.80164700 -2.23012400
BB10 3BU 53.80070200 -2.23087800
BB10 3BW 53.80049500 -2.23115000
BB10 3BX 53.80036300 -2.22958500
BB10 3BY 53.80064200 -2.22931400
BB10 3BZ 53.80084700 -2.23019500
BB10 3DA 53.80204200 -2.23030800
BB10 3DB 53.80313800 -2.23084600
BB10 3DD 53.80257200 -2.23044800
BB10 3DE 53.80222300 -2.22971700
BB10 3DF 53.80293200 -2.23025200
BB10 3DG 53.80267200 -2.22975000
BB10 3DH 53.80359400 -2.23005900
BB10 3DJ 53.80222400 -2.22944400
BB10 3DP 53.80197800 -2.23106700
BB10 3DR 53.79967800 -2.23539600
BB10 3DS 53.80079700 -2.23260900
BB10 3DT 53.80013400 -2.23628000
BB10 3EF 53.79650900 -2.23348100
BB10 3FB 53.79317000 -2.22603900
BB10 3FD 53.79387300 -2.22537500
BB10 3FE 53.79327100 -2.22516000
BB10 3HS 53.80348900 -2.23033100
BB10 3LB 53.79576600 -2.22682800
BB10 4AA 53.78589300 -2.23201100
BB10 4AB 53.78680300 -2.23294100
BB10 4AD 53.78761100 -2.23334100
BB10 4AE 53.78798900 -2.23300900
BB10 4AF 53.78752200 -2.23283900
BB10 4AJ 53.78759600 -2.23148900
BB10 4AL 53.78748100 -2.23086600
BB10 4AN 53.78741900 -2.23028900
BB10 4AP 53.78793500 -2.23281100
BB10 4AQ 53.78734900 -2.23165500
BB10 4AU 53.78847200 -2.23421000
BB10 4AX 53.78810000 -2.23132500
BB10 4AY 53.78852000 -2.23279900
BB10 4BD 53.78992000 -2.23380900
BB10 4BE 53.79149400 -2.23316500
BB10 4BG 53.79363400 -2.23260000
BB10 4BH 53.79142800 -2.22990100
BB10 4BJ 53.79061000 -2.22983600
BB10 4BL 53.79074200 -2.23165800
BB10 4BN 53.79089200 -2.23281200
BB10 4BQ 53.79321400 -2.23156500
BB10 4BW 53.79271900 -2.23186600
BB10 4BX 53.78847000 -2.23032500
BB10 4BZ 53.78847000 -2.23032500
BB10 4DA 53.78789800 -2.22891000
BB10 4DT 53.78773600 -2.22892400
BB10 4DU 53.78728700 -2.22854200
BB10 4DX 53.78665800 -2.22853900
BB10 4DY 53.78684500 -2.22951100
BB10 4DZ 53.78702200 -2.23086300
BB10 4EA 53.78749100 -2.23001600
BB10 4EB 53.78672800 -2.22975400
BB10 4ED 53.78668300 -2.22973800
BB10 4EE 53.78631300 -2.23055600
BB10 4EF 53.78694900 -2.23150000
BB10 4EG 53.78642800 -2.23133100
BB10 4EH 53.78596300 -2.23005300
BB10 4EJ 53.78605200 -2.23078200
BB10 4EL 53.78629000 -2.22852200
BB10 4EQ 53.78592500 -2.23134300
BB11 2AA 53.79492700 -2.24028900
BB11 2DN 53.79229300 -2.23831500
BB11 2DW 53.79081900 -2.23812500
BB11 2EJ 53.78878800 -2.23817400
BB11 2RS 53.79303700 -2.23910900
BB11 2RT 53.79319000 -2.23927700
BB11 2RU 53.79312300 -2.23655900
BB11 2RY 53.79293900 -2.23868300
BB11 2RZ 53.79350400 -2.23489100
BB11 2SA 53.79230500 -2.23649400
BB11 2SB 53.79277300 -2.23619300
BB11 2SD 53.79265500 -2.23695100
BB11 2SE 53.79218600 -2.23746400
BB11 2SF 53.79189900 -2.23719000
BB11 2SG 53.79176500 -2.23715800
BB11 2SQ 53.79136700 -2.23802100
BB11 3AA 53.78846800 -2.23639600
BB11 3AB 53.78784700 -2.23633200
BB11 3AD 53.78756100 -2.23589000
BB11 3AE 53.78722800 -2.23582800
BB11 3AF 53.78712100 -2.23558400
BB11 3AG 53.78623700 -2.23718800
BB11 3AJ 53.78594900 -2.23521400
BB11 3AQ 53.78769300 -2.23727200
BB11 3AZ 53.78595400 -2.23478800
BB11 3BB 53.78732800 -2.23540300
BB11 3BD 53.78830700 -2.23563600
BB11 3BE 53.78627100 -2.23360600
BB11 3BH 53.78725000 -2.23412800
BB11 3BJ 53.78678200 -2.23412500
BB11 3BN 53.78923700 -2.23641600
BB11 3BP 53.78825600 -2.23694200
BB11 3BQ 53.78861200 -2.23623000
BB11 3BS 53.78888200 -2.23574600
BB11 3BT 53.78907300 -2.23448700
BB11 3BU 53.78769800 -2.23485900
BB11 3BW 53.78890400 -2.23664200
BB11 3BX 53.78820300 -2.23399600
BB11 3BY 53.78912700 -2.23486700
BB11 3DA 53.79047900 -2.23537600
BB11 3DB 53.78996300 -2.23465900
BB11 3DD 53.79063800 -2.23422300
BB11 3DE 53.79118600 -2.23415000
BB11 3DG 53.79150000 -2.23483500
BB11 3DH 53.79215600 -2.23448900
BB11 3DJ 53.79249000 -2.23406600
BB11 3DL 53.79310400 -2.23255100
BB11 3DN 53.79222200 -2.23303200
BB11 3DP 53.79104300 -2.23395200
BB11 3DQ 53.79179700 -2.23448700
BB11 3DR 53.78990100 -2.23406700
BB11 3DS 53.79336400 -2.23303900
BB11 3DT 53.79386600 -2.23336000
BB11 3DU 53.79302900 -2.23397800
BB11 3QW 53.79400000 -2.23375600