Bar Hill Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Bar Hill is a ward in Cambridgeshire county. Bar Hill ward has 128 Total postcodes out of which only 55 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 119 other wards in Cambridgeshire county near Bar Hill.

Browse Information On Bar Hill Ward

Bar Hill Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4032
Addresses / Property Count 1725
County Cambridgeshire
District South Cambridgeshire
Active Postcodes 55
Nearby wards in Cambridgeshire county 119

View Map Of Bar Hill Postcodes

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Bar Hill Postcode Table - 55 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
CB23 8AP 52.25661900 0.01735000
CB23 8BH 52.25631800 0.02079500
CB23 8DT 52.25343300 0.02301100
CB23 8DU 52.25439900 0.02277600
CB23 8DX 52.25472100 0.02132600
CB23 8DY 52.25330700 0.02175700
CB23 8DZ 52.25347500 0.01845600
CB23 8EA 52.25321900 0.01451800
CB23 8ED 52.25320100 0.01554300
CB23 8EE 52.25399700 0.01582800
CB23 8EF 52.25506200 0.02535300
CB23 8EH 52.25293700 0.01835900
CB23 8EJ 52.25423600 0.02685400
CB23 8EL 52.25397300 0.01701100
CB23 8EN 52.25233400 0.01629500
CB23 8EP 52.25328700 0.02578800
CB23 8EQ 52.25211000 0.01467300
CB23 8ER 52.25229400 0.02440900
CB23 8ES 52.25320800 0.02459800
CB23 8EU 52.25539300 0.02492800
CB23 8SA 52.25127000 0.01382900
CB23 8SB 52.25028400 0.01473700
CB23 8SD 52.25031500 0.01289200
CB23 8SE 52.25255900 0.01736000
CB23 8SF 52.25170700 0.02721000
CB23 8SG 52.25258700 0.02619600
CB23 8SJ 52.25068600 0.02014600
CB23 8SL 52.25561200 0.01633800
CB23 8SN 52.25004900 0.02058600
CB23 8SP 52.25059800 0.02210500
CB23 8SQ 52.25712600 0.01875100
CB23 8SR 52.24859700 0.03130200
CB23 8ST 52.24945500 0.01694100
CB23 8SU 52.24913000 0.01624900
CB23 8SW 52.25133100 0.02238800
CB23 8SX 52.24756800 0.01524400
CB23 8SY 52.24819700 0.01530100
CB23 8SZ 52.25082300 0.02889900
CB23 8TA 52.25128400 0.02826100
CB23 8TB 52.24969100 0.01205800
CB23 8TD 52.24876100 0.01334900
CB23 8TE 52.24889200 0.01143600
CB23 8TF 52.24950200 0.02832600
CB23 8TG 52.24953100 0.02507500
CB23 8TH 52.24947000 0.02653700
CB23 8TJ 52.25025500 0.02378900
CB23 8TL 52.25039800 0.02539300
CB23 8TN 52.24989900 0.02409500
CB23 8TP 52.24942700 0.01853600
CB23 8TQ 52.25038200 0.02684200
CB23 8TR 52.24750600 0.02731200
CB23 8TU 52.25815500 0.01820000
CB23 8TW 52.25028700 0.01612900
CB23 8UA 52.25114200 0.02500200
CB23 8UD 52.25720700 0.02107300